New ‘Jurassic World: Alive’ Game Teases Pokemon Go Style Experience!

Hold on to your butts, and get ready… to clone them all?

It feels like it was just yesterday when the Pokemon Go game launched with a social media explosion, bringing that world to life in ours via a clever AR experience. One of things Jurassic fans kept bringing up was how amazing a Jurassic Park game offering the same experience would be – and it seems Universal Pictures and Ludia thought the same thing!

Launching this Spring, ‘Jurassic World: Alive’ sets the dinosaurs free across the world!

They’re ALIVE in our world!

Dinosaurs have returned to rule the Earth. They have fled Jurassic World on the unstable island of Isla Nublar….and they’re roaming free in your cities and neighborhoods.

As a brand-new member of the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG), your mission is to save dinosaurs from a second extinction. Explore your surrounding area to find your favorite dinosaurs – including new breeds that are more awe-inspiring and terrifying than ever before. Activate augmented reality (AR) to interact with these unbelievable creatures in the real world.

Track these magnificent animals with a drone and collect DNA samples needed to level up and create hybrids in your Lab. Then, assemble the perfect dinosaur strike team and take on dangerous threats in real-time PVP arena battles!

EXPLORE your world with location-based technology and discover dinosaurs on a map. Identify behavior patterns to track specific species in their natural habitats.

COLLECT rare and powerful breeds by flying a drone with precise accuracy. Capture DNA samples and maintain a full roster of thriving prehistoric animals.

CREATE hybrid creatures by combining the genetic traits of multiple species to develop their strengths and abilities.

BATTLE a strike team of dinosaurs to defend against threats to your mission and challenge others in real-time PVP competitive arenas.

EARN rewards such as in-game currency and battery life for your drone by finding Supply Drops on the map.

SHARE your legendary dinosaur collection with friends by posting your AR images and videos to your social pages!

“We really see this game as the future of the Jurassic World franchise on mobile. This is really the first time that we have allowed you to take the dinosaurs off the island and out of our storytelling world, and into your real world.” – Chris Heatherly – Universal Pictures Executive VP of Games

One of the key differences between Jurassic World Alive and Pokemon Go is that to play the game and obtain new creatures, you won’t actually need to explore in real time (though that element is supported). Instead you can send out a ‘drone’ from your house (or workplace, school and so on) to scout out the dinosaurs and collect DNA, offering more ways to play, keeping the game fresh if you’re anchored to one spot.

The game is launching with over 100 dinosaurs, but the goal is to constantly update the animals available within the world, adding to diverse roster of prehistoric titans. Further, you can create your hybrid dinosaurs from the DNA you obtain in game, allowing you to create any dinosaur of your choosing to collect and battle!

“There’s a major focus in this game on the hybrids and super hybrids to create this almost infinite matrix of possibilities” – Ludia CEO Alex Thabet


Hit the website now to pre-register, and unlock exclusive content when the game launches!

Source: Jurassic World Alive, Google Play Store

All Four Jurassic Park Films Releasing in 4K this May! (Updated)

Hold on to your butts, and get ready to see Jurassic Park like never before.

Revealed on Amazon, all four Jurassic Park films (yes, that means Jurassic World) will be released in 4K on May 22nd, 2018 in celebration of the first Jurassic’s 25th Anniversary. For the first time ever, the Jurassic franchise has been remastered in 4K (also known as Ultra-HD), featuring a far higher resolution and ‘High Dynamic Range (HDR) for Brighter, Deeper, More Lifelike Color’.

Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary Collection [4K Blu-ray]

Available to pre-order now the ‘Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary Collection’ ($79.98) set features a total of 8-discs, with each 4k film on their own discs, and the special features on another. As they have likely gone back to the source material for these remasters, the transfers will likely be entirely new, and have a different more authentic look akin to the theatrical run of each film. Since running the article, the Amazon listing has been updated with pictures – the cover is very nice, and would be near perfect if it weren’t for that incredibly ugly looking logo (also, the head being replaced with the Jurassic World rex doesn’t look right).

