Jurassic Outpost at PAX Australia 2024 – A Dino-Filled Weekend!

Last Friday, October 11th, we had the incredible opportunity to host a Jurassic Outpost Community Meet-Up at PAX Australia 2024 – the ultimate event for gamers and pop culture enthusiasts. For those unfamiliar, PAX is a massive gaming convention held annually, bringing together gamers, developers, and fans from around the world for a weekend full of games, panels, and unforgettable experiences.

Our Jurassic Outpost Meet-Up was a dino-lover’s dream come true! We decked out the space with Dino inflatables, handed out limited edition Jurassic Outpost stickers, and played iconic Jurassic music to set the scene. But the real highlight? Meeting all of you, our fellow Jurassic fans, who came together to celebrate the franchise we love.

Throughout the event, we gave fans the chance to voice their thoughts on the current state of the Jurassic franchise—what they love, what they hope for, and what they’d like to see improve. The passion and insights shared by the community were amazing! We also had some incredible cosplayers join in, snapping photos with our Dino inflatables, making it a fantastic time for everyone involved.

After the meet-up, our very own host Jayden (aka NJayrassic) took part in a 3v3 gaming trivia panel for charity, hosted by GenerOzity. Jayden nailed all of the Jurassic questions (no surprise there!) and even showed off his impressive Velociraptor sounds, adding an extra dose of fun to the event.

We want to extend a massive thank you to PAX Australia for letting us host the Jurassic Outpost Community Meet-Up, and to all of the fans who came out to support us. The love and dedication from this community means everything, and we can’t wait to do more events like this in the future!

For The Fans, By The Fans 🦖🦕

Review – Jurassic World: Chaos Theory Season 2

Season 2 of Jurassic World’s animated show Chaos Theory premieres on Netflix October 17th! We were fortunate to be able to view it ahead of time, and we’re excited to share our review and reactions to the upcoming season!

Chaos Theory debuted in May 2024 and was a follow-up to Camp Cretaceous, a five-season show which saw six teenage campers become stranded on the island of Isla Nublar after the Jurassic World disaster.

Chaos Theory picked things up six years after the campers were finally rescued and brought us into a world where dinosaurs now roam alongside humans on the mainland after escaping from Lockwood Manor, the Arcadia transport ship, and proliferating via the spread of genetic technology. 

The first season was a master class in both storytelling and its ability to tie its animated world to that of the live-action Jurassic World films.

We met the more mature versions of the survivors from Camp Cretaceous – dubbed the Nublar Six – as they dealt with a whole new conspiracy that links back to the disappearance of one of their own – Brooklynn.

The question is, will the second season continue the same feeling of thrills, wonder, adventure, and terror as the first? Will we get answers about Brooklynn’s disappearance, and where is the cargo ship heading?

Read on for our review of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory Season Two!

When we last saw the Nublar Five they were boarding a dinosaur-filled cargo ship, destination unknown. The first season unraveled the beginning of the conspiracy – the group discovered that agents within the DPW, a Government organization tasked with ensuring dinosaurs and humans can co-exist, were also facilitating part of the dinosaur black-market trade. Brooklynn herself had been investigating dinosaur trading by DPW agents since the events at Lockwood Manor, and was believed to have been killed by a rogue Allosaurus at one of these dino-drops.

The season showed us the Nublar Five reuniting in the wake of Brooklynn’s death, and trying to find answers to exactly what happened to her. This led them to many places across the USA, and introduced them to a handful of new characters – the mysterious raptor handler, DPW regional manager Dudley Cabrera, Bobby Nublar, and Mateo, the DPW worker who was driving the truck containing the Allosaurus, and witnessed Brooklynn’s supposed death. These characters all help piece together the puzzle of what exactly happened that fateful night and established that a much larger conspiracy is at play.

It is revealed to us at the very end of the season that Brooklynn survived the attack and has been monitoring both her friends and the DPW’s dinosaur trading in hiding, using the website DarkJurassic and a “new working relationship” with Daniel Kon to collect data and communicate with whistleblowers.

