‘Baby Raptor in the Nursery’ Scene from Jurassic Park Revealed in Rare Storyboards!

Last week we shared storyboards that show an alternate ending for Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park. Those storyboards were posted by Jurassic Time creator Derrick Davis, who has spent the past few weeks combing through the Early Sequence Storyboard Binder which he won at Phil Tippett’s online auction.

Today Derrick shared a new sequence, one that never made it to the final screenplay but was strikingly similar to the original scene in the novel. The sequence takes place when the park guests are introduced to the baby Velociraptor, which is revealed as so by Chief Geneticist Dr. Henry Wu. In the movie you’ll remember that the guests witness the baby Raptor break out of its shell and are concerned when Dr Wu. reveals the breed.

In these storyboards however, we can see a different scene unfold. It takes place in the Nursery, and an already hatched baby Raptor is perched upon a technician’s shoulder. Check out some highlights below!


Along with the full storyboards which you can make your way through here, Derrick also included the original script pages and a piece of concept art showing the Baby Raptor in action:

As I stated in the previous article, it’s incredibly exciting to see such old material now come into the spotlight for us all to see. If you liked seeing the above, have a read of the alternate ending to the Nedry vs Dilophosaurus scene, as well as the alternate storyboard shots for the Main Road sequence and an entirely different ending to the movie!

Thanks again to Derrick for sharing these! He also filmed the unboxing of his win, which you can see below:

Be sure to check out our latest podcast episode where we discuss all of the Jurassic World 2 news, along with the recently trademarked video game, Jurassic World: Survivor!

Early Jurassic Park Storyboards Reveal an Alternate Ending for Nedry’s Dilophosaurus Attack

With the Jurassic Park franchise making a comeback thanks to 2015’s Jurassic World, more and more rare and previously unseen behind the scenes material is beginning to show up among fans. Derrick Davis of Jurassic Time recently won an auction that provided him with a rare glimpse at some early storyboards from the production of Jurassic Park.

The storyboards were from Dinosaur Supervisor Phil Tippett’s personal collection, and along with a number of other items, went up for auction on the Prop Store last October. Some lucky fans were able to snag some incredibly rare props and documents from the movie, and Derrick has been kind enough to share his haul online!

The storyboards show a slightly alternate ending to the Nedry vs Dilophosaurus sequence in Jurassic Park, where instead of Nedry making it inside of the Jeep and being surprised by another Dilophosaurus, he is dragged away as he tries to enter it. Check out some of the boards below:



You can view the rest of the sequence here, along with the header sheet and script page which details the alternate ending for Nedry.

Huge thanks to Derrick for sharing these – with a wealth of reveals among the community recently, it’s getting more and more exciting to think what other unknown treasures are waiting for fans to discover. Phil Tippett sold a huge number of his personal items in the auction showcasing his time working on the movie, along with many others.

We recently revealed the complete story arc for the unreleased Jurassic Park cartoon television series which you can check out here! The story follows on immediately from the ending of the first movie – literally in the helicopter as the survivors leave the island – and details Hammond’s plans to ensure the safety of the island and the dinosaurs on it, protecting them from poachers and a certain malicious company.


If you enjoyed seeing the above storyboards then be sure to have a glance at Derrick’s other albums which include alternate storyboard shots from the Main Road sequence and a unique look at an alternate ending to the movie, which never made it to the final shooting script. Also, check out his unboxing video of his auction win below:

Thanks again to Derrick for sharing these! Take to the comments section below to let us know which ending you prefer!

Jurassic Park in Concert at the Royal Albert Hall – A Documentary

At the start of November, many fans were lucky enough to visit the Royal Albert Hall in London to watch Jurassic Park in front of a live symphony orchestra. It was an incredible event; hearing a live orchestra perform such a perfect score by John Williams was magical, and a brilliant way to experience the movie.


Sam Phillips from our friends at the JurassicCast Podcast has directed and produced a documentary on the event, which you can now watch below!

