London Cinema Presents Jurassic Park AND The Lost World in 35mm!

With the recent announcement that Jeff Goldblum will be reprising his role as Dr. Ian Malcolm in the upcoming sequel to Jurassic World, what better way to celebrate than to watch Jurassic Park and The Lost World back to back?

The Prince Charles Cinema in London agrees and will be hosting a Double Feature screening of both movies, back to back, in 35mm!

The screening takes place on Saturday 17th June and opens at 8:45pm, with tickets costing £15 for non-members and £12.50 for members. You can purchase your tickets here!

The Prince Charles Cinema is known for screening original 35mm (or 70mm!) prints of movies and bringing back classics and cult films. They host marathons of popular franchises and also host movie premieres. The first time I went to the Prince Charles was for the premiere of a movie I had worked on. Another experience (and I really mean experience) was when they screened The Room and had Tommy Wiseau there, signing Blu-Rays. What a guy.

It’s a great cinema and is located right next to Leicester Square, so grab some food in Chinatown then head down to the Prince Charles! I’ll be there, will you?

Thanks to JJ for the heads up!

Source: Prince Charles

Dr. Jack Horner sits down with us and talks Jurassic Park, Jurassic World 2, Chickenosaurus and more! Listen!

On Sunday April 2nd, the Jurassic Outpost team met with Dr. Jack Horner at the first official fan event we sponsored in collaboration with Universal Pictures. To say the least, we were thrilled that he joined us at the event – and there is no question, he stole the show! He sat down with Darice Murphy from Universal Pictures and answered numerous questions from fans before moving on to a more personal meet and greet with those attending (we believe roughly 100+)!

While video from the event is still coming from us soon, yesterday Dr. Horner was kind enough to join us for a more intensive chat and answer our biggest questions as we geek out over dinosaurs. Spoilers: yes he is working on Jurassic World 2, and says the script is great. He also dishes out his thoughts on the Jurassic Park Dilophosaurus, feathers, Velociraptor size, and much more – and it doesn’t stop there! Dr Horner also chats Terra Nova, his sweltering experience on the Jurassic World set, Chickenosaurus, and how he accidentally tortured a sum of money out of George Lucas!

I imagine some of you are sitting here asking “What on earth is Chickenosaurus?” Well, let me tell you, it’s nothing short of amazing. Dr. Horner is working with top minds in an attempt to reverse engineer a chicken, bringing out its dormant biological features such as a snout with teeth, hands with claws, and of course a tail. He hopes to have successfully engineered these dinosaurs within 3 years – I ask if we can expect a park to visit, but he took it a step further and suggested them as pets. Now you’re John Hammond, Dr. Horner.

So what are you waiting for? Give our hour long interview a listen on Youtube above, or podbean below! Be sure to sound off in the comments below, on youtube, and rate us on iTunes.

Huge thanks to Dr. Horner to taking time out of day to speak with all of us fans!

What a Day! The First Official Jurassic World Community Event Overview + Photos & Videos!

Wow. That’s pretty much the ideal word to describe this weekend. What a turnout. What a good group of fans. What an event.

After working in collaboration with Universal Pictures on this event for a good few months now, it was exciting to finally see it all come together on April 2. The weekend hadn’t provided the best weather in Philadelphia, but the skies cleared that morning giving us little wind and bright sunshine all day.

Arriving around 11am, for many of us this is our first visit to The Franklin Institute and to Jurassic World: The Exhibition which, to any Jurassic Park fan, is exciting enough in itself! The Franklin is tremendous and the Jurassic World banners flowing in the wind highlight their biggest attraction to date.

After the Outpost team had sorted our equipment, sign-in table and logistics with the museum representative (and manager of Jurassic World: The Exhibition!) Michelle – who was amazing to work with, and so enthusiastic about the Exhibition and about our event – we stationed ourselves outside the main entrance on the steps leading into the museum. This is where fans began to arrive and we took our group photo – #SaveOurSaurs!