The first season did a wonderful job of showing us a world post-Fallen Kingdom, where dinosaurs now roam free across many states in America. We saw both the havoc they can cause, whether intentionally or not, and the many ways in which humans capitalized on the de-extinct animal’s arrival.

Given how high the stakes were following the end of the first season, has Season Two managed to capture the same success, and also expand on it?

In short: yes, it absolutely has.

Season 2 picks up exactly where we left off – the group are holed up in an empty dinosaur container awaiting the ship to reach its destination, and we get a sense they’ve been traveling for quite some time now. This season continues to expand on our titular characters, and focuses in on their internal struggles.

A highlight of the first season was the PTSD the characters faced after their time on the islands – specifically Yaz, who was dealing with some serious trauma. This season continues this thread, but focuses more on Kenji, who – while stoic and acting strong in front of his friends – is struggling immensely with the death of Brooklynn and his father.

The characters pick up on this, and we’re treated to some rather tender moments between members of the group – a credit to the writers’ work managing to intertwine these characters internal struggles with the dangers that surround them. It continues to be refreshing having a show aimed at a younger audience that is willing to mature with its characters and its audience, and not pull away from portraying complex human emotions.

While all the characters get their screen time, a large focus is put on Darius and his own memories with and feelings for Brooklynn – something that caused conflict between he and Kenji in the first season, and continues to be something the three of them contend with.

The first episode truly throws us right into the adventure. After a storm knocks out power on the ship, some of the dinosaurs escape their containment – including the new, big bad dinosaur, the Majungasaurus. This menacing dinosaur and the escape of others on-board are shown to us in a brilliant, tension-building way – mostly through strikes of lightning that show the chaos of panicked dinosaurs and their predatory drive in flashes of light, chasing and hunting the humans on the ship.

It poses a serious threat to the characters aboard the ship, which is something Chaos Theory season 2 continues to do so well: showing us the true terror that can come from these de-extinct beasts, but also the relationships that can form between humans and calmer species. And we must say, especially in the first episode, Chaos Theory season 2 builds excellent, suspenseful atmospheres for our characters to interact with these creatures in.

After a turbulent first episode, the group manage to escape the ship and eventually make it to land. The first season did a great job of showing us dinosaurs across America and what the reality of that means, and this season is no different. It takes a big swing taking us to environments entirely new to the franchise, outside of the USA, but it’s handled perfectly.

The introductions of a new location and two new characters (a mother and daughter native to the region) all feels natural, and is a welcome change. The inclusion of this new culture, language, and environment are presented flawlessly and are exciting to have joining the Jurassic franchise. Many of this season’s main dinosaur species being native to the continent or area of the world is a great real-world paleontology nod as well.

As many have guessed, we are taken to a country in Western Africa and introduced to Zayna and Aminata who have found ways to co-exist with the dinosaurs that recently arrived. A small herd of Stegosaurs live nearby to their home, and a particular Gallimimus becomes somewhat of a Bumpy-like figure to Zayna.

We learn through dialogue that the dinosaurs aren’t supposed to be here – and that Darius didn’t think other continents even had dinosaurs. This all ties into the larger conspiracy at play, which leads the group to travel up-river to find answers about where the dinosaurs are coming from – and who is behind it. New dinosaurs and some familiar favorites fill out this season, with a particular spotlight given to the Suchomimus – a semi-aquatic dinosaur that becomes quite a concern for the group. As the group continues to explore this new location and find answers, we are finally re-introduced to Brooklynn, and find out exactly what happened on that dreaded night.

Her character is handled carefully and her own storyline is expanded, providing evidence and much-needed context for her actions following that attack. Like the other characters, she’s dealing with her own post-traumatic stress coupled with the high-stakes nature of her investigation activities, and this is something navigated expertly as we move through the story.

However, she’s on a mission and will seemingly stop at nothing to get it done – even at times putting herself in more danger. She’s following leads and not letting her newfound disability hold her back. Season 2 tackles the two storylines at once, jumping between Brooklynn’s own globe-trotting adventure and the Nublar Five’s survival and simultaneous investigation in Western Africa.