There’s a small chance these sets will also include some collectible material – recently a 4-film Blu-Ray set (not 4K) for the 25th Anniversary went on sale on Amazon UK (pictured above), and includes concept art from the upcoming sequel, Fallen Kingdom. Much like the 4K set, it will be released this May. However, since the listing has updated with imagery, it seems unlikely this set also includes the concept art – but time will tell!

Are you excited for the 4K release of Jurassic Park – and will you buy a 4K TV just for these films if you don’t have one already? I know I’m considering it. Sound off in the comments below!

As always, stay tuned – as soon as images of the 4K transfers become available, we will be sure to run another article. Thanks to Jeremy Conrad for the heads up!

Source: (via Bill Hunt)

‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’ Viral Website Answers Questions While Creating All New Mysteries

Get ready for a deep dive into Ingen’s secrets and inconsistencies.

Alongside the ‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’ Super Bowl trailer earlier this month, the viral website for Dinosaur Protection Group formally launched with a trove of new information and images. The DPG is a fictional organization introduced in the upcoming Jurassic Park sequel founded by Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), with the goal of gaining public and financial support to save the dinosaurs of Isla Nublar from the ‘extinction level’ eruption of the once dormant Mount Sibo.

Claire’s ambition to save the dinosaurs is driven by not only an empathetic bond to animals in need, but the moral responsibility of those who created the dinosaurs to save them from a doomed fate – a fate humanity dictated due to their unnatural forced containment and isolation. The DPG argues mankind must be held accountable for the life they’ve created, for better or worse, and it’s their obligation to save the dinosaurs via relocation or other means.

Thus, the ‘in-universe’ intent of the Dinosaur Protection Group website is to educate the world not only about the prehistoric life created through de-extinction, but to also help the public better understand the history of InGen’s actions, and the range of impact the epochal company has induced.

In a new DPG update today, the groundwork is set for explaining many of the mysteries of the Jurassic universe (such as why was the Spinosaurus not on InGen’s list, for starters). But before we go that far, it’s best to understand the lay of the land – after the San Diego incident in 1997, the Gene Guard Act was passed by the US House Committee in collaboration with InGen. The act rewarded currently existing dinosaur species the same rights as naturally existing endangered species, protected the islands from outsiders, and outlawed furthered creation of extinct prehistoric fauna.

This act was put into place before John Hammond passed away, and at the time InGen was fully committed to upholding a greater standard of ethics, standing as guardians of these majestic animals from the past. The restrictions would remain enforced when Masrani Global acquired InGen in 1998, though it was later discovered the company neglected the law well before the sanctions were dropped in 2003 (note: those sanctions were later discovered to be removed under illegal pretenses such as bribery).

The breaches in the Gene Protection Act began as soon as 100 days after Masrani Globals acquisition of InGen, and led to the creation of the Spinosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Ceratosaurus, and Corythosaurus* (all new species which first appeared in Jurassic Park 3). Curiously, the Jurassic Park 3 Ankylosaurus varies from that seen in Jurassic World – perhaps it’s an example of sexual dimorphism, where the males of the species have a different body structure and a splash of red on their face. The aformentioned file leak dates to 1997, prior to the acquisition; presumably any new variation of dinosaur seen in ‘World’ not listed as illegally cloned was created after 2003.

*Note: Despite what the DPG says, the Corythosaurus was not cloned illegally, and existed on Isla Sorna prior to the Gene Protection Act. It can be seen as part of the species list in ‘The Lost World: Jurassic Park’.

The files also point to the breeding Velociraptors, and much like Grant did, assumes Frog DNA is to blame. However, this does not take into account that modern reptiles and birds have been observed changing sex, and breeding in nature. As birds are a direct decedent of dinosaurs, and share the common archosaur ancestory with reptiles, it can be assumed that particular genetic ability evolved naturally. Hence, even without the frog DNA, dinosaurs would likely find a way to breed in certain circumstances. This is further evidenced by the documented breeding of Stegosaurs, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurs, Gallimimus, Pteranodons, and in all likelihood, numerous other species (for example sexual dimorphism can be observed in Parasaurolophus with green females, and orangeish males).

