Why has Universal Pictures splintered the Jurassic Park and World social media accounts?

Marketing can be a weird thing. Focus groups, key words, and target demographs are the typical forces that drive the decisions forward to making as big of a splash as possible. Our world today is ruled by social media: we want more stimulation faster, and if appropriate, in as an abbreviated format as possible. Because of this, platforms like Twitter thrive – the hyperfocus of a Tweet can capture attention with ease.


It’s no surprise then that Twitter is an important social media tool in the film industry. It is used to unify the online community with an official focal point, which can then be shared and networked beyond through hundreds of thousands of followers. As such, keeping a growing brand like Jurassic Park and World – which has numerous unofficial fan sites and social media accounts – unified for marketing synergy only makes sense. While Jurassic World did change its name, effecting marketing and branding, it is still the fourth film in Jurassic Park series.

Up until today, the social media accounts reflected that: on Twitter the account handle was @JurassicPark but the ‘account name’ and imagery was for Jurassic World. It reflected that the franchise was one, and helped bring fans of classic to the new, and fans of the new to the classic. However, now Universal Pictures has made the inexplicable decision to split the handles to @JurassicPark and @JurassicWorld, splintering their following.


Ultimately, this move unnecessarily confuses and dilutes the brand by splitting its potential followers in two. What happens if those following @JurassicPark still want news for the next film, but don’t realize the other account exists? Or perhaps an inverse scenario, where fans of the newest film would be interested in news about happenings revolving around the classic trilogy – however, they aren’t following the other account as its existence isn’t necessitated by common sense nor current marketing trends. And if they both share the same news, why split the accounts in the first place?

Jurassic World was the 4th highest grossing film of all time in the box office, making over $1.6 billion dollars worldwide. However, it only has 178,000 followers on Twitter – as opposed to Star Wars with 2.3million followers and Marvel with over 4 million. The Jurassic brands online presence does not nearly match its box office strength or recognition, and splitting the accounts will not help with its true potential in growth. Of course, to grow the social media accounts would require activity which also felt organic and genuine in tone; unmanufactured. As it stands now, they are neither.

It can be frustrating to be a fan of the Jurassic franchise. While as fans we are not owed anything (an inflated sense of entitlement can often lead to unwarranted toxicity between the studio and fandom), it’s easy to see the potential the brand has to excel, yet there is a palpable lack of enthusiasm – or perhaps confidence – from the studio to hit those marks. Some of the most frequent non-toy and non-videogame questions we receive from other fans are ‘Will there be a Jurassic World artbook?’, ‘Where are the Jurassic Park and World comics’ and ‘Will there be new movie canon tie-in novels?’. The opportunity to expand the fiction (and brand strength by association) into new territory is ripe, and utilizing the momentum Jurassic World presented is essential. Yet it’s radio silence, and minimal visible output abroad.


However, it’s not all doom and gloom. Yes, the rant is over for the time being – lets talk the future, and what we can infer from the splitting of the accounts. First and foremost, ‘Jurassic Park’ is not dead. By giving @JurassicPark its own social media account it’s clear the classic trilogy will continue to see new merch and media going into the future – alongside the current Jurassic World film merch and media. With a slick new logo similiar to the current DVD offerings, which is quite different from the nostalgic original, it’s clear they’re utilizing brand imagery that is meant to operate with today’s trends.

As for Jurassic World: those who didn’t believe the title and branding were here to stay should reconsider. When the accounts split, one had to start anew while another would keep the existing followers. The handle @JurassicWorld was given the existing 178k followers, meaning it will be the brand and marketing powerhouse moving forward, @JurassicPark the niche. So yes, while we do not yet know the name of the fifth Jurassic movie, it will certainly include ‘Jurassic World’ as opposed to ‘Park’ or something entirely new.

Ultimately, it’s exciting to know that as we get closer to the release of the Jurassic World sequel, classic Jurassic Park will remain relevant. We’ve heard buzz that a toy line inspired by the classic Jurassic films could be targeting 2017 alongside ‘Raptor Squad’, and this seems to give it further legitimacy. While the splitting of the brands seems to be a convoluted misstep, it’s nice to see the Jurassic Park logo on social media once again.