We are also shown further examples of how the world post-Fallen Kingdom dinosaur escape is dealing with these creatures. After a few years attempting to co-exist, you get a sense that people are beginning take matters into their own hands. A particular vigilante group emerges, Dinosaur Liberation Now, showing that people are growing tired of the dinosaurs being there, and are also not happy with the captivity that many of them involuntarily find themselves in.

Many are curious about the identity of The Broker. The character was teased in the first season, and is unveiled in the new season. We can’t say anything about that yet – but it’s worth the wait and something you will want to uncover for yourself. The character will be a big surprise to many.

The writers of Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory successfully tied some of the show’s elements to the live-action movies and the second season expands on this – we learn more about the state of the world between Fallen Kingdom and Dominion, and certain plot elements tie the show even closer to the third Jurassic World movie.

As the show continues it could tie even closer to the movies, perhaps aligning directly with Dominion or even filling in more gaps in the Jurassic timeline after the events of Dominion. Regardless of where we’re headed, season 2 certainly progresses and modernizes the Jurassic franchise in great ways.

This season continues to deliver on the gorgeous settings and animation. The locations are diverse and intriguing, with the lighting and composition aiding in the storytelling and providing some very Jurassic visuals. It all comes together to deliver on a truly great looking show, with fantastic dinosaur textures and character animation throughout.

Leo Birenberg delivers on the score yet again, providing a terror-inducing soundtrack that is clearly inspired by the films and music of Alfred Hitchcock and Bernard Herrmann. It is concurrently mysterious, intense, moving, and perfectly synthesized to match this modern Jurassic thriller.

Season two is full of terror, adventure, and well-written characters, with plenty of mysteries to explore. It also has enough connective tissue to the Jurassic Park franchise as a whole to satisfy any fan. It takes the Jurassic story to quite unexpected places, and certainly ups the stakes to progress even further in the animated Jurassic World.

As a whole season 2 delivers on the premise established in the first, and continues to expand the stories and mysteries that this animated show has crafted. It might not be quite as hard-hitting as the first season, but following that fantastic debut was always going to be tough, and nothing really holds this back.

This season quickly advances the Chaos Theory adventure into its next phase, and brings the story to places never before seen in the Jurassic franchise, all while providing just as much intrigue and suspense. It features some nice ties back to season one of the show as well as some great references to multiple films in the Jurassic franchise. Importantly, season two also does a great job building on the themes of disability and inclusion with another diverse roster of characters and creatures.

But that’s just our opinion! And when the season drops, we’d love to hear yours down below in the comments!

Chaos Theory’s second season arrives on Netflix October 17th, and if you enjoyed the first season, get ready to continue this thrilling adventure! Check out our full video review below!

Chaos Theory Season 2 Trailer Brings New Mysteries for The Nublar Five

The full trailer for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory season 2 has arrived, and it brings new locations, new challenges, and new mysteries for the Nublar Five to face! Check it out below, and read on for our full breakdown, analysis, and reaction.

A new poster was also released, which shows the group sans Brooklynn in a new jungle location that is presumably western Africa, moving upriver (in some unique boats) away from a Majungasaurus and some other interesting creatures.

Let’s talk about that trailer!

Frontier Includes Details for ‘New Jurassic World Game’ in Latest Report

Frontier Developments released their latest portfolio strategy and financial reports, which included information about the ongoing development of their third Jurassic World game.

The report states:

‘Development is on track for a third Jurassic World game coming in FY26, in collaboration with Universal Products & Experiences, alongside the promotional support of Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment’s all-new film, Jurassic World Rebirth, currently scheduled for release on 2 July 2025.’

News broke back in June of Frontier developing a third Jurassic Park Evolution game. The news was met with mixed reactions. While it is exciting to see Frontier continuing to delve into the world of Jurassic, the question of “is another Evolution needed?” hovers.

The announcement of the third game came only weeks after the Park Manager’s DLC Pack release for Jurassic World Evolution 2. So, with JWE2 still getting new content, what is the need for a whole new game? Furthermore, the overall release of JWE2 felt muddled. The game’s initial release felt incomplete and was rife with bugs. Then DLCs and content that felt like it should’ve been included to begin with were sold separately over months at varying prices. While a beautiful and masterful game, it’s been hard to not feel the constant twist of the capitalistic knife during the entirety of JWE2’s existence. And, if I’m being honest, that’s exactly what a Jurassic World Evolution 3 feels like.