The team go behind the scenes to show the musicians talk about why this event is so special, and how it is to perform at the Royal Albert Hall, one of London’s most prestigious venues. Be sure to give it a watch and share!

Were you lucky enough to witness Jurassic Park at the Royal Albert Hall? Share your photos and stories in the comments section below!

The Entire First Season of the Cancelled Jurassic Park Television Series Revealed (Exclusive)

At long last, we’re happy to exclusively present the entire story arc of the first season of Jurassic Park the animated series – straight from the story treatment created in the 90’s. ‘Escape from Jurassic Park’ was meant to be a prime-time television series, utilizing state-of-the-art animation to directly followup the events of the first film – however it was cancelled before fully going into production. Unlike other animated series, this was not meant to be a cartoon aimed at younger audiences, but rather targeted at the audience of the Jurassic Park film, which it would be tonally consistent with.


Sadly, the animated series was eventually cancelled before completion, and was seemingly lost to time. But much like the study of dinosaurs themselves, we did some intensive digging and uncovered the remains of something long thought extinct. This story outline was created at the now defunct Universal Cartoon Studios in 1993 – prior to the theatrical release of the film. Development lasted for some time, before the project abandoned in 1994.

Scans for authenticity – full transcript of the script below.

This (non final) story outline was used as the basis for the script and series development, and was only seen by key individuals, such as Steven Spielberg. It’s currently unknown if more detailed scripts existed for the episodes within, or if an outline for Season 2 was ever explored. Every day new discoveries from the Jurassic past are revealed, so if you have anything to share please do not hesitate to get in touch! Until more information is uncovered, enjoy the first ever, and quite possibly the only reveal of ‘Escape From Jurassic Park’!

After digging in, be sure to read our breakdown below, and view the art gallery from the series:


What a wild ride that story is – and a cliffhanger ending at that! It’s not entirely clear why the series was abandoned – some reports say Steven Spielberg pulled the plug after getting frustrated with all the merchandising for Jurassic Park while working on Schindler’s List. However, while there may be some truth to that fact, I have also heard he may have pulled the plug to avoid overlap, or canonical inconsistencies with the planned theatrical sequel (something I have heard happened again with a Jurassic World animated series).

The story shares many similarities with Michael Crichton’s ‘The Lost World’ – which was released in 1995. These include Lewis Dodgson, and a BioSyn team stealing eggs from nests to build their own park elsewhere, all while animals show up on South American mainland leading to a government coverup (due to fears of it hurting tourism). Of course, there are many differences as well – the animated series takes place on Isla Nublar, the home of Jurassic Park, while The Lost World takes place on Sorna, Site B. Further, the outbreak of dinosaurs on mainland is due to BioSyn, who purchase 100 square miles in The Amazon to build ‘DinoWorld’ – a fully fledged Dinosaur safari park with hotels, monorails, and more (much like the park in Jurassic World, ‘DinoWorld’ is inspired by Disney World.)

The story featured many brand new concepts and  dinosaurs – some even got Kenner tie-in toys in 1994, including the “Dino Wranglers”, and the fanged Lycaenops, or the Komodo Dragon-like Ornithosuchus. I think perhaps the most intriguing part is Season 1 ends with Jurassic Park finally opening to the public (much to the dismay of Malcolm, Grant, and Sattler) . You could easily imagine the second season following a similiar arc of  the story presented in Jurassic World, only with BioSyn shenanigans, the threat of animals on the mainland, and 100% less militarized hybrids.

I’m certainly bummed that the series was never developed – although, it would admittedly have greatly impacted the stories of future films. In a lot of ways, this is the sequel fans have imagined for years, yet never got, loaded with healthy doses of childhood imagination interjected with Michael Crichton’s themes and story development. Before we close off, I want to present a gallery of the stunning artwork created by William Stout, a key mind behind the ill-fated series:



salejphypso salejppterry salejpmosasaur salejpplesio

jppteranodon jpanicompy

stoutapatosaurs stoutcompy2

Artwork by William Stout – visit his website here!

