Do-You-Think-He-Sue-Us? A Legal Analysis of the Jurassic Park Disaster

The Jurassic universe does not have a fondness for members of the legal community. This comes as somewhat of a shock since most of the InGen antics undoubtedly have far-reaching legal ramifications, and there are likely dozens of attorneys with the sole purpose of keeping the company out of too much trouble. After diving into the intricacies surrounding the legalities surrounding Jurassic Park, it is honestly difficult to decide who had the harder job, the geneticists or the lawyers. As an attorney myself, my goal here is to expound briefly on what liabilities Jurassic Park likely faced upon its implosion and of course, avoid being eaten on a toilet.

For this article, we are going to have to make a few big assumptions. First assumption: the laws of the United States apply. Most smart companies with assets in foreign countries will establish a subsidiary in the country where those assets reside. The benefit of the subsidiary means that any lawsuits brought against the company can utilize the foreign country’s laws and court system. Some companies elect to do this if they see that the foreign country’s laws are more favorable in a particular area where they are at risk of a lawsuit. Even though InGen was headquartered in California, Jurassic Park was built on Costa Rican soil. I cannot find any reference to an InGen subsidiary in Costa Rica in any of the canon, and since classifying InGen as a “smart” company gives me pause, it is entirely possible that lawsuits filed by American paleontologists, chaoticians, and tourists back in the United States could follow U.S. laws.

But assuming the United States law governs, what kind of disastrous bill is InGen in store for? Well, we know they were on the verge of Chapter 11 bankruptcy following the events of Jurassic Park, but what put them there? In California, where Jurassic Park was originally supposed to be built, the laws surrounding actual zoos are no laughing matter. Regulations control nearly every aspect of the park, from the specifications of building enclosures, right down to posting correct signage. In the eyes of the law, housing and maintaining a wild animal is virtually the same as working with uranium or using explosives. It is known as an “ultrahazardous activity.” Conducting these types of activities in California comes with a harsh legal consequence – the party conducting the activity is strictly liable for any injuries these animals cause to park patrons. In other words, even the most careful of zoos are likely to be held accountable for visitors wounded by the animals. Basically, even the countless miles of Jurassic Park electrified fences would not be able to hold back the costly verdict from an injured park-goer.

While the concept of a Jurassic Park may be fiction, the situation of an escaped wild animal in a zoo is certainly not. In 2011, a 300-pound gorilla named “Little Joe” escaped from his enclosure at the New England Zoo. After the gorilla attacked a two-year-old child, a jury found that the zoo failed to use reasonable care to keep the gorilla confined and awarded the child’s family a verdict of $175,000. Eerily enough, the most similar incident to Jurassic Park took place in the same state where the original park was supposed to be built. In 2007, a Siberian tiger jumped out of its enclosure at the San Francisco Zoo and ran amok inside the park. Before being subdued, the tiger killed one boy and injured two brothers. The surviving brothers sued the zoo and settled for a costly $900,000 sum before trial.

With the deaths seen in Jurassic Park, it would not be unthinkable for a jury to award family members of the victims an even greater amount. Many factors are taken into consideration for a wrongful death suit. These can include the victim’s pre-death pain and suffering, funeral and burial cost, loss of income, loss of love and companionship, and value of services the victim could have provided, among many others. These concepts are purposefully abstract and let a jury determine an appropriate amount based on their own thoughts and experiences. A jury presented with a wrongful death case involving a mauling from an escaped velociraptor could run wild with these figures. While it is hard to speculate on an exact number, think upwards of a potential $1.5 million per victim if there’s no cap on the amount of damages a victim can receive.

Just as a side note, as expensive as the Jurassic Park incident would have been, it would not hold a candle to the expense of battling the lawsuits from the injured park-goers of Jurassic World. There is no doubt that the numerous attendees would have brought a class action lawsuit, and California law nearly assures that such an action has to be brought in California. If the Jurassic Park incident nearly put InGen into bankruptcy, the Jurassic World incident should have obliterated the Masrani Company. In the words of Claire Dearing, “We’d never reopen.”