While JWE2 certainly expanded (and in some cases perfected) what JWE1 started, it perhaps doesn’t feel as if there has been enough growth or change to warrant yet another entry in the series. In fact, some gamers and Jurassic fans have pointed to that being a reason why they weren’t interested in JWE2 even.

So, what are some things that Frontier could change or include that would turn Jurassic World Evolution 3 into an instant MUST? We have some thoughts.

1.) More “Scientifically Accurate” skins (ala Rex 65 MYA, Utahraptor, Deinocheirus,) and skins we don’t have yet

On top of expecting every species of animal and their skins that we’ve had thus far in the JWE canon, we’d LOVE to see skins that we haven’t had yet for certain animals (*cough* TLW Ptera *cough*).

We would also love if a lot more of them got the “realistic” makeover. Come on, gimme a small feathered Velociraptor. A fluffy compy. A seven-meter-long Dilophosaurus.

2.) Dinosaurs from the Universe and Juveniles

While there are a great many species included in JWE, there are still several dinosaurs from the Jurassic canon missing. Fans love to try and recreate scenes from the books, games, and more- we want to see some of our favorite dinosaurs from different parts of the series brought to life. Psittacosaur. Coelurus. Mussaurus. Ornitholestes. We can go on. Call us Frontier, we got a list on standby.

Also, it would be amazing if we could finally get juveniles, or even eggs and nests. Juveniles alone would be a great addition, for being able to make a Gentle Giants Petting Zoo, a proper Tyrant family on Isla Sorna, or hidden raptor tribes in the jungles of your park. The Jurassic franchise shows off so many amazing juvenile dinosaurs, yet we’ve never had a Jurassic game that lets us have them in our park. It’s a shame.

3.) Create your own hybrid

Enough said. I want to just have a high-quality version of the splicing machine in my Jurassic Park 3 Dino Dex. Is that too much to ask for?

4.) Rides/Coasters/Attraction creation

River Adventure/Kayak Ride is a must, first off. We’ve been begging for it forever.

On top of that, it would just be wonderful to actually build other attractions. We’ve seen the Jurassic franchise utilize “rides” in the stories for their theme parks, and in expanded material like Camp Cretaceous, Jurassic Park The Game, and more. Rides are undeniably an important part of any theme park, and there’s a severe lack of rides in the JWE games. Let us build our own VelociCoaster.

5.) More “Non-Dinosaurs”

Deinosuchus, Sarcosuchus, Megalania, Beelzebufu, Postosuchus, maybe even large arthropods? And, come on, it’s time for some mammals.

6.) ADS System

A key plot element in Jurassic World: Dominion, BioSyn’s ADS system helps keep the pterosaurs in their vally corraled and under a certain height, outside of “aviary” like enclosures.

It’d be great if this was added to the game so that we could have pterosaurs flying around in paddocks with other animals, but not necessarily able to fly around our parks doing damage and killing guests.

7.) More Decorations, Building Modification Options, and “Stops” for Guests

More signage, rest areas, smoking areas, smaller vending decorations, TLW double trailers, building ruins, the list is honestly endless.

8.) More ranger missions.

Where JW2 really shines is on the missions during the various modes. Frontier took the idea of small missions that goes back to Jurassic Park Operation Genesis and made them so immersive that you truly get wrapped up in the beauty, the chase, or the tension sometimes during these tasks. They are the best moments of the game, and we desperately want more of them.

So, tell us, what do you want from Jurassic World Evolution 3?