What do you think of the story of ‘Escape from Jurassic Park’? Be sure to sound off in the comments below – it’s hard to believe we can finally learn about this series after nearly 25 years! And again, if you have more to share please don’t hesitate to get in touch – we hear an animation demo for this series still exists somewhere, waiting to be found.

As always, stay tuned for the latest news, features, and exclusives!

Artwork source: William Stout

Unreleased Music set to be released in New John Williams 4 CD set

This morning La-La Land Records made an exciting announcement as they, along with Universal Studios, Universal Music Special Markets and Amblin Entertainment will be releasing The John Williams Jurassic Park Collection – Limited Edition.

The 4-CD set will contain score tracks from the the hit original 1993 film Jurassic Park and the 1997 sequel The Lost World: Jurassic Park. There will only be a limited edition amount of 5,000 units with a retail price of $59.98.

“La-La Land Records, Universal Studios, Universal Music Special Markets and Amblin Entertainment present THE JOHN WILLIAMS JURASSIC PARK COLLECTION, a special limited edition 4-CD set featuring newly remastered and expanded reissues of maestro John Williams’ (JAWS, STAR WARS, SCHINDLER’S LIST) original motion picture scores to the 1993 blockbuster JURASSIC PARK and its 1997 follow-up THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK, both directed by Steven Spielberg. Williams’ monumental JURASSIC PARK scores are integral to the franchise’s worldwide phenomenon. Teeming with action, drama, humor and heart, they rank among the celebrated composer’s most accomplished works. This deluxe edition, meticulously produced, edited and mastered by Mike Matessino, in consultation with the composer, director and producers, finally showcases these master works in a worthy, definitive presentation, with additional music never before released. The set’s 56-page booklet features exclusive, in-depth liner notes by Matessino and elegant art design, packed with amazing images, by Jim Titus. This is a limited edition of 5000 units. Life indeed “finds a way,” and these indelible Williams scores make the journey a thrillingly wonderful trip!”

Please visit La-La Land Record’s Facebook page for a complete breakdown of all the score tracks on all four CDs.

Thanks to Derrick Davis for sending this our way!

Source: La-La Land Records

Jurassic World website update adds new sections and never before seen pictures

As all living things do with time, the Jurassic World website has continued to evolve – this time adding sections for ‘Community’, ‘Films’, and perhaps most excitingly: ‘Intel’. Finally, JurassicWorld.com houses the entire Jurassic Park franchise, and not just the movie of the same name. Intel being the most feature rich addition has pages for each major character, actor, and dinosaur* (*more on this later in the article) – and some of these pages showcase awesome new images from the past.


Intriguingly, the section for the ‘Exhibition’ has been changed to ‘Events’, although it still only houses information about Jurassic World the Exhibition. This does seem to imply that other events are planned, though have yet to be announced. Another new addition is a Snapchat icon, so expect more from JurassicSnaps in the future – I know I’d like to see some fun Jurassic themed filters in conjunction! Also of note: the Jurassic Park facebook page has been folded into the Jurassic World facebook page, and the link for JP’s now defunct page has been removed. This is continued indication that the ‘Jurassic World’ branding will house the franchise moving forward for the time being.


While the website doesn’t add much new material for the connoisseurs of canon, for the first time in the film franchise, ‘BioSyn’ is mentioned by name. Readers of the books know BioSyn as the company that hired Dennis Nedry to smuggle embryos off the islands. However, the films never acknowledge or confirm that Dodgson actually represents the nefarious company in question – that is until now! Dennis Nedry’s intel page directly confirms they do exist in the film universe as well. Fingers crossed they make an appearance in Jurassic World 2!

Don’t get too excited – this is a hidden placeholder, and isn’t functioning!

If you’re like me, one of the first thing you’re probably doing is sleuthing through the website and looking for unintentional hints of what’s to come. While I didn’t find much (I’m admittedly not a pro at dissecting websites at that level), I did find something cool buried inside: a countdown timer. Now, before you freak out and think Jurassic World 2 news is inbound – the timer is placeholder and counting UP, not down. Still cool to see something is planned eventually!