First up: Jurassic World in 3D. Although it turns out Universal had some technical issues with the 3D copy, and instead announced that we would be watching Jurassic Park in 3D. Maybe they did not expect the response, but the crowd roared with excitement and we sat to watch our favourite film.

Next up: Dr. Jack Horner graced us with his presence and answered many questions from fans, submitted both through the Jurassic World social pages and directly from us. Jack was really on form, so passionate about the movies and the dinosaurs that feature in them.

He explained the current status of his Chickenosaurus which is roughly three years away from completion, with only the tail left to genetically modify! He wants to see a Carnotaur in a sequel, and is excited for Jurassic World 2 which he promised has a fantastic script. Check out the audio from the Q&A below!

Those attending got the opportunity to meet Dr. Jack Horner in person, and while we did pry for sequel news, unfortunately his lips are sealed! Interestingly enough, when Ryan asked about the skeleton of the Triceratops looking dinosaur in the first official set picture from the sequel, he said it was a “Fake-a-saurus”…


The Velociraptor Meet & Greet was next, where we got to interact and meet Echo, the human in a Raptor suit. It was impressive to see up close and we learned that Echo was on her way to Chicago!


The discounted tickets for the day included entry between 5pm and 7pm to the Exhibition itself so we headed on through – what an experience! The museum, Universal and the Creative Technology company have really designed something special here, no wonder it is their busiest attraction! We learned that some props from the movie made it into the Exhibition, so seeing those up close is quite something! Check out this video from the Exhibition by Kerr Robinson!

After the event, the team from the Outpost (and a few others) headed to film a behind the scenes interview with Steve – Head of Creatures at Jurassic World: The Exhibition. He demonstrated how the T. rex operates and gave us great insight into how the Exhibition came together, and how it all works! He even let Chris operate the Rex! Check out the interview below, and huge thanks to Steve for taking the time to speak with us.

We had collaborated on this event with Universal and organised the schedule, but they truly surprised us in the screening by announcing canapés and cocktails after we have made our way through the Exhibition, to celebrate! This provided time to really meet and talk with those who had attended, and it truly was great to meet so many passionate fans!


The event went smoothly and everybody attending appeared to have a great time! With the little notice we had to actually advertise the event, Chris and I expected maybe 30 fans to attend. When we arrived, 83 tickets had been purchased, and the final figure made it over 100! How amazing is that?! We can’t thank you all enough for making your way to Philadelphia for this – the first official fan community event! It was fun to plan and equally attend, and meeting so many fans that we’ve known online for years made it all the better!

As for the weekend, it was the first time any of the Outpost team had met, and we all agreed it went too smoothly. Bros for life – I think the combination of Jurassic Park (well, The Lost World) quotes, pizza and a touch of alcohol solidified our friendship past online friends.

We were inundated with photos, messages and posts from the big day and we’re still working our way through it all now! So many of you shared your event photos and it really is so amazing to read your messages! We’re so happy you enjoyed it. Shoutout to the Jurassic Park Motor Pool who made it down with a Jeep, and a huge shoutout to Jaroslav Kosmina who created a unique gift for those who attended (email us if you missed out – these were distributed at the cocktails part)!


Ethan Pettus also attended and handed out zines for his upcoming novel, Primitive War! Dr. Jack Horner was in awe at the concept art showing feathered dinosaurs, and I know he kept both a copy of the zine and Jaroslav’s sketch – both impressive!

Sitting here writing this, there’s still so much to go over, review, and edit, but some fans have reviewed the event, check out Jurassic Sean’s review below! Glad you made it out man!

We also featured on the official Jurassic World’s social feeds, check out the gallery below:

We have numerous videos coming from the event including an exclusive behind the scenes look at the T. rex and an interview with Steven of the Creature Technology Company. Photographer Tim Cianfano was taking photos throughout the day which you can see more of at the gallery here!