Everything Jurassic at San Diego Comic-Con 2024

San Diego Comic-Con 2024 is coming up this weekend, July 25-28, 2024! There will be plenty of Jurassic at the con with Mattel and Jurassic World: Chaos Theory making major appearances and plenty of Jurassic-related creators and merchandise present. Jurassic Outpost will be on-site and have you covered on all things Jurassic! Read on for details on all of the Jurassic-related panels and appearances at SDCC 2024:

Camp Cretaceous and Why We Love Dinosaurs

Sunday July 28, 2024 11:30am – 12:30pm PDT Room 29CD

The Jurassic Park/World franchises have fascinated audiences and have inspired a whole generation of dinosaur lovers and paleontologists. Gabriel-Philip Santos and Michelle Barboza-Ramirez, hosts of the PBS digital series PBS Eons and co-founders of Cosplay for Science, invite a group of experts to break down the dino-DNA of the dinosaurs seen in the latest chapter of the Jurassic World franchise, Chaos Theory, and explore exactly what it is about these “terrible lizards” that continues to capture audiences of all ages. Featuring Dr. Stuart Sumida (paleontologist, Camp Cretaceous technical consultant), Randy Flores (geochemist, UCLA), Dr. Hank Woolley (paleontologist, Dinosaur Institute, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County), Dr. Lisa Lundgren (education researcher, Utah State University), and Tony Turner (educator, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County).

Inside Jurassic World: Chaos Theory

Sunday July 28, 2024 3:00pm – 4:00pm PDT Room 6DE

Set six years after the events at Camp Cretaceous, members of “The Nublar Six” are struggling to find their footing off the islands, navigating a world now filled with dinosaurs and people who want to hurt them. From DreamWorks Animation, Universal Pictures, and Amblin Entertainment, executive producers Scott Kreamer and Aaron Hammersley along with series cast members offer an inside look at the hit Netflix series Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, and what’s in store for season 2.

Fans in attendance will also get to see the first episode of season 2 of Chaos Theory early and will receive an exclusive poster.

Mattel Jurassic Design Panel – “From the Aisle to the Isle”

Friday July 26, 2024 12:15pm – 1:15pm PDT Mattel Booth #3029 Hall D

Mattel’s yearly showcase of upcoming Jurassic Park & Jurassic World toys and the design process that goes into creating them.

Spotlight on the Fantastic (Comics) Worlds of William Stout – Artist Panel

Friday July 26, 2024 3:00pm – 4:00pm PDT Room 29AB

William Stout has attended every single Comic-Con. His massive book Fantastic Worlds covers his 50 years as a professional artist. This talk will mostly be about his work in comics and the comics giants he has worked with. It’s a selected preview of his three-volume box set on all of his comics work coming soon from Flesk Publications. Bill will also give fans a sneak peek at his two forthcoming Flesk books on his two decks of playing card art, each boasting 56 new painted images.

William Stout worked on the canceled Escape From Jurassic Park animated series, and will also be in Artist Alley for merchandise sales and signings.

Spotlight on Liz Climo – Artist Panel hosted by See Jurassic Right‘s Steven Ray Morris

Thursday July 25, 2024 11:00am – 12:00pm PDT Room 32AB

Liz Climo (creator of The Little World of Liz Climo and international bestselling author and illustrator) and popular podcast host Steven Ray Morris (See Jurassic Right, Keanan and Lakin Give You Déjà Vu, My Favorite Murder) discuss the past 20 years of her career, from her work on The Simpsons to her shift into webcomics, and her last ten years in publishing.

Follow along on Jurassic Outpost for all Jurassic updates from SDCC 2024!

Jurassic World Evolution 3 Coming from Frontier

In May, Frontier Developments announced that it signed a license with Universal Products & Experiences for a third Jurassic World Evolution game, which is expected to be released sometime between 2025 and 2026.

The hit Jurassic World Evolution series allows gamers, across multiple platforms, to realize their own parks filled with prehistoric species. The original Jurassic World Evolution was released in 2018, accompanying the release of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom that year and Jurassic World Evolution 2 was released several months before Jurassic World Dominion in the fall of 2022 and is still releasing DLC and updates currently. With the [currently scheduled] release of “Jurassic World 4″ for July 2nd of 2025, the timing fits for Frontier to release a new installment in their park builder series.

There has been no word on what additions, enhancements, or changes will be in this new JWE game yet. The most recent DLC and Update for JWE2, the Park Managers pack (which included species such as Microceratus, Segisaurus, and the Megalodon) was released on May 16th, 2024. It is not known if this will be the last major update/DLC yet for JWE2 while Frontier switches gears towards production on the new game.