This brings up assumption number two: InGen did not make the visiting dinosaur experts sign any waivers of liability. While such a waiver would not likely bar the injured guests from recovering money for their damages, it could put a cap on how much they could recover. In addition, it might force the victim to give up their right to a jury trial and mandate they attend arbitration instead. Arbitration is an alternate form of dispute resolution that divorces the issue from the government court systems. Rules can be more relaxed, and this can work in favor of the company in some cases. Most theme parks today include language on the back of their ticket stubs that stipulate arbitration as a mandatory requirement of enjoying the park. Next time you head to a big theme park, or even a sports event, check your ticket for what you are actually signing up for.

What are your thoughts on InGen being held accountable for their actions? Are costly settlements enough or should InGen execs just all be subjected to the same fate as Gennaro? Sound off with your opinions in the comments below.

Source: Gomez Law Firm, ABC News San Francisco, Boston Herald

OPINION: Robert Muldoon’s Undeserved Death

The socks. The hat. The accent. What did Robert Muldoon have in Jurassic Park that you don’t recall immediately? The game warden from Kenya was a man of high intellect. He had seen raptors at their most curious stages (for example, testing the electric fences for weaknesses), and I’m sure at their most admirable stages as well. He was taken out of the franchise too soon, and although I’m honestly not sure where else he would have fit in down the road, I think the possibility to see him again could have been there.

What Steven Spielberg did with Bob Peck’s outstanding character is genius. Sadly, on April 4th this year, it will have been 19 years since Bob Peck passed away from cancer. To honor his memory, let’s briefly discuss the stellar job he did with this character and why Robert Muldoon is a JP legend.

A common theme throughout most of the JP franchise is that good guys live and bad ones meet their ultimate demise. In fact, sometimes you don’t have to be a “bad guy” to seal your fate in this series — all you need is a lack of respect for the power of dinosaurs. If you see them as assets or look at them with dollar signs (I’m thinking of you, toilet boy), then you’re most likely as good as dead. Nedry, Genaro, Ludlow, Hoskins, Dieter Stark (with a particularly brutal and prolonged death); all met ends that seemed to make sense. They all had agendas that looked past the fact that these were big, powerful and living animals that deserved to be treated with more respect. One of them in particular, Dieter Stark, had a well-deserved death — death by what seemed to be a thousand compys eating him alive for zapping one of their own with a taser for no reason.

Other deaths came as a slight surprise. The character wasn’t money hungry, he or she didn’t not respect the animals. They were simply expendable, I guess. Think of Eddie Carr, Udesky and Zara. Eddie went out a hero, trying to save his new friends. I find his death to be one of the more depressing endings of a character in the JP universe. Udesky was just trying to help find a child. The worst thing Zara did was not pay better attention to her boss’ nephews. There are more of these types of deaths out there, but those are the ones that come to my mind first.

One of the reasons that Jurassic Park got this franchise started on such a powerful note is because some things happened that you never saw coming, including the death of Muldoon. You may have guessed that Genaro would die — but by being plucked off the toilet? Not many could have guessed that, I’m sure. When Nedry met his end (which I still find to be a particularly disturbing scene, bravo Mr. Spielberg), I knew it had to be done. He had caused so much destruction and loss of life due to his greed. But when he got back in his Jeep, I thought he had bought himself just a little more time. I was wrong. And who could have predicted Ray Arnold’s arm giving Ellie the surprise of her life?

And then there’s Muldoon. Muldoon had so much respect for these animals. It gives me shivers when he is crouching past the raptor enclosure with Ellie and he sees that they’ve escaped. The terror in his eyes and voice is unforgettable. Never once did we ever get the slightest hint that he cared about money. He didn’t want to see harm inflicted on a single person. He was genuinely angry that locking mechanisms had not yet been put on the vehicle doors, as an example of that. In the end, he gave his life to save Ellie’s and ultimately, the rest of the survivors. I still even find myself wondering if he was serious or sarcastic when he told the main group, “they should all be destroyed,” referring to the raptors. He watched Jophery die. He knew what these creatures were capable of and didn’t deserve what he was given.

