Focusing on one of ILM’s computer animation pioneers, a new documentary titled Jurassic Punk releases today! The doc tells the story of Steve “Spaz” Williams and his time at Industrial Light & Magic.
Fans of Jurassic Park will no doubt be very familiar with Steve’s work, and this new documentary directed by Scott Leberecht dives into the untold story of cinematic revolution.
During his time at ILM, Steve worked on a number of movies and created groundbreaking computer animated effects that completely changed the industry, and that still hold up today. His digital dinosaurs, the story surrounding them, and the inevitable aftermath, is explored in the doc.
If it wasn’t for Steve, Jurassic Park wouldn’t be the same.
“Directed by Scott Leberecht, “Jurassic Punk” tells the very juicy story of pioneers, naysayers and professional hierarchies that made Williams both the Necessary Man and an eventual outcast.”
-Glenn Kenny, New York Times
Jurassic Punk will be holding a screening today at the Gateway Film Center in Columbus, Ohio, with more opportunities for screenings in the near future.
Support the film: it is available to stream on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Microsoft Xbox, Vimeo, Vudu, and YouTube.
Visit the official website for more!