Primitive War – Read a Chapter From This New Novel by Jurassic Fan Ethan Pettus!

I like to make a habit of posting about fan made projects and highlighting the creative talent that stems from Jurassic fans. It’s funny how, over the years, I’ve befriended many like-minded people who – aside from their love for Jurassic Park – are filmmakers, writers, creatives in their own right.

With that said, I wanted to write about Primitive War – a new novel by Ethan Pettus. Clearly inspired by Jurassic and his love for dinosaurs, Primitive War is the story of a search and rescue team known as Vulture Squad, who are sent into an isolated jungle valley to uncover the fate of a missing platoon. As they hunt through the primordial depths of the valley, they discover horrors that not only threaten to unravel their minds, but to end their lives as well.

The cover art alone is beautiful, and while the old saying states that you should never judge a book by its cover, I certainly did when I saw this one. How very Trespasser!

The artwork and concept art from the novel that Ethan shared with me show what an action packed and terrifying adventure it will be. And for those feathered dinosaur fans, this is right up your alley!

The art is beautiful and the story sounds great – but how about the writing? Check out an exclusive chapter below! Trust me, it’s pretty damn thrilling:

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Primitive War will be released within the next couple of months and will be available to purchase on Amazon. Be sure to check out the Facebook page here so you can follow updates on the novel, and let Ethan know what you thought of the above chapter by commenting below!

UPDATE: Ethan has shared with us a new piece of concept art and another chapter from the novel for you to read!

Check out the chapter below!

[pdf-embedder url=””]

UPDATE: Primitive War is now available on paperback and Kindle through Amazon!

A search and rescue team known as Vulture Squad is sent to an isolated jungle valley to uncover the fate of a missing Green Beret platoon. As they hunt through the primordial depths of the valley, they discover ancient horrors that not only threaten to unravel their minds, but to end their lives as well. When the casualties mount, the men of Vulture Squad must abandon their human nature and give in to their savage instincts in order to survive…the Primitive War.

Will you be purchasing this fan-written dinosaur novel? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!

New Michael Crichton novel ‘Dragon Teeth’ will be published next May

HarperCollins have acquired the rights to publish Michael Crichton’s third posthumous novel – entitled ‘Dragon Teeth’ in May. According to Variety, who first reported the news, Dragon Teeth is described as a “fictional recounting of the actual rivalry between paleontologists Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh during “The Bone Wars” of the 1870s.”

“The story unfolds through the adventures of a young fictional character named William Johnson who is apprenticed first to one, then to the other and not only makes discoveries of historic proportion, but transforms into an inspiring hero only Crichton could have imagined,” the publisher said.

“Known for his meticulous research, Crichton uses Marsh and Copes’ heated competition during the ‘Bone Wars’ — the golden age of American fossil hunting — as the basis for a thrilling story set in the wilds of the American West.”

Michael Crichton, who wrote Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Prey, Congo, Sphere, passed away in 2008. After his unfortunate passing, a number of manuscripts were discovered on his computer, the first being ‘Pirate Latitudes’, which was published in 2009. The second was ‘Micro’, which was finished by Richard Preston and released in 2011.

Michael Crichton

This is the third manuscript to be discovered and was found by his widow, Sherri, who said:

“When I came across the ‘Dragon Teeth’ manuscript in the files, I was immediately captivated. It has Michael’s voice, his love of history, research and science all dynamically woven into an epic tale.”

There is no official date set for publication, but HarperCollins announced that it was hit the shelves in May of 2017.

It is interesting to note that another manuscript was found, with the potential for more. It makes you wonder if Crichton ever dabbled with something in the universe of Jurassic Park. A potential sequel to The Lost World… one can dream. I do recall an old video interview where he mentioned a novel he was writing, which “Jurassic” fans would enjoy. That very likely became Dragon Teeth, but again, one can dream. If anybody recalls that interview or even has it – please get in touch!

It’s great that Michael Crichton’s work continues to entertain and thrill readers, and that there is more to come! His writing is incredibly detailed, unique, and most of all entertaining. His work continues to inspire, and we really have him to thank for opening up the world of Jurassic Park.

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Have you read any of Michael Crichton’s novels aside from Jurassic Park and The Lost World? I personally loved Prey, and Micro was thrilling. Sphere was also great. Be sure to let us know in the comments section below and as always, make sure you’re following our Twitter and Facebook pages for super speedy news.

Source: Variety