Tim also took photos through the Exhibition and created this photo series, called Jurassic Contrast. Check out the photos below!

The event went down without a hitch and we were amazed by the turnout. Jurassic fans truly flock in herds, and I’ll keep saying it – it was amazing to meet so many of you. What a fandom this is! We want to thank everyone who made it down, and everybody at The Franklin Institute who were so helpful and accommodating throughout the day.

And of course, this is the first time Universal Pictures have worked with a fandom, not just for Jurassic Park but for any franchise, and I can honestly say that it was so rewarding. Darice, J.P., Molly, Shayne and everybody else who worked with us, thank you.

Check out the video from the event, showcasing the day’s activities!

If you attended the event then please share your photos with us and let us know how the day went for you! You can use the Facebook Event page to share photos and stories.

Until next time!

The first official Jurassic World community event is tomorrow – meet the team!

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for Jurassic Park fans in Philadelphia – if you’re not sure what we’re talking about look below! That’s right, for the first time ever, Jack, Asees, Alex, Chris, Ryan and Josh are finally meeting up together in order to put this event together for the Jurassic community.


A brief recap of Sunday’s events:

1 PM: Jurassic World 3D Movie Screening
3 PM: Q&A with Dr. Jack Horner, Paleontologist
4 PM: Raptor Experience Meet & Greet/Photo-Op
5-7 PM: Jurassic World: The Exhibition Tour and Experience

Use code OUTPOST to get $5 off of your ticket for an exhibition tour between 5-7pm, a 3D screening of Jurassic World and a Q&A with paleontological advisor to the films, Jack Horner.

We cannot wait to see you all there!

Coming to the April 2nd fan event? Make a ‘Save the Dinosaurs’ sign in advance for a fun photo-op!

This weekend the first official Jurassic World fan event is happening at the Franklin Institute and we couldn’t be more excited! April 2nd, Philadelphia – be there! We’re hosting the event in collaboration with Universal Pictures and it’s going to be a blast (See Jurassic World on the big screen, meet Dr. Jack Horner, tour Jurassic World the Exhibition, and more – plus it only costs 14.95 to attend!) Learn more about the event, including how to buy tickets here!

We’ve decided to add another fun, yet optional flavor to the event: let’s do a Jurassic World 2 photo-shoot! How, you ask? Well, via domain purchases we suspected Jurassic World 2 would have a ‘save the dinosaurs’ theme – which was confirmed by a set picture tweeted by Frank Marshall! So, we thought it would be fun to take an ‘in universe’ picture pretending to be protesters rallying for dinosaur rights! To be clear, this is just an idea we had at Jurassic Outpost and is not an official tie in to the film.

Interested? Grab a poster board, large piece a of paper, or anything else and get your arts and crafts on! Go for a homemade look – we want this to look like a real protest, so you do not need to be a professional artist. Keep in mind that the museum may not be able to facilitate the signs, so they may end up in the trash – we’ll try to keep that from happening, but we won’t know until everyone shows up!

Suggested phrases:

  • Save Our Saurs
  • We Can Save Them
  • Support the Isla Nublar Rescue Mission
  • All Creatures Have Rights
  • Support the Dinosaur Protection Group

Watch this space for when the photo-op will happen. Ideally, we’ll aim to make it before the 1pm Jurassic World Movie screening – remember, this is optional, but feel free to show even if you don’t have a sign!

Get Ready to Celebrate – Universal Pictures Confirms Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary!

In 2018, Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park will hit it’s 25th birthday. 25 years of entertaining audiences with three sequels released in that time. Many fans expected there to be some sort of celebration to coincide with Jurassic World 2’s release that same year, and now Universal Pictures have confirmed the celebration.

The Las Vegas Licensing Expo happens this May, and their line-up included detailed information on NBCUniversal’s Brand Development. Among the various properties listed, both Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary and Jurassic World 2 are named. This surely will lead to a theatrical re-release (something we’ve heard buzz about), and possibly even a blu ray set with new set with new special features.