What the InGen file leak does not account for is the curious omission of Proceratosaurus, both a species on the Jurassic Park map, and a viable embryo stolen by Dennis Nedry – perhaps this can be explained by carelessness in InGens archival of information, or it was scrubbed from record for even more nefarious motives. Further anomalies that are yet to be explained are the separate sub-species of Velociraptor, Brachiosaurus, and Pteranodon observed on Isla Sorna during the events of Jurassic Park 3.

The latest DPG blog entry is vague on the status of Isla Sorna – it’s alluded that InGen at least claimed they moved all species to Isla Nublar, however the likelihood of that being true or possible seems slim at best – especially as many of the species of Sorna are nowhere to be found on Nublar. While one may account that to population extinction, earlier DPG updates suggest the only known extinctions are Metriacanthosaurus and Edmontosaurus on Isla Nublar only.

There is a lot more to dig into on the Dinosaur Protection Group website, such as dinosaur population counts from 1993 to 1997, illustrating the various survival rates and hunting patterns of the animals on both islands. Further, it showcases that some of the new dinosaurs seen in ‘World’ were species InGen aspired to create via incomplete genomes during the ‘Park’ era, such as the Dimorphodon and Allosaurus.

This is an exciting time to be a Jurassic Park fan, and further dig into the canon of the films. Be sure to check the website out, and sound off on what you think of this latest lore expansion!

Source: Dinosaur Protection Group

Hands On With the First Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Toys!

If a picture is worth 1000 words, what is 1000 pictures worth?

That’s the question I’m asking myself as I sit in my hotel room, overwhelmed by everything I had the chance to see and experience today, while trying to find a way to filter and present the information on this website. There are just too many pictures – I’m not sorry about that, but I am struggling to find the best way to share them all!

However, I’m getting ahead of myself. Today, as you no doubt already know, Universal Pictures held a first look event at their numerous Jurassic World toys and merchandise – this of course included LEGO, Mattel, and Funko – but also included high end fashion, candy, and much more! We were there to see, hold, and demo the items, geek out, take pictures and videos, and ask way too many questions.

To be as in depth as possible with our articles, we will be uploading images to social media first – particularly Facebook. Major brands such as Mattel will get their own designated articles, like so. As Toy Fair continues to roar on this weekend, we will provide numerous updates via new articles, however, if this article see’s updates we will also make note of it. I’ll do an in depth ‘blog/review’ of my experience (spoiler alert: I loved it all) later, perhaps via podcast, but for now I wanted to share as many direct images as possible.

As a buffer to the Mattel items, you should know their main line has all been scaled around 3.75″ humans – so each separate SKU houses dinosaurs of the same relative size, meaning the entire lineup scales proportionately. This is something Jurassic Park fans haven’t had since the Kenner days, prior to Jurassic Park 3, and in many ways, Mattel has raised the bar. With that out of the way, it’s time to dig in.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy – starting with this video:

NOTE: These are only select images – see our Facebook Album for every photo we took!

Basic Dinosaurs ‘Attack Pack’ (price N/A):

The basic dinosaurs – these dinosaurs are articulated, and represent the smaller Jurassic Park and World species. Perhaps the most interesting one on display was the Herrerasaurus, based on the Telltale game – Universal has confirmed they’re dedicated to making a robust expanded universe, and this is the evidence! Take note, a few of the dinosaurs such as the Dimorphodon and Dilophosaurus have color variants on display.

Blink and you’ll miss it! Part of this lineup is the male Velociraptor from The Lost World, as pictured on the back of the packaging:

Basic Human Figures ($7.99):

Humans – packed with gear and sometimes a small dino! While it looks like only one is backed with an actual hatchling (Owen and Baby Blue), these figures sport lots of articulation and great paint applications. With great play factor along with fun collectability, these should be a welcome addition to everyone.

Electronic Dinosaurs ‘Roarivores’ ($14.99):

These electronic toys sport great articulation, biting actions, and button activated roars. They’re based on the mid sized dinosaurs of the Jurassic universe, such as Triceratops, Allosaurus, and Metriacanthosaurus. One thing that stood out to me was how detailed the toys were, and the fact that they are larger than the pictures implied – while I had initially thought they were close in size to the JP3 electronic dinos, they are in fact closer to the 2013 Dino Showdown sets.

