The Indominus Rex loves herself some hotdogs according to an upcoming Direct-to-DVD film. LEGO® Jurassic World ‘The Indominus Escape’ has been revealed by, and is releasing October 16th, 2016. Currently, it is only listed as part of a DVD 2-pack that also includes Jurassic World, and is unclear if other distribution plans exist.
In LEGO® Jurassic World: The lndominus Escape, two of the most beloved brands
of all time come together like never before! When Simon Masrani accidentally
destroys one of the park’s main attractions (he really should learn how to
fly that helicopter), he calls upon his trusted employee Claire to save the day.
Alter some quick Dino-DNA building in Dr. Wu’s lab, Claire comes up with
the perfect solution that is sure to delight Masrani and kids everywhere – the
lndominus rex- the smartest, biggest and scariest hot dog-loving hybrid
dinosaur ever created! Unfortunately, disaster strikes after the lndominus eats all the hot dogs and escapes from its pen in a hungry rage. It’s now up to the talented and rugged dinosaur trainer Owen Grady to save the day and battle the lndominus rex in an epic, action-packed finale!
Also included in the package are some new bonus features, including a short film ‘Employee Safety Video’ . While the runtime of ‘The Indominus Escape’ is uncertain, it seems to be longer than a typical short as it getting shared billing alongside the 2015 movie. Surprisingly, this is the first time an animated film or cartoon spinoff of Jurassic Park has been released – though many had been planned in the past.
Are you excited for ‘The Indominus Escape’? While it’s clearly aimed at younger ages, it’s certainly refreshing to see the brand expanding into new territory! Perhaps a special edition Blu-ray with more special features, or a commentary is also inbound this October?
Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned! We’ll be sure to share news about upcoming releases, and this fun new Jurassic spinoff as soon as we know more.
Source: (Thanks to Jurassiraptor for the discovery!)