Are you excited for a third Jurassic World Evolution game? What changes or additions do you want to see? What species or skins are you expecting? We want to know! Sound off in the comments below.

‘Tales From A Jurassic World’ – Season Two of Fan-Produced Audio Drama Releasing June 7th

Hey Jurassic Outpost readers! Guest contributor Tom Jurassic here, and I am super excited to share that there will be a second season of ‘Tales From A Jurassic World’ debuting from June 7th to celebrate Jurassic June this year.

Haven’t heard of this audio drama before? No problem! In this article I’ll introduce you to the world of TFAJW, and will give you a flavour of what you have to look forward to when the second season debuts in a couple of short weeks.

Tales From A Jurassic World was created to answer a fundamental question which many of us had after watching Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom – how does our society respond when dinosaurs are loose in the wilds of mainland USA?

The series is told from the perspective of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, with Agents Ben Morrison and Lucy Brown attending to a variety of scenarios where dinosaurs are integrating with the everyday lives of people across the country. The first season runs from an encounter with a Stygimoloch at a gas station (yes, that Stygimoloch), all the way through to a thrilling climax which sees the agents come face-to-jaw with the Allosaurus we saw in Battle at Big Rock. 

The series was born in October of 2022 – with a Halloween Special which premiered on The Jurassic Park Podcast, and although the series Jurassic World: Chaos Theory now plays within the same space, the crew behind TFAJW are working hard to conclude the story first set in motion with the initial season.

The second season of the audio drama promises more of what fans enjoyed about the first season alongside some nostalgic tributes and moments which are likely to shock and delight fans of the franchise in equal measure. 

Season Two’s opening episode rewinds the clock to the early 2000s – after the events of Jurassic Park III, and allows us to return to Isla Sorna alongside Howard King and a team of mercenaries undertaking an important mission. This episode sets to sow the seeds of BioSyn’s future in InGen’s past – something which will lead to the company eventually overtaking the former leader in genetics experimentation after the events of Jurassic World.

The second season promotes Howard King to a season regular, and will see the US Fish and Wildlife Agents grapple with increasingly deadly and dangerous animals – including some fan favourites returning from Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous.

It’s fair to say that TFAJW is only possible because of the wonderful community of Jurassic fans. We have so many voice actors who give their time and energy to this project voluntarily, and even have a professional composer who has opted to support the project as and where he can.

I’d particularly like to shout out Jared Ransom, Ashli Friel, Antonio Bustos and Brooks Leibee – all people who have been invaluable contributors throughout the process of developing this show. 

This project is really created by fans of this franchise for fans. We hope that you join us this June, and share in a story which excites us as we imagine the wonder and horror of a world where dinosaurs are a part of our everyday existence.

So, what are you waiting for? 

Subscribe on YouTube, and catch up on Tales From A Jurassic World Season 1 today! 

Huge thanks to Caleb, Jack and the rest of the team at Jurassic Outpost for making this feature possible. We really appreciate the added exposure this will bring to our show – and who knows, perhaps you’ll hear a couple of your favourite InGeneral hosts playing characters in Season Two! 

Jurassic to be Included in NEW Universal Orlando Shows Coming this Summer!

On Monday, April 29th, Universal Orlando officially announced a plethora of new attractions and entertainment offerings coming to the resort this summer, several of which will include Jurassic characters and scenes.

Three new shows, one new themed land, and an all-new tribute store are all set to open throughout this summer. On June 14th, 2024 there is the simultaneous opening of an all-new DreamWorks-inspired land, the CineSational: A Symphonic Spectacular (both on the Universal Orlando side,) and Hogwarts Always nighttime show (on the Islands of Adventure side.) Then, on July 3rd, Universal will debut its newest parade, the Universal MEGA MOVIE Parade.

At the new DreamWorks Land, you’ll ‘let your imagination soar as your favorite characters from Shrek, Trolls and Kung Fu Panda come together in one colorful new land at Universal Studios Florida. Meet Shrek and splash in his swamp. Scream with laughter on the Trollercoaster. Learn kung fu with Po. Plus, ignite your sense of wonder with the new live show DreamWorks Imagination Celebration.’