Jurassic World ‘Action Attacks’ ($19.99):

Based upon the medium large dinosaurs of the Jurassic franchise, these toys are large, detailed, and eye catching. These are certain to attract fans of all ages, with their button activated attack features, and their striking paint applications. The Carnotaurus is easily the standout from this lineup, and is hands down the best Carnotaurus toy in the series.

Indoraptor (price N/A)

The new villain of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. Not much is known about this new dinosaur, but from the name alone one can assume she is a variation of the Indominus Rex, favoring more Velociraptor DNA over Tyrannosaurus. This toy is super articulated, and ultra detailed, though sadly there was no loose sample to experiment with – however we were quite impressed with what we saw!

Real Feel Mosasaurus ($29.99):

This toy is massive and made out of a hollow soft plastic (or perhaps a harder rubber?), and features an articulated jaw and fins. It’s simple, kid friendly (while it’s not made for water play, it’s been tested), and yet still attractive to collectors. I fully expect this toy will fly off the shelves faster the Mosasaurus jumping to eat the Indominus Rex.

Thrash N’ Throw T rex ($39.99):

This was the toy I was most worried about – while we didn’t cover it on our website, images had previously leaked, and it didn’t look great. Thankfully, the leaks were not representative of the real item, which ended up being one of my favorite toys of the lineup! The play factor on this toy is next level, and while reminiscent of the Thrasher from ’97, it adds far more action (see the video) as well as electronic roars!

Super Colossal Tyrannosaurus Rex ($54.99)

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is the star of Jurassic Park, and the queen of Isla Nublar – so it’s no surprise Mattel has made a massive toy based on this iconic dinosaur. Measuring at least 3 feet long, this toy is a showstopper, towering over the rest of the line – it features articulated jaws, and a hollow belly, allowing it to chomp and eat smaller toys, such as the ill-fated mercenary in these pictures!

Lights and Sounds Vehicles ($19.99)

Both the ‘Deep Dive Submarine’ and the ‘Off Road Rescue Rig’ are based upon key vehicles in Fallen Kingdom, and feature moving parts plus authentic light up features. They’re quite large, and can fit multiple basic human figures – and perhaps even a dino or two! Their paint applications are basic, but effective, and they’re surprisingly affordable for their size.

Gyrosphere Blast Vehicle ($29.99)

This vehicle is cool enough even without the Gyropshere functionality, which takes it to a whole new level – this heavy armored truck is perfect for hunting down the dinos, but if things get too dangerous, the drivers can make a quick escape via the push of a button, launching the Gyrosphere out! Be sure to watch the video at the top of this article to fully appreciate the feature!

Thats not all!

This was just a sampling of the items on showcase today – check out the expanded gallery below, the full gallery on Facebook, and the PDF embedded at the end of this article for every Jurassic World Mattel item announced so far (and yes – more are coming!).

As always, stay tuned – we will continue to cover toy fair, build a section based on the toys, and all the latest news. Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think!

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Jurassic World Mattel Toy Fair Preview”]

Huge thanks to Tim Cianfano for assisting with photos and video!

Jurassic Park Rex to Appear in Spielberg’s ‘Ready Player One’

Finally answering months of speculation, a new TV spot for Steven Spielberg’s ‘Ready Player One’ lays to rest the debate over whether or not the film will pay homage to Spielberg’s own work with a resounding YES!

This reference to Spielberg’s portfolio of classics comes in the form of none other than the Jurassic Park Rex!

It was previously reported that Spielberg would not be referencing any of his previous films for fear of it being interpreted as vanity, thankfully however this is not the case and at least one throwback has slipped the net.

The film which is due out later this year, is based on the 2011 novel by Ernest Cline. Despite being set in the future, the novel is grounded in references to pop culture from the 80s, 90s, 00s and 10s. Other references include the time travelling DeLorean from the 1985 hit ‘Back to the Future’ and the titular ‘Iron Giant’ from Brad Bird’s animated classic.

Whilst it remains to be seen if this will be a cameo or more of a featured appearance, this will be the Jurassic Park Rex’s second appearance of the year outside of the Jurassic Park/World franchise, after the Jeep Wrangler advert that debuted at the Super Bowl earlier this month.

‘Ready Player One’ is due out on March the 29th.

