Update: Producer Frank Marshall has taken to Twitter to confirm a trailer is indeed coming soon! No word yet if it will be tied to ‘F9’, or perhaps drop on June 11th – read on to get our detailed breakdown of what we expect, and when!
The road to the upcoming 6th installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, ‘Jurassic World: Dominion’ has been long, with many expected twists and turns, being pushed back from 2021 to 2022 due to the ongoing pandemic. This has left a drought of Jurassic news, outside of the ongoing animated series ‘Camp Cretaceous’, and anticipation is running high to learn more about the upcoming sequel.
This of course leads to the big question: when will we see the first trailer for ‘Dominion’? Speculation has run rampant, and while there are many logical milestones, nothing has been certain due to the way the entire film industry has been shaken up from Covid19. Thankfully, the wait won’t be long.

We have been hearing the trailer is targeting this Summer, which is something our friends at NeoJurassic podcast had also reported. In fact, we originally heard it was looking to release in August – however, that information dates back to prior to the release of Season 2 of ‘Camp Cretaceous’.
So if not August, when is the trailer due to hit? While we don’t have an exact confirmation, we’re fairly confident it will be released this June alongside ‘Fast & Furious 9’.
The first ‘Dominion’ trailer will likely skew towards the teaser variety, only giving a glimpse of what’s to come without showing off too many new elements. We’re big fans of well made trailers – something we feel Jurassic World has previously missed the boat on with their spoiler-laden output. We’re hopeful that ‘Jurassic World 3’ curbs that trend, taking inspiration from more curated teaser experiences like ‘Cloverfield’, or trailers like ‘The Force Awakens’.

Conversely, perhaps a one-off experience, akin to ‘Battle at Big Rock’ will serve as the film’s first tease. The end of ‘BaBR’ set the tone with numerous dinosaur encounters on mainland, and we’ve since been awaiting a followup on the concept, which is filled with opportunity for content prior to Dominions release. This could serve as more curated teaser, and speaking to Hollywood Reporter director Colin Trevorrow revealed that something related to Dominion is indeed coming soon:
“It’s going to be sooner than you think. I can’t talk about it just yet. We’ve got something fun planned, and it has everything to do with getting people back into the movie theaters.”
– Colin Trevorrow
‘Fast & Furious 9’ is hitting US theaters this June 25th, a timely release roughly a year out from Dominions June 10th, 2022 date. Outside of Jurassic, the Fast & Furious series is Universal’s largest theatrical performer, and we’re sure that the studio is keen to supercharge its theatrical run this summer with as many incentives as possible, and ‘Dominion’ marketing is certainly one way to do so.
Taking that concept further, perhaps Universal aims to release ‘Big Rock’ style one-offs marketing the sequel with all their appropriate upcoming theatrical tentpoles. This could serve as a proper blitz to really revitalize theaters, all while hyping up ‘Dominion’ without actually showcasing scenes or spoilers from the films. Movies like ‘Old’ (July 23rd) and ‘Halloween Kills’ (October 15th) may also be spots to watch – that said, we feel confident that whatever is planned, ‘F9’ sits at the center of it.
Releasing the trailer in June makes a lot of sense for other reasons: we learned a long while back that ‘Jurassic World: Evolution 2’ was in development, and planned to release near Dominion. The game heavily features elements from the new film such as the new varied environments, companies and facilities, characters, and of course, dinosaurs. While Dominion’s delay did push Evolutions plans back, we’re hearing it’s likely the game will have a debut trailer at Gamescom in August.

We’re not sure how ‘Dominion’ will be supported after the trailer drops, as the proper story-centric marketing push isn’t expected to kick off until closer to February 2022 alongside a larger trailer we assume will be timed with the SuperBowl. However, that leaves the curious omission of November & December 2021, a time period typically reserved for the first trailer of new Jurassic films. Perhaps instead of a trailer at that time, a behind the scenes video will hit teasing what’s to come, building anticipation for the larger marketing push planned soon after?
It’s also possible that the November/December 2021 timeslot may be passed up by ‘Dominion’ marketing, as we’re expecting a 4th season of Netflix’s ‘Camp Cretaceous’ around that time. While ‘JWCC’ is standalone, Colin Trevorrow has repeatedly teased it has larger ties to ‘Dominion’, so it may serve a similar role in pushing audiences to look forward to the upcoming sequel. Considering how much the film industry has been struggling to find its footing again due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe building a momentous push to build anticipation, spread awareness, and drive audiences to want to return to theaters with ‘Dominion’ is key. Quite frankly, this film is one of the few currently capable of such, perhaps more-so than Disney’s upcoming Marvel offerings.

With ‘Star Wars’ taking some time away from the theatrical space, Jurassic is at an even better position to expand its brand awareness and loyalty over the coming year. We’re quite hopeful this budding opportunity is taken full advantage of, and releasing a teaser this June points that way. We truly believe in the theatrical experience of cinemas, and hope to see a large push to make sure that experience – something films like Jurassic require – does not go extinct.
What do you hope to see from the first Jurassic World Dominion trailer? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for all the latest news!