I’ve got to say, the website is incredibly slick and features all the right types of pages with ample room to grow from. Whomever designed this certainly deserves some praise, and it’s great to finally see a site visually worthy of the franchise it’s attached to. However – and this is a larger however – the content on the individual pages could use a lot of work. Many of the facts are awkward, some of the bios are missing outright, and the amount of content per ‘intel’ page is severely lacking. Most potently, the dinosaur pages are riddled with errors (and many species are completely MIA).


No, Apatosaurus wasn’t in The Lost World – the sauropod seen in that movie was Mamenchisaurus (which is lacking a page) – and for some reason the Apatosaurus page shows an image of a Brachiosaurus (also missing a page). Further: Pachycephalosaurus was not featured only in Jurassic Park – it wasn’t even in Jurassic Park! But as a reader, I’m sure you already know that (if you don’t, they appear in both The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic World). Strangely, another key missing player is JP3’s Spinosaurus – though for unknown reasons the Suchomimus is listed as being in Jurassic Park 3; it wasn’t. The list could go on and on, so I’ll end it there for now (perhaps the update went live too soon?), but Universal: if you need help generating and fact checking content (or more), just give us an email!

Now that I got that out of the way, I want to close off on some more of the many positives. While the information on the intel pages need some work, let’s talk about how cool some of those featured pictures are! Although nothing unknown is outright revealed, many of the photos are completely new to the web. One cool shot is an HD picture of Udesky holding a stick – this was from a never released deleted Jurassic Park 3 scene where he fights off the Velociraptors before being killed. Check out some of our favorite images below, or hit the intel section to explore yourself!





Honestly, I cannot wait to see where this all leads. I hope the website continues to evolve, and becomes something as feature rich as Starwars.com or Halowaypoint.com. While it will take some time to get there, they’re on the right path now and I’m optimistic about the future. Hopefully the franchise begins to get an expanded universe, and the website can serve as a point of reference/encyclopedia of sorts. It will also be quite interesting to see what the ‘community’ section evolves into – personal interests aside, I know I would love to see more interaction with the fanbase and I believe it could really turn into something special.

As always, stay tuned for the latest news and be sure to sound off in the comments below!

Chronicle Collectibles Jurassic Park 1:1 Velociraptor Bust is Now Available for Pre-Order!

Our friends at Chronicle Collectibles have now opened pre-orders for their new Jurassic Park officially licensed product – the 1:1 scale Velociraptor bust! The pre-order opened on Friday, October 21st at 12:00 noon Central Standard Time and for 30 days, the bust will be available for $999!


This is Chronicle’s first full size item from the original Jurassic Park, and features the infamous “Clever Girl”. The item has been molded and cast directly from a Stan Winston Studios casting of the full, original 1:1 Velociraptor, so this is a genuine replica of the on-screen animal. It stands at roughly 30″ tall and spans 28″ from the back of her head to the front of her jaws. As you can see from the Comic Con photo below, she is a big one.


As with all of Chronicle Collectible’s fantastic products, this is a limited edition run and will include individually numbered units that are assigned numerically by the time and date of the order. Chronicle debuted a number of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World products at Comic Con earlier this year and you can read more about the items here!

Check out the pre-order page here which also includes payment plan options. Chronicle Collectibles have a number of Jurassic Park products with more on the way! Last month they debuted the 1:1 scale Compy from The Lost World which is still available for pre-order. Other products include The Lost World Stegosaurus Maquette, the 1:5 scale The Lost World T-Rex bust (which has now sold out) and of course, the Jurassic Park Breakout Rex which is available for $549.

Here are some exclusive behind the scenes photos of Chronicle’s Velociraptor in the making!

chronicleraptor2    chronicleraptor3    chronicleraptor4    chronicleraptor5

If you’re as excited as us to see what else Chronicle Collectibles are planning for this franchise, take a listen to our last interview with Paul Francis, Art Director and Co-Founder of the company. He dishes some juicy details on their upcoming products!