For Hogwarts Always, guests will experience ‘a journey through iconic moments of a year at the beloved school of witchcraft and wizardry, all set against the majestic background of Hogwarts™ castle in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade™. On select nights.’

The CineSational: A Symphonic Spectacular lagoon show will feature 228 fountains that reach heights up to 131 feet, new 4K projection mapping, an original composition featuring newly arranged scores meticulously crafted to each scene, and more than 600 drones. The show will also highlight past, present, and future Universal attractions including “Jurassic World,” “Jaws,” “Shrek,” “Ghostbusters,” “Trolls,” “Back to the Future,” “Universal Monsters,” “Transformers,” “How to Train Your Dragon,” “E.T.,” “Fast and Furious,” “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” “Minions,” “The Mummy” and “King Kong, and “Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts” films.

Capping off the summer fun in July, the highly anticipated new parade show debuts. At the Universal MEGA MOVIE Paradeyour favorite characters will leap off the screen and onto the streets for a daytime parade. Feel the roar of the T.rex, enjoy the adventure of E.T., embrace your true colors with Trolls, and more. On select days.’ The parade is said to be Universal’s biggest daytime parade to date, combining 13 brand new floats, nearly 100 performers – including dancers, skaters, stilt walkers, performers and more – and special effects to create a jaw-dropping experience where guests can relive classic film moments in a whole new way.

While we don’t have official images of any of the floats or characters that will be present, we encourage everyone to check out videos online of past parades from Universal parks in Japan and Singapore.

In conjunction with the new parade will be this summer’s tribute store, themed to the various movies and characters that will be brought to life in the show. Will this mean that, for the third time, Jurassic will be present in a tribute store? Time will tell!

Tell us, are you excited about the new summer offerings coming to Universal Orlando? What scenes and moments from the Jurassic franchise do you hope to experience in the new parade and nighttime show?

Mattel Renews Jurassic World Licensing Deal

Exciting news for Jurassic toy collectors: Mattel has officially renewed their licensing deal for Jurassic World toys and products!

More details from Mattel below:

Mattel and Universal Renew Jurassic World Licensing Partnership

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.— March 6, 2024— Mattel, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAT) and Universal Products & Experiences (UP&E) today announced they have renewed their licensing partnership to produce toys inspired by the iconic Jurassic World franchise. Through the agreement, Mattel will continue as UP&E’s global toy licensee for Jurassic World action figures, playsets, roleplay, preschool, vehicles, games, and plush based on more than 30 years of franchise characters and stories as well as future content plans, including the all new Jurassic World film just announced for 2025, and the upcoming animated series – Jurassic World: Chaos Theory from Universal Pictures, DreamWorks Animation and Amblin Entertainment – which will be available on Netflix later this year.

The renewal builds upon a longstanding licensing partnership between Mattel and UP&E for toys celebrating globally beloved IP which also includes DreamWorks Animation’s Trolls and Universal Pictures’ Fast & Furious.

“We’re thrilled to announce the continuation of our best-in-class partnership on this blockbuster franchise,” said Nick Karamanos, SVP Entertainment Partnerships at Mattel. “Together, we’ve not only established Jurassic World as a top-tier toy property, but also built a legacy of evergreen success. Jurassic World fans are incredibly devoted and we are committed to delivering consistently stunning products, innovative marketing strategies, and impactful retail programs.”

“Mattel offers incredible innovation and craftsmanship along with a storied history of creating enduring toy lines,” said Rafa Macias, EVP and Global Commercial Officer for Universal Products & Experiences. “The 30-year legacy of the Jurassic World franchise is stronger than ever, and we’re excited to bring fans of all ages even more awe-inspiring and thrilling toys through this extended partnership.”

For Mattel’s current Jurassic World offering, visit https://shop.mattel.com/collections/jurassic-world.