With Muldoon, Spielberg had to make his audience understand that in this universe no one was truly safe. Respectful or not, these animals were vicious, cutthroat and your attitude towards them meant nothing in the end. The way he died was perfectly executed; he went out in a legendary way. The comfort that JP fans can take in his death is that he looked his predator in the eyes. He even got to acknowledge her intelligence and her hunting ability. In essence, when he gave us his last line, “clever girl,” he was basically saying, “Well done girl, you got me. Respect.” After that point, it’s best to not listen, because the JP legend goes down in a horrifying and undeserved way.

Jurassic Park is a fierce franchise with even more to come. Henry Wu is going to have a grisly end, you can bet on that. The theme of the first movie carries over through every installment of the series. That theme is that just because you made them, doesn’t mean these living creatures are mindless assets. Mills, Wheaton and others in Fallen Kingdom, like Hoskins, don’t get that. It’s probably a safe bet that they won’t make it out either. As Owen once said, “They’re alive. They’re thinkin’.. I gotta eat. I gotta hunt,” and, well, you know the rest.

What do you think? Do you think of Muldoon as a legendary JP character? Let us know your thoughts below!

If you’d like to discuss any and all thing JP with me, follow me on Twitter!

First Look at Classic Jurassic Park Toys Coming from Mattel!

The Mattel Jurassic World toys do not hit shelves until April 16th, however that hasn’t stopped some early items from slipping through the cracks!

While the majority of this years toy line was revealed at New York Toy Fair, that did not included exclusive assortments. One of the most anticipated lines is the ‘Jurassic World: Legacy Collection‘, which are toys based upon the first three Jurassic Park films! This line will be highly sought out by collectors, and it is exclusive to Target in the United States (availability worldwide may vary).

Only one item has shown up in stores so far: the Extreme Chompin’ Tyrannosaurus Rex – however the back of its packaging reveals Robert Muldoon and Alan Grant from Jurassic Park, both packed with a Compsognathus from The Lost Wolrd! Also from The Lost World is the male juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the Pachycephalosaurus.

The Jurassic World Facts App has revealed other dinosaurs coming to the Legacy Collection this year as well: from Jurassic Park 3 there is a male Velociraptor, Pteranodon, and a large Spinosaurus (the exact size of the toy is unknown). Additionally, from The Lost World there is the male tiger striped Velociraptor. It remains unclear if there will be dinosaurs from the first Jurassic Park (other than the large T. rex), but the line also includes Ellie Sattler and Ian Malcolm.

Check out the rest of the pictures below, and stay tuned for more toy announcements in the future, as both Walmart and Toys R Us* have exclusive toys.

*The fate of the Toys R Us toys currently remains unknown, as the company is closing every store in the US.

Huge thanks to shrieker_fan on the JP Toys forums for sharing!

Saturday Night Live airs Jurassic Park Audition Parody Sketch

This year is the 25th Anniversary of when Jurassic Park hit theaters and NBC’s Saturday Night Live got into the fun with a comedy sketch of fake audition screen tests for the film. Former SNL cast member Bill Hader returned to the show as the host of the March 17th episode.

Hader, along with current cast members of the show impersonated multiple celebrities including Hugh Grant, Alan Alda, Ellen DeGeneres, Roseanne, Adam Sandler, Al Pacino and Jodi Foster among others. Check out the full sketch below.

What did you think of the sketch? Did you find it funny or did it miss the mark? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and on our forums.

Source: SNL

Chronicle Collectibles Will Distribute Iron Studios’ 1/10th Scale Jurassic Park T. rex

Last December at CCXP in Brazil, Iron Studios revealed their first official Jurassic Park collectible item – a huge diorama statue based on the T. rex breakout scene. The statue included a section of the main road including the security fences, both Ford Explorer tour vehicles, the infamous Lady Rex, Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm, and even Tim and Lex!

The separate pieces in this diorama statue were initially only going to be distributed in Iron Studios’ home country of Brazil, however thanks to a deal with Texas-based company Chronicle Collectibles, the statue will now see distribution worldwide!