As always, sound off in the comments below and stay tuned for the latest news!

Chronicle Collectibles tease upcoming Night Vision Goggles replica!

Chronicle Collectibles – who recently acquired the Jurassic Park license – are busy preparing their display of upcoming products for the San Diego Comic Con, which begins on July 21st. The company currently has three Jurassic Park items available to order through their website, the 1/5th scale T-Rex bust from The Lost World, the Stegosaurus from The Lost World, and their latest: a statue of the T-Rex Breakout scene in Jurassic Park!

Chronicle have been teasing a number of their products for the upcoming event later this month, and today they shared a picture of the night vision goggles that Tim uses in Jurassic Park.


In the comments, Chronicle stated: This is a prototype we are borrowing for Comic Con. We are scanning the original goggles and will reproduce them faithfully to the screen accurate pair from JP and JW. This will be a Christmas PO….

The team at Chronicle also revealed their 1:1 scale Compy which has been cast from an original Stan Winston! They are also working on 1:1 Velociraptor head busts, which they also have teased over at their Facebook page.

Compy1      Raptor1
Which piece are you most excited to see? Have you purchased any of their current products? What would you like to see? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below!

Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy & Frank Marshall talk the Jurassic franchise, JA Bayona and more!

Today The Hollywood Reporter published a fantastic interview with Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall which talked the industry, particularly managing franchises like Jurassic Park and Star Wars. It’s a fantastic, candid piece that explores the creative processes of these amazingly talented individuals which I recommend reading in full, however below are some choice excerpts that pertain to the Jurassic franchise.

Image courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter
Image courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter

On Steven Spielberg’s involvement with Jurassic World, and hiring Colin Trevorrow:

SPIELBERG I was very involved in breaking the story, working on the script with [director Colin Trevorrow] and [writer Derek Connolly]. I was not on the set, but I watched dailies every day. If I felt something about the dailies, I would send a note to Colin directly. But Colin was doing a great job; you could tell by the rushes. I didn’t even find Colin, Frank did.


SPIELBERG Oh — Kathy. Sorry. Anyway, Kathy told Frank, and Frank told me.

KENNEDY I saw [Trevorrow’s debut movie] Safety Not Guaranteed when I was looking for who was going to direct [Star Wars:] Episode 7. Then when Frank and Steven were looking for a director, and I had already decided on J.J. [Abrams], I said, “Hey, I know this is going to be off the wall and you’re not going to immediately think this young director could do this movie, but I’ve come to the realization he is the real deal, and he could handle it.”

FRANK MARSHALL Then I cold-called him. I looked at his movie and thought he definitely knew what he was doing.

SPIELBERG I looked at his movie and thought it was really good, but I wasn’t convinced until the last scene ’cause that film could have gone two ways. When this [character] who I thought was certifiably insane actually invented something that could travel through time, that crystallized the choice that it had to be Colin to do Jurassic World.



On who’s ‘in charge’ of Jurassic now:

So when you have Jurassic World, I assume you feel pretty possessive?

SPIELBERG No, I don’t. I honestly don’t feel possessive at all. I think Colin feels possessive now — and he should. I passed the torch to Colin.

You really feel that way?

SPIELBERG I absolutely do. He’s the guy who has to feel possessive.

KENNEDY Don’t you feel that? I mean, I think it’s all about the joy that comes from the ability to keep it going and keep audiences entertained.

MARSHALL It’s what you did with Star Wars now.


Bayona Announce

On hiring Jurassic World 2 director Juan Antonio Bayona:

MARSHALL We spent a lot of time with Colin. We’re doing that on [the next] Jurassic, too, with Juan Antonio [Bayona]. Kathy and I have spent a lot of time with Juan Antonio over the years. We had talked about him doing Jurassic World, but he has a long process for production.

SPIELBERG We had been very impressed with his Naomi Watts movie about the tsunami [The Impossible]. You’ve got to pick the right directors, and that’s what Kathy has done so brilliantly on the Star Wars series. Rian Johnson and Colin are the two best directors who could be doing Episode 8 and 9. And that’s the whole key. I think Harry Potter had a huge infusion of a second life when Alfonso Cuaron did No. 3. He changed the paradigm of Harry Potter and gave it another six years just based on the art he brought to the third movie.