Universal Studios Hollywood May Re-theme Jurassic Park: The Ride to Jurassic World According to Rumor

Might we finally get a Jurassic World themed attraction at Universal Studios theme parks?

Yes! Well maybe….kind of? According to a rumor from Theme Park University, Universal Studios Hollywood may be gearing up to transform Jurassic Park: The Ride into a Jurassic World themed ride.

It’s been made public that Comcast wants a new attraction in every Universal park every year moving forward….Which brings us to 2019. If what I’m hearing from folks who work at Universal Studios Hollywood is correct, Jurassic Park: The Ride will be operational through at least part (most?) of the summer season and then close to make a transformation into a Jurassic World The Ride attraction.

While nothing is official and any report should of course be taken fully as a rumor, it does make sense for Universal Studios Hollywood to update Jurassic Park: The Ride. Having opened in June of 1996, the ride will be entering its 22nd year of operation. As pointed out by Theme Park University the animatronic dinosaurs in the ride have become quite dated and are in the need of a major upgrade so a Jurassic World revamp may also indicate new upgraded animatronics.

Further, this aligns with reports we heard some time back, suggesting a makeover was planned (then at IOA rather than Hollywood), re-branding the area to Jurassic World, complete with a state of the art Indominus Rex animatronic. If the general concept still stands, while the ride will take place within ‘Jurassic World’, Jurassic Park should still make an appearance as the ride vehicle is diverted through the old park ruins.

Our speculation would be that it is likely that the ride itself would remain the same as a boat on the same track but that the theming, dinosaurs and ride story would be new (while still following the same basic story structure). It is also likely that the new ride would not only include the Indomnius Rex from the 2015 film, but also Velociraptor Blue and a Mosasaurus cameo. Finally, the old dinosaurs are expected to get entirely new fixtures, featuring actual film accurate designs.

It is unclear if dinosaurs or aspects from the yet unreleased Fallen Kingdom would be included in any possible revamp.

Sadly, this does mean the great ‘Jurassic Park’ theming for the rest of the ride and area would switch to the more modern ‘World’ look – as World borrows from real world parks like Universal and Disney, it offers less of a unique sense of escapism. It remains to be seen how they will keep Jurassic unique, in line with its more safari adventure vibe it is known for, and is currently featuring.

Theme Park University also says that they are hearing this will only be for Universal Studios Hollywood and that currently the Jurassic Park ride at Islands Of Adventure in Flordia won’t be changing.

Also make sure to check out the full rumor article at Theme Park University as they make guesses and speculate themselves of what a Jurassic World themed ride may entail.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and on our forums!

Source: Theme Park University

Chronicle Collectibles Debut Sick Triceratops for Jurassic Park’s 25th!

Now that I see her she’s the most beautiful thing I ever saw…

Chronicle Collectibles are fulfilling Dr. Alan Grant’s collectible wishes this year, with the announcement of their first Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary item – the Sick Triceratops.

io9 first reported the announcement of this 1:35 scale model, which measures 13″ long, 11″ wide and 4″ tall. Check out the piece below!

The model will set you back $449 but as with every release from Chronicle, there are multiple payment plans available to ensure you can obtain one of these limited edition pieces.

The pre-orders began today for the item – while there is currently not an official number count, these pieces are limited edition and will likely sell out relatively quick, so hit up the official page here with more photos, information and details on how to pre-order!

For many Jurassic Park fans, the reveal of the Sick Triceratops remains one of the most iconic scenes in the entire film. The wonder and amazement in the eyes of Dr. Grant and Ellie as they gaze upon this ailing dinosaur are shared by us as the audience. The scene is fully convincing in making us believe dinosaurs roam the earth again; it’s one of the clearest examples of why cinema has such a powerful impact on us.

Now, fans can own a piece of that movie magic. Chronicle Collectibles presents to you the 1:35 scale Jurassic Park: Sick Triceratops Diorama, the first and only licensed high-end collectible for this beloved dinosaur.

To ensure we had the finest details correct, we brought in legendary dinosaur painter Steve Riojas to paint the masters to perfection. You will never a find a better licensed Sick Triceratops ever offered; we have poured our heart and soul into this piece to make it something fans will be proud to own and display.