The 1/10 scale T. rex is a limited edition statue, hand-painted and crafted in polystone. Based on the main road sequence from the 1993 film, where the park’s main attraction breaks through the fences and attacks the tour group, this huge piece will distribute at the end of this year and is now available to pre-order through Chronicle’s website.

While this is a limited edition piece, the exact number count has not yet been decided, but if you are wanting to purchase this item then I wouldn’t wait around!

She measures 44cm in height and reaches 85cm end-to-end! As always with Chronicle, multiple payment plans are available to help you break down the cost, with the full price sitting at $649. With the weight estimated to be around 20lbs, this truly is a whopping collectible – made even bigger with the additional pieces!


Not only can you now purchase the T. rex from this diorama, now the 1/10 scale human figures are both available for pre-order too! Dr. Grant and Dr. Malcolm are available for $89 each, a modest price considering the colouring and detail!

Also shipping towards the end of the year, these collectible statues will come on a unique based featuring the Jurassic Park logo and weigh roughly 8lbs each.

These statues will look fantastic on their own, but if you’re keen for the whole diorama piece then more items are set to be announced this year with pricing and sizing info. For now, Chronicle have released this info:

This initial offering from Iron Studios represents just a small piece of a much larger complete diorama set that will also eventually be distributed by Chronicle Collectibles. Iron Studios, in coordination with Chronicle Collectibles, plans to release new pieces of the diorama over time, culminating in a complete 1/10 scale “T-Rex Attack” diorama once all pieces are assembled.

Iron Studios spared no expense when announcing this diorama piece at CCXP, with a full size T. rex statue towering over their display and a screen accurate tour vehicle available for photos ops. Their display was surrounded with foliage which makes the diorama piece really stand out.

Read more on CCXP by checking out our write-up from last December, and head to Chronicle’s official website to pre-order these items!

What do you make of Iron Studios’ officially licensed Jurassic Park collectibles? Will you be adding this diorama to your collection? Let us know in the comments section below.

Jeff Goldblum shows off his Ian Malcolm Funko Pop! Figures on Conan

Jeff Goldblum, who is reprising his role of Dr. Ian Malcolm in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, was a guest on the Conan talk show last night. They briefly showed and talked about the two Ian Malcolm Funko Pop! Figures that have been released. Check out the clip below.

The Target Exclusive Wounded Ian Malcolm Funko POP officially went on sale this past Wednesday at midnight PST and was completely sold out in less than 15 minutes. Fear not though as a second wave will be hitting online closer to the release of Fallen Kingdom According to Funko.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and on our forums.

Source: TeamCoco, Funko

We’ve Partnered With Entertainment Earth to Giveaway these Jurassic Park Funko Pops – Enter Now!

We’ve got the Jurassic Park Funko Pops in hand, and spoiler alert, we love them!

The first wave of Jurassic Park Funko Pops included Dr. Alan Grant, Dr. Ian Malcolm, John Hammond, Dennis Nedry, a Velociraptor, Dilophosaurus, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex! Each Pop is sculpted and painted with a surprising amount of fun, stylized detail and makes for a great display for Jurassic Park and Funko collectors!

Check out our video review:

Thanks to Entertainment Earth, we were able to review these fantastic collectors items, and partner up to give them away! Entry is simple, just follow the instructions with the Gleam app embedded below, or visit the entry portal directly.

Jurassic Outpost Pop! Vinyl Giveaway Sponsored by Entertainment Earth!


The “Win Seven Jurassic Park Pop! Vinyls from Jurassic Outpost” Promotion (“Promotion”) Official Rules (“Rules”)



PROMOTIONAL SPONSOR (“Sponsor”): Entertainment Earth, Inc., located at 61 Moreland Rd. Simi Valley, CA 93065.