It sounds like the Jurassic franchise is in great hands! It’s fascinating to learn that JA Bayona was in talks to direct Jurassic World before Colin Trevorrow was chosen. If you haven’t already, be sure to give the full article a read, which goes into more detail and talks Star Wars as well. As always, sound off in the comments below and stay tuned for the latest news!

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

#ThrowbackThursday: Kenner Jurassic Park Carnotaurus Design Sketch (Exclusive)

Hey everyone, it’s Thursday and that means it’s time to look back into the prehistoric past of the Jurassic franchise! Today for #JurassicJune we have a very special exclusive throwback: the original conceptual design sketch of the Kenner Jurassic Park Carnotaurus! This sketch dates back to around 1992, and is straight from the table of the artists themselves (note the clay smudges!) Check it out in its full glory below:

The Jurassic Park Series 2 Carnotaurus released in 1994 and is one of the more iconic and sought after classic Jurassic toys by collectors. Due to its rarity and fan favorite status, it nets a hefty price if you manage to find one now (upwards to $500 MIB). This piece of art is an awesome, previously unseen part of Jurassic history that gives a very rare peek behind the curtain of its creation.

Image courtesy of JurassicToys.net
Image courtesy of JurassicToys.net

Want to know more about about the series 2 Carnotaurus? Head over to its page at JPtoys.com and read up! As always, sound off in the comments below, join the discussion in our forums, and stay tuned for the latest on everything Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, and more!

Thanks to an anonymous contributor for sharing this art!

New art from cancelled version of ‘Jurassic Park 4’

We all know the road to Jurassic World was a wild one, with Jurassic Park 4 taking many different shapes and stories over the years. Today we’ve been given another peak into just how crazy some of those ideas really were. Concept artist Carlos Huante took to his Instagram to share new unseen art of the abandoned version of Jurassic Park 4 which he was working on with Joe Johnston back in 2004.


Following Jurassic Park 3, the idea was to push the sequel into bold new territory. The same basic concepts of Jurassic World existed then: hybrids, ex-military protagonists, and dinosaurs created for military application. However, the shape these concepts took were drastically different. The militarized animals were quite literally dinosaur soldiers, hybridized with human and canine DNA.  And from the latest art, it turns out there were cyborg human/raptor hybrids as well. Weird.


Little is known about the story concept for this version of Jurassic Park 4, other than it was a further evolution of the story John Sayles wrote in the 2004 script. If you haven’t already, you can download and read that script via our downloads sections! Word is that Steven Spielberg threw it all back to the drawing board a few weeks after this outlandish art was created.

Despite the art taking things a bit too far, the core concepts were never abandoned. In 2006, Universal Pictures and Art Asylum had a small Jurassic Park booth at New York Toy Fair. On display were small diorama statues of a very mean looking Tyrannosaurus, alongside a Triceratops. Years later, the full story was uncovered:

“They were part of a new proposed ‘Jurassic Park’ toy line (…) that would have had nastier dinosaurs, and soldiers with all kinds of dino-fighting gear and vehicles. The ‘R-Rex’ was the first.  It’s not based on any [prior] JP design.  I was told to simply come up with a Next-Gen T-Rex ‘on steroids’, with maybe a bit of raptor DNA thrown in (note the 3-digits on hands).  I had a week to sculpt and paint it for display. Sadly, though Universal Studios was very impressed, the toy line didn’t get approved for production.”


While that toy line may have never came into fruition, its clear that it again has many similarities to the story of Jurassic World: a Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor hybrid, alongside a soldiers vs dinosaurs focus. From 2006 onward, it was mostly radio silence, but one thing remains clear: the ever winding road to Jurassic World was paved many years ago.


Be sure to sound off in the comments below, and let us know what you think of the latest art! While the concept sounds straight out of a SyFy channel special that has nothing to do with Jurassic, I have to say on a artistic level I love the art Carlos created.

Stay tuned, and keep enjoying #JurassicJune 2016!

Pre-order now: Official limited Jurassic Park Tyrannosaurus Breakout statue!