Alongside this, Chronicle have announced a wealth of new items including a 1:1 scale The Lost World: Jurassic Park Velociraptor head bust molded and cast directly from a Stan Winston Studios original Velociraptor – meaning this is a screen accurate piece!

Last year the company released the same model with a Jurassic Park ‘Isla Nublar’ skin which quickly sold out. The piece weighs 72 pounds and measures in at 30″ tall – so this will dominate any room you showcase it in!

Fans of The Lost World can also revel in this model of InGen’s Pachycephalosaurus. For only $399 you can own this highly detailed cast of the defensive herbivore, molded directly from Stan Winston Studios’ maquettes, originally created for the Jurassic Park sequel.

This item is limited to only 150 pieces so if you are a true The Lost World fan (if you’re not, please close your web browser and re-evaluate your stance) this might be worth your pennies.

And of course, if you caught our article last week, the last (but certainly not least) of Chronicle’s latest Jurassic products is the bronze Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Adapted from their previous Breakout piece, this features a brand new streamlined base, putting the focus on the dinosaur with its bronze finish. Measuring in at 24″ long, 9″ wide and 10″ tall, and set on a 9″ diameter base, this piece is a must have!

Chronicle Collectibles have continued to knock it out of the park with their officially licensed Jurassic Park products and I’m excited to see more as we progress through the year! What items would you like to see Chronicle next debut?

Let us know in the comments section below, and be sure to give Chronicle a follow on their social media channels for more information on their products and some behind the scenes looks at their design process!

Jeff Goldblum Stars in New Jurassic Park Jeep Commercial!

Hold on to your butts – the Jurassic action roars on!

Shortly before kickoff of Super Bowl LII we got a new 90 second look at Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, but it wasn’t the only commercial that was Jurassic themed.

During the third quarter of the big game a commercial from Jeep aired starring Jeff Goldblum for the new 2018 Jeep Wrangler. In what starts as a recreation of the classic T-Rex Jeep chase from Jurassic Park, it takes a hilarious turn as Jeff Goldblum begins to chase the T-Rex. Check out the Jeep Wrangler commercial below:

Not only is the commercial Jurassic Park themed, Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow, who is serving as writer/executive producer on Fallen Kingdom, directed this TV spot for Jeep. Here’s what he had to say:

It’s great to see some extra Dr. Ian Malcolm action, with a flair of humor at that! Sound off ans let us know what you think, and in cased you missed it, don’t forget to check out the Super Bowl TV spot for the film!

Source: YouTube

Two Brand New Chronicle Collectibles Jurassic Park Pieces Available for Pre-Order!

Chronicle Collectibles have announced two great new additions to their ever growing Jurassic Park lineup today, and they are already available for pre-order!

First up is the Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary faux Bronze Tyrannosaurus Rex statue. Adapted from their previous T. rex breakout set, it features a brand new streamlined base, putting the focus on the dinosaur with its bronze finish. Measuring in at 24″ long, 9″ wide and 10″ tall, and set on a 9″ diameter base, this piece is a must have!

“Has it really been 25 years since Jurassic Park wove its way into the hearts and minds of generations of movie-goers? In 1993, Universal Studios, together with Steven Spielberg and Stan Winston Studios, changed movie history forever with Jurassic Park. The mixture of fully engineered forty-foot dinosaur puppets with live-action actors and new computer-generated imagery allows Jurassic Park to stand tall over the test of time. Chronicle Collectibles is passionate about celebrating these films that have shaped the industry for the past several decades.

To commemorate 25 years of movie growth and inspiration, Chronicle Collectibles is proud to bring a beautiful limited edition faux bronze Tyrannosaurus Rex into your home. Modeled after the design of the Stan Winston Bronzes, this elegant polyresin statue is the roaring T. rex pose on a smooth black base. These will be hand-numbered and only available for a limited time.”

Edition Size: TBD
Price: $349.00

The next dinosaur is a fan favorite herbivore from The Lost World, the Pachycephalosaurus! This ‘ram headed’ dino is cast directly off of the original Stan Winston Studio maquette, and is painted to match every detail. The Pachy statue is no small piece: it measures 31″ long, 19″ tall and 7″ wide with a base that is 13″ wide, 9″ deep and 2″ tall.