ELIGIBILTY: Participation in the Promotion is open only to persons who at the time of entering (a) are 18 years of age or older (or have reached the legal age of majority where they reside) and (b) are legal residents of one of the fifty United States (including the District of Columbia) or Canada. Employees of Sponsor or its Affiliates (defined below), subsidiaries, partners, vendors, licensors, advertising agencies or promotional agencies, however, are not eligible to participate in the Promotion; nor are any immediate family members (mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, or spouse) of any such employee nor any person residing in the same household as any such employee. The Promotion is subject to all applicable laws and regulations. Notwithstanding any other terms of these Rules, this Promotion is VOID WHERE PROHIBITED.

HOW TO ENTER: The ability to enter the Promotion will begin at 9:00 A.M. Pacific Time (“PT”) on March 14, 2018 and end at 11:59 P.M. PT on March 21, 2018 (“Promotion Period”).

To participate in the Promotion, you must complete any of the following steps:

  • Visit the Jurassic Outpost website daily. (1 entry per valid visit each day)
  • Visit the Entertainment Earth website daily. (1 entry per valid visit each day)
  • Visit Jurassic Outpost on Instagram. (1 entry per valid Instagram account)
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Entries must be received during Promotional Period. Automated methods of entry are prohibited. Use of automated methods of entry may result in disqualification. Please see Sponsor’s Privacy Statement (located at for details of Sponsor’s use of personal information collected in connection with this Promotion. These Rules govern any conflict, however, between the terms of such Privacy Statement and these Rules.

The Sponsor will not provide technical support and is not responsible for ensuring the receipt of your entry. All entries become the property of the Sponsor and may be used without compensation in any manner, and, in any media, worldwide in perpetuity, for programming, publicity, promotional and/or other purposes, to the extent permitted by law.

Prize Information: 1 winner will be chosen randomly via the Gleam app winner selection tool to win  seven Jurassic Park Pop! Vinyls. The Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) for Prizes is $77. The Prize must be accepted as awarded with no substitutions (in cash, in kind, or otherwise) except at Sponsor’s sole discretion.  Sponsor reserves the right to substitute the prize or any portion thereof with another prize or portion thereof of equal or greater value. Any and all taxes (including, without limitation, income taxes) and other costs and expenses arising from or relating to the Prize (or any substitution) or its delivery, transfer, receipt, acceptance, possession, use or disposition are solely the responsibility of the winner, except for a single instance of shipping and handling arranged by Sponsor. Please allow up to two months for shipments.

This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram or Facebook.

Have you already picked up the Jurassic Park Funko Pops, or will you be entering the giveaway? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for the latest news!

Huge thanks to Entertainment Earth for partnering on this giveaway!

Target Exclusive ‘Injured Dr. Malcolm’ Jurassic Park Funko Pop Now Available!

Get ready for a late night.

If you want to secure yourself your very own Target exclusive sexy Dr. Ian Malcolm Jurassic Park Funk Pop, you’re going to need to order fast. The option to order it goes live tonight at midnight PST, and supplies are expected to run out fast! In the past, they’ve released exclusives like this online in waves throughout the day after the initial batch, to give as many people a fair shot at ordering.


Target Exclusive Jurassic Park Injured Malcolm Funko Pop – Order Now!

Update: The first wave has sold out.

Be sure to follow us on our social media channels, particularly Twitter for on the fly availability updates! Otherwise, use any of the product links provided, and keep refreshing for your best shot at getting an order before it’s sold out!

While the others are not yet available at Target, here are some other options for ordering the Jurassic Park Funko Pops!

Will you be buying the Injured Malcolm Pop? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for the latest news!

New Jurassic World LEGO Sets Return to Jurassic Park!

It appears LEGO still has a few surprises up their sleeve for Jurassic World!

This evening, images of new Jurassic sets hit the web, and much to the joy of fans, one includes the much anticipated return to Jurassic Park in celebration of the films 25th anniversary. While the box-art remains Jurassic World focused, the set itself is based within the control room of Jurassic Park, with a nod to the lab and kitchen. Featuring Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Lex, and Tim plus a classic Jurassic Velociraptor, it is a must for fans and collectors!

The classic set joins another World based set, featuring another fan favorite: the Dilophosaurus. The images and descriptions have surfaced on, and while it’s not confirmed as such, they’re thought to be exclusive to the retailer. Check them out below!