The new logo has shown up on Amazon via the Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary Wall Calendar. This will hopefully be the first of many products for fans to indulge over, and we have also heard constant buzz about a 25th anniversary throwback toyline, a Jurassic Park “Classic Collection”.

While a toyline hasn’t been confirmed, we’ve been hearing about it since June of last year (see last paragraph), which may well mean that Hasbro’s plans were carried over into Mattel when they fortunately lost the license. While the linked article discusses the splintering of @JurassicWorld and @JurassicPark, it’s possible that a “classic” toyline may remain under the Jurassic World branding, but we won’t know that until next year!

What products or events are you hoping for next year to celebrate Jurassic Park’s 25th anniversary? What would you like to see in a classic toyline, a Lex Murphy or John Hammond figure perhaps? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below, and stay tuned for more as we learn it!

Source: Licensing Expo

Originally posted March 17th, 2017

Rare Jurassic Park Storyboards Reveal Scrapped Scene – T. rex at the Lagoon!

In January and February we shared two sets of storyboards that showed deleted or alternate takes on scenes from Jurassic Park. The storyboards came from Phil Tippett’s personal collection which recently went up for auction, with Jurassic Time‘s creator Derrick Davis having won a storyboard binder in that auction. Since he won, he has been sorting through the binder and has been sharing scans online!

Along with the sequences we shared, various other deleted and alternate sequences were shared, such as the Helicopter Rescue, Morning Tree, Raptor Escape from Pen and Raptor Stalking Through Rotunda. To conclude these amazing reveals, Derrick has now shared the Tyrannosaurus at the Lagoon sequence, which never made it into the movie!

Derrick describes the sequence and storyboards below:

“Jurassic Park was a breathtaking film by Steven Spielberg; filled with spectacle, wonder, and imagination. Likewise, the novel and the adaptation process included many inventive ideas. This video presents one of the most famous ideas that didn’t make it into the film: “Tyrannosaurus Rex At The Lagoon”. Following closely to the tense sequence from the novel, the filmmakers also revised it with their own ideas, more than once. This version appears to be the last of the revisions, before it was scrapped entirely; along with the rest of the “river adventure” that was inspired and adapted into the classic Universal Studios attractions.

This video uses the official original storyboards that were contained in Phil Tippett’s Early Sequence Storyboard Binder, from his own collection. They have never been publicly seen before. This video was made to dramatize the sequence with original music by Derrick Davis and Mikhail Cucuk, inspired by the John Williams Jurassic Park themes. It is made for entertainment and educational purposes only. Amblin Entertainment and Universal Pictures own any copyrights to the material. See video for full credits of this production.

As stated above, along with the storyboards which are now all available for download here, Derrick produced a video with original music to show how the sequence could have played out! Check that out below:

Clearly a serious amount of work went into this so we have to thank Derrick for his efforts here. The original score complimented the visuals and gave us a true look at what this sequence may have played like if it had made it to the film.


We know many sequences were cut from the movie before or during filming which begs the question: do you believe the movie (which in most of our minds is perfect anyway!) would have benefited from this sequence being left in? Now that we’re able to see alternate scenes or deleted scenes it’s an interesting topic to discuss.

Along with the reveals online you can watch the unboxing of the storyboard binder here.

Thanks again to Derrick for sharing these storyboards with us and for the video! Let us know what you think of the Tyrannosaurus in the Lagoon in the comments section below!

Would You Want to See Dr. Ellie Sattler Return to the Jurassic Park Franchise?

When thinking of iconic characters from the Jurassic Park franchise, Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler and Ian Malcolm usually appear at the top of the list. The chemistry between these characters in Jurassic Park still holds it’s own as some of the best character development in the entire franchise, so it’s no surprise that many people want to see these characters return.