“We are proud to announce that for the first-time ever you can bring home “Pachy” to round out
your growing collection of Chronicle Collectibles Jurassic Park pieces. The Pachycephalosaurus
continues our line of cinema-quality statues molded directly from the maquettes originally
created by Stan Winston Studios.

Whether you have all of our Jurassic Park offerings or this is your first, the Pachycephalosaurus
will make a unique conversation piece to display in your home or office. Made to exacting detail,
the Pachycephalosaurus is roughly the same size and weight as our The Lost World: Jurassic
Park Stegosaurus. This statue is set on an circular base designed to resemble a dirt and rock-
strewn surface.”

Edition Size: 150
Price: $399.00

Both new statues are available with 10 month payment plans, meaning you can purchase the Pachy with installments of $39.90 a month, and the Rex as low as $34.90 – Chronicle Collectibles have been leading the industry with their incremental payment options, making it easier for collectors like myself to afford the pieces.

If these pieces are up your alley, be sure to pre-order now, as they’re limited edition and will likely sell out fast!

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our review for the sold out Breakout Tyrannosaurus Rex from Chronicle, which is a beautiful piece, and hands down the most accurately sculpted Tyrannosaur based upon the first film. Also check out our gallery of images for these new pieces below, including a look at in hand images the sold out full size female Jurassic Park Velociraptor for another example of Chronicles quality!

If you’re already interested, you can pre-order the Bronze Tyrannosaur here, and Pachycephalosaurus here!

Finally, frequent InGeneral Podcast guest Paul Francis recently joined the Yes Have Some Podcast, to talk the latest about everything Chronicle Collectibles and Jurassic World – be sure to give it a listen if you want some insight on the behind the scenes happenings and the products yet to come!

Source: Chronicle Collectibles

Survive Isla Nublar in ‘Jurassic Park: Danger!’ a New Board Game Coming May 2018!

As the celebration of Jurassic Park’s 25th anniversary stomps onward, and the release of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom crawls ever nearer, the merchandise news continues to break out!

In the latest dino-filled update unearthed, we’re met with a welcome surprise: a new board game based on the original Jurassic Park film. Welcome to ‘Jurassic Park: Danger!‘, a 2-5 player adventure survival game. Thanks to Board Game Geek, we have the first images and information:

Designed by Forrest-Pruzan Creative, who have released games such as ‘Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle’ and ‘Cranium Cariboo’, and published by Ravensburger, ‘Jurassic Park: Danger!’ is slated to release May of this year. Recommended for ages 10 and up, with an average playtime of 50 minutes onward, the games official description is as follows:

The first visitors have arrived at Jurassic Park to see its miraculous dinosaurs firsthand, but chaos has hit Isla Nublar: The power is out, and the prehistoric creatures are on the hunt!

In Jurassic Park: Danger! Adventure Strategy Game, one player controls the T. Rex, Dilophosaurus, and Velociraptor, prowling through the jungle to attack the humans. The other players team up as characters from the classic movie, struggling to get Jurassic Park back online and escape the island before they fall prey to old-time predators!

Beyond the description available, little is known about how the game will play, but the concept of pitting players playing as the Jurassic Park guests vs the escaped dinosaurs is recipe for exciting fun. Intriguingly, Mondo have also announced a game based on Jurassic Park called ‘The Chaos Gene‘ with a similar sounding play style releasing this year.

How the games differ remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain: we’re in for a wild year of Jurassic jubilee – I cannot remember the last time two original Jurassic games released anywhere near one another.

2018 is shaping up to be an amazing time to be a Jurassic fan! I know I cannot wait to get my hands on this game and try it out with friends, or even fellow Jurassic community members. Not only does the game sound fantastic, the artwork is phenomenal, and is sure to attract collectors with that element alone. Be sure to keep your eyes on Jurassic Outpost, as more information on ‘Jurassic Park: Danger!’ is sure to come soon, whether at New York Toy Fair or elsewhere.

Will you be picking up ‘Jurassic Park: Danger!’? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for everything Jurassic!

Source: Board Game Geek