LEGO Jurassic World Jurassic Park Velociraptor Chase 75932

Recreate a classic scene from the original Jurassic Park movie with this fun LEGO set that celebrates the 25th anniversary of the original blockbuster movie. Open the kitchen cabinet to hide Lex and Tim Murphy from the prowling Velociraptor, use the locking door function to keep the dinosaur out of the computer control room, then push it through the breakable window to continue the chase. This dinosaur set includes 4 minifigures and a Velociraptor figure.


LEGO Jurassic World Dilophosaurus Outpost Attack 75931

Brace the hunters for a fierce Dilophosaurus Outpost Attack in this fun play set inspired by Jurassic World. Step down from the lookout tower and crane, featuring exploding gate and wall functions, crate and baby Dilophosaurus*, and use the tranquilizer gun to stop the Dilophosaurus breaking through the fences. This dinosaur set includes 3 minifigures and 2 dinosaur figures.


*Note: while the official description says baby Dilophosaurus, it is clearly baby Blue and on the box it is listed as a generic baby dino

We love the name of that Dilophosaurus set, and the new Jurassic Park accurate paint job looks fantastic! Word is there are a few more Jurassic LEGO sets yet to be revealed (at least one is a Toys R Us exclusive), so stay tuned as there are sure to be more reveals soon! Fingers crossed for John Hammond and the classic Jurassic vehicles.

Are you a fan of the LEGO Jurassic sets? Sound off in the comments below!

Source: Walmart (Set 1, Set 2)

Factory Entertainment Announce Limited Edition Jurassic Park Gates Statue for Pre-order & We Have a 10% Off Code!

Admit it, we all watched Jurassic Park and were left with two thoughts – the want to go there, and the want to take a piece of it home with you.

Considering dinosaurs have yet to be brought back by de-extinction (and even if they were alive, keeping one as a pet may be chaotic), Factory Entertainment has the next best thing. They have brought the iconic Jurassic Park gates to life as a polystone statue, with electronic light up flames, and a Ford Explorer vehicle as part of the diorama!

Pre-order now!

Just in time for the 25th anniversary, this limited edition statue is a must have for high end collectors. We’ve partnered with Factory Entertainment to offer a 10% off the statue – Simply use “YOUGOTTAGO” during checkout and receive 10% off, now through May 31, 2018 (or while limited edition quantities last).

“What have they got in there, King Kong?” – Dr. Ian Malcom

We’re thrilled to officially announce that our long awaited Jurassic Park Gates Environment Sculpture is now available for pre-order, just in time for the 25th anniversary of Jurassic Park!

Like eccentric entrepreneur and founder of the dinosaur sanctuary, John Hammond, we spared no expense in producing this highly detailed 11 inch tall heavyweight polystone/mixed media limited edition collectible. Featuring the park vehicle and illuminated flickering torches*, this stunning fan-favorite tribute will make the perfect addition to your collection, whether a couple of years or 65 million in the making!

Hold on to your butts, because we’re taking the one good idea that the “blood-sucking lawyer” had and are using it starting right now! Instead of a “coupon day” we’ve decided to extend it to a couple of “coupon months!” We’ve partnered with our friends at to provide Factory Direct customers and their loyal readers an exclusive 10% off coupon code! Simply use “YOUGOTTAGO” during checkout and receive 10% off, now through May 31, 2018 (or while limited edition quantities last).

Hurry! Quantities are limited and the piece will be extinct before you know it!

*Requires 2 AA Batteries (Not Included).

Shipping October/November 2018

Factory Entertainment has a few more Jurassic Park products coming out this year, which you can see in our New York Toy Fair gallery on Facebook. The model on display there had the illuminated flames turned on, which looked quite nice in motion – though it may be hard to tell from the brightly lit photos.

Will you be Pre-ordering the Jurassic Park gates from Factory Entertainment, and do you own any other collectibles from them? Sound off on the comments below, and as always, stay tuned for everything Jurassic!

Source: Factory Entertainment