Have you pre-ordered any of these collectibles? Let us know in the comments section below!

Phil Tippett Auctioning off Awesome Jurassic Park Memorabilia!

The legendary Phil Tippett is auctioning off a number of pieces from his personal collection, which include a number of incredibly rare pieces from the production of Jurassic Park! Phil was the Dinosaur Supervisor on Jurassic Park and returned to this role recently for Jurassic World.


The auction began on PropStoreAuction.com two days ago and ends on the 21st October at 5:03pm PDT, so you only have a week to get your bids in! Among the items up for auction are original scripts from the production, a Baby Triceratops Maquette, original Key Art prints, original storyboards and much more!

auction1    auction2    auction3    auction4

I’m fairly surprised at how much is available for auction; some of these items will reveal details from the production of Jurassic Park that we never knew, and all of the items will be an asset to any fans’ collection – if you’re lucky enough to win one!

Recently some guys from Tested visited Phil’s workshop and saw some of the products that are up for auction up close! Check the video out below:

Be sure to check out the auction and full list of items available here. Phil is auctioning not only his Jurassic Park memorabilia, but items from most, if not all of the films he has worked on throughout his career!

Thanks to Rob for sending this my way!

Will you be bidding?

Chronicle Collectibles The Lost World Jurassic Park life sized Compsognathus replica statue

New from Chronicle Collectibles is the officially licensed 1:1 Compsognathus statue, built from the original Stan Winston Studios animatronic casting used in The Lost World: Jurassic Park! Chronicle has enlisted the help of Stan Winston Studios artist Tim Gore to paint the statue, who also had painted the ‘Compys’ for the film. Measuring in at 3o” long, 16″ tall, and 8″ wide this limited run (edition size TBD) statue costs $349.99 for the first 30 days, before going up to $399.99.

Pre-order now!
Pre-order now!

The Compy statue is fourth official Jurassic Park product by Chronicle, and the first full size dinosaur offering ever licensed. Chronicle’s products cover all four movies, including Jurassic World, and have shown off numerous upcoming products at Comic Con over the summer. The currently available products include the 1:5th Lost World Male T.rex bust, Stegosaurus Maquette, and last but certainly not least: the Jurassic Park Tyrannosaurus Rex Breakout Statue! You can order the Compy from their website, so do so today before it sells out!








Have you bought any dinosaurs from Chronicle Collectibles yet? Let us know what you think, and what you hope they make next in the comments below! Also, if you haven’t already, check out our interview with Paul Francis who shares a ton of behind the scenes info about making official Jurassic Park products:


JurassicWorld.com has evolved!

The official Jurassic World website has been inactive for roughly a year now, showcasing a fictional operational park hub with a few adverts for the Blu Ray. However, the inactivity came to an end earlier today, when the website evolved into a hub for the entire franchise! Sporting a fresh new look, the site now covers a multitude of subjects.


The websites now serves as fun page to learn the latest official news about the franchise, as well as including various facts, current video games, videos and more. I’m personally thrilled to see this change which is something I was hoping would happen for some time – while the new site is currently lite on content, hopefully as time goes on it will add new sections (canon/encyclopedia, editorial content, toys, books, etc.) and further flesh out its existing ones with more content. With the right team and management, the website can further evolve into something great (look to HaloWaypoint.com and StarWars.com for some fantastic examples.)

Thankfully, they also preserved the website created for the fictional Jurassic World park on Isla Nublar, which can be reached by clicking the link on the top of the site (or going directly to islanublar.jurassicworld.com). I wonder if future in-universe websites will be created that reflect the current happenings of the franchise – there’s plenty of room to expand, and Jurassic World 2 is right around the corner! Either way, this hub site is a great fit for the Jurassic Park franchise, and it’s great to see some change and life post 2015.

So, what are you waiting for? Go explore! After that, be sure to keep checking back here for even more news regarding all things Jurassic! Do you like the new look? Sound off in the comments below!