In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Laura Dern spoke about how she landed her role as paleobotanist Dr. Ellie Sattler in the first movie. With an Oscar nomination for Rambling Rose under her belt, the offers for films were beginning to roll in. After being offered to star in Jurassic Park, Laura Dern spoke with her Wild at Heart co-star Nicolas Cage who insisted she take the role.

“I remember telling Steven I had to do the movie, because Nic told me he’s always wanted dinosaurs to be his costars.”

A fun piece of trivia for sure, and I don’t think there’s anybody who would have suited the role more than Laura Dern. As EW state, her role became an essential part of the blockbuster hit’s cult fandom, and led to one of the most quotable moments in that most quotable of films: “Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the Earth.”

When speaking about the character and future sequels, Dern replied:

“As I said to the people who are making the new series, ‘If you guys make a last one, you gotta let Ellie Sattler come back. She’s always the one who’s saving the day, man!”

Ellie Sattler briefly appeared in Jurassic Park 3, but perhaps that won’t be her last appearance in the franchise? Would you like to see the paleobotanist return in Jurassic World 3?

I have always found it interesting that in the 14 years that Jurassic Park 4 was in development hell, many of the original cast members claimed to have been called by Steven Spielberg himself about returning in the “next Jurassic”. In 2007, Laura Dern hinted that Spielberg had given her the call:

“I’m told its happening and I’m told they’re calling me. I’m told that Ellie Sattler is involved in it. I think they want to release it in 2008. Well a certain fellow is the one that called me and it’s hard to say no to him cause he’s always got something totally genius up his sleeve so we’ll see what they have in mind.”

At some point during it’s development, Ellie Sattler was involved. It was never clear in what capacity and perhaps we will never know, but maybe now is the time for her to reprise her role!

What do you think? Would you like to see the return of Dr. Ellie Sattler in Jurassic World 3? Let us know in the comments section below!

Source: EW, Slashfilm

Chronicle 1:5 Scale Female T-Rex Bust Available For Pre-Order

Chronicle Collectibles today announced that their Female 1:5 scale T-Rex Bust is now available for pre-order at $650.00. There currently is no official ship date, but the bust is scheduled to start shipping in the 4th quarter of 2017. After 30 days the pre-order price goes up to $750, so don’t miss your chance to save now! The edition size is TBD, but don’t miss out – only 350 male Tyrannosaurs were made. (PSA: 10-month payment plans are offered!)

After receiving a multitude of feedback from our dearest customers, we are releasing the Female version of our T-Rex Bust. This iconic piece is not a modified version of the male bust. We were fortunate to procure an original casting from a wonderful friend and customer, Jonathan Chu, who graciously allowed us to mold and cast her for this production.

The Female T-Rex Bust was designed to match in a combined display with The Lost World: Jurassic Park 1:5 scale T-Rex Bust that was previously available to order. This product is wall mounted and is roughly the same size as the male version; 16″ in diameter for the base and 19″ from base to nose.

Visit Chronicle Collectibles official website for more information and photos of this rare collectible. So what do you think about about this new bust and do you plan to spare no expense and pre-order? Let us know in the comments below and on our forums.

Source: Chronicle Collectibles

Donald Gennaro Accepts Lifetime Achievement Award on Jimmy Kimmel

Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel is hosting The Oscars on February 26th, and as part of the run up to that he took a moment on his latest show to honor what could be the greatest performance in cinema history – when the blood-sucking lawyer gets eaten off the toilet in Jurassic Park.

Martin Ferrero, who played Donald Gennaro in Jurassic Park, took to the stage to accept the custom award and gave an emotional speech which you can check out below:

While this of course is only a bit of fun, it’s nice to still see Jurassic Park in the spotlight. I mean, just look at that award:

A couple of years ago our friends at Jurassic Cast spoke with Martin Ferraro about Jurassic Park so be sure to give that a listen!

With Jurassic World 2 set to start filming in London very soon, make sure you’re following our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for round the clock news and information! We’ll be following the production just like last time, and if you catch wind of anything then be sure to send us a message!

Source: /r/JurassicPark