Brand new from Chronicle Collectables, the Tyrannosaurus Breakout statue is now available for pre-order! This high-end officially licensed Jurassic Park statue will have a very limited run, so make sure you secure your purchase before it goes extinct! Based upon the iconic scene and measuring 24″ long, 16″ tall and 12″ wide this diorama statue is a must have for any Jurassic fan. This is a hand-numbered, limited edition piece. (The edition size will be set in 30 days). Priced at $499.99 for the first 30 days, before raising to the normal price of $549.99. There is a 10 month payment play available, so you can pre-order with as little as  $49.90 down!

Chronicle truly spared no expense to get this statue right. Working from an ILM model, Chronicle refined the digital sculpt to be as accurate as possible to the scene. From there they posed the Rex in her well known pose, and crafted the destroyed electrical fence around it. The Tyrannosaurus herself is painted with incredibly accuracy, and Chronicle went to extreme painstaking lengths to match the original. The base is inspired by the shape of the T-Rex Paddock on the Jurassic Park Map, and is engraved with a bronze Jurassic Park logo.

So what are you waiting for? Pre-order now! And while you’re at it, be sure to listen to our interview with Paul Francis of Chronicle Collectibles where he details some of their other planned upcoming Jurassic products – including 12″ articulated Alan Grant and Owen Grady, a Mosasaurus diorama, and a few products involving Velociraptors!

Excited for the product? Sound off in the comments below, share the article, and join the discussion on our forums!

Reddit’s /r/JurassicPark Gift Exchange!

To honor the anniversary of the original Jurassic Park film’s release, the subreddit dedicated to all things Jurassic Park has announced a subreddit Gift Exchange!

If you’ve not heard of the gift exchanges before, then it’s relatively simple! All you need to do is sign up, and then you are provided with a fellow redditor’s details where you can send them a Jurassic related gift, worth around $15!


Sign ups close on June 10th and you will receive the relevant contact information the follow day, which is the 1993 release date of Jurassic Park in theatres! Gifts should be sent no later than the 25th June, and gifts should have a value of around $15.

The Jurassic Park subreddit is a great side of the fandom and this is really worth getting involved in. The Reddit Gift Exchange is something that has run for years now and has proven to be very successful, not only among redditors but also among celebrities like Bill Gates, Stephen Colbert and many more.

What a great way to celebrate Jurassic June! Will you be getting involved? Let us know in the comments section below and be sure to check out the /r/JurassicPark subreddit if you haven’t already!

Escape from Jurassic Park – 1993 animated series detailed

It’s no secret that Jurassic Park nearly had a cartoon –  over the summer William Stout revealed many pieces of concept art, which unsurprisingly went viral. Despite the great artwork, and the franchise lending itself to the concept perfectly, the cartoon was sadly canceled in the early stages of production. Other than these glimpses of concept art, little was known about the mysterious series. Until now.


1993: Hot off the heels of Jurassic Parks success, the now defunct Universal Cartoon Studios began to explore a continuation of the story via an animated series. The series was meant to be tonally similiar to the film, utilizing an art style that appropriately matched. The story revolved around the essential characters and dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, alongside many fun new additions – drawing further story inspiration not only from the film, but from the book.

EscapeFromJP2 EscapeFromJP

Over the month, we will be exclusively revealing  details about the cartoon straight from the story bible, including a breakdown of its planned episodes. We’re thrilled to be celebrating #JurassicJune in such a fun way, and we hope you’re as excited as us.

Stay tuned, we’ve got a wild month planned!

Huge thanks to an anonymous contributor for making this happen.

Now streaming on Netflix: The Jurassic Park trilogy!

Happy Jurassic June, everyone! We hope you’re enjoying the new website – if you haven’t already, be sure to poke around and explore. If you do happen to find any mess, just remember – all major theme parks have delays! On the plus side, our website certainly won’t eat any tourists.

Now Streaming

After you have taken a look around, be sure to swing by our forums and join the discussion – and please, give us any feedback you want! While chatting on our forums, you can kick back and watch Jurassic Park, The Lost World, and Jurassic Park 3 which are now streaming on Netflix US. Let the disc-free binge watching begin.

Stay tuned, we have a lot more Jurassic fun coming this month!