About Mattel

Mattel is a leading global toy company and owner of one of the strongest portfolios of children’s and family entertainment franchises in the world. We create innovative products and experiences that inspire, entertain, and develop children through play. We engage consumers through our portfolio of iconic brands, including Barbie®, Hot Wheels®, Fisher-Price®, American Girl®, Thomas & Friends™, UNO®, Masters of the Universe®, Monster High® and MEGA®, as well as other popular intellectual properties that we own or license in partnership with global entertainment companies. Our offerings include film and television content, gaming and digital experiences, music, and live events. We operate in 35 locations and our products are available in more than 150 countries in collaboration with the world’s leading retail and ecommerce companies. Since its founding in 1945, Mattel is proud to be a trusted partner in empowering children to explore the wonder of childhood and reach their full potential. Visit us online at mattel.com.

About the Jurassic World Franchise

In June 1993 Steven Spielberg’s groundbreaking Jurassic Park redefined the summer blockbuster and changed the culture forever. Since then, the Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment franchise has created six daring, innovative and epically entertaining films that have earned more than $6 billion worldwide. Jurassic World immerses audiences of all ages in a new era of wonder and thrills where dinosaurs and humankind must learn to coexist. Jurassic World is more than a film franchise. At every turn, the film series delivers a larger-than-life destination for exploration, discovery and epic adventure. Dinosaurs live again and they live in Jurassic World.

About Universal Products & Experiences

Universal Products & Experiences (UP&E) globally drives the expansion and elevation of NBCUniversal’s iconic collection of brands, intellectual properties, characters, and stories based on the company’s extensive portfolio of properties created by Universal Pictures, Illumination, DreamWorks Animation and NBCUniversal Television and Streaming. The division executes this through innovative physical and digital products, as well as engaging retail and product experiences across our expansive global theme park destinations (for both owned and third-party IP), location-based venues, e-commerce product platforms, and retailers around the world. Along with global brand strategy and creative, UP&E’s lines of business include Consumer Products and Games, along with Theme Parks Products & Retail. UP&E is a division of Universal Destinations & Experiences, part of NBCUniversal, a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation. More information is available at universalproductsexperiences.com.

According to BusinessWire, it is a global, multi-year agreement that spans action figures, playsets, roleplay, preschool, vehicles, games, plush, and more. It seems the awesome toy and merchandise lines they have conceived and released for 6+ years will continue to bring action-packed, colorful, nostalgic Jurassic dinosaur and human sets to all ages.

What do you think about the renewal of Mattel’s Jurassic World licensing deal? Let us know in the comments!

Nick Robinsion, “Zach” From ‘Jurassic World,’ Wishes To Return To The Franchise

It’s been nearly a decade since the events of 2015’s ‘Jurassic World;’ after the Indominus Rex escaped its pen, causing a chain reaction of carnage on Isla Nublar. Zach Mitchell, played by Nick Robinson, survived the massacre. But where has he been since the dinosaurs reclaimed their “dominion?”

Well, Nick is entertaining this idea!

CoveredGeekly had an exclusive conversation with Nick, asking if he would come back to the franchise in the upcoming film. Nick says:

“I’d love to [return], but I don’t know. ‘Zach’ I think is probably still in therapy from the trauma of the first movie. But […] I’d love for that character to come back. It’d be really fun.”

While it is nice to know he is willing to return, it is all up to the script and the filmmakers if he really will. This is not a confirmation by any means. Still, it is nice to entertain what happened to Zach after the first ‘Jurassic World’ film. Was he forever traumatized by the event? Did he stop giving his brother a hard time? Did his parents divorce, or did they stay together [for SOME reason]? Has he stopped staring at girls, thinking something will actually happen? Did he finally respect his girlfriend? Maybe his experience at Nublar inspired him to hunt dinosaurs out of revenge for what happened to him and Gray?

Nick Robinson has been busy since ‘Jurassic World,’ on shows like ‘Melissa & Joey,’ but most notably as Simon in the film ‘Love, Simon’ as well as the spinoff series ‘Love, Victor.’ However, it should be mentioned that he did reprise his role as Zach for the ‘Lego: Jurassic World’ video game!

What do you think happened to Zach after ‘Jurassic World,’ and would you like to see it happen in a film? Share your comments below, and as always stay tuned to Jurassic Outpost for the latest!