Jurassic World 2 is Officially Titled: FALLEN KINGDOM

The official title for the Jurassic World sequel has finally been announced – say hello to JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM!

The reveal came via the official Jurassic World socials feeds with the quote “In one year, life finds a way.”

With Jeff Goldblum having recently been announced as joining the sequel, the 2018 follow-up to 2015’s Jurassic World is shaping up to be an action-packed sequel, feeling more in line with the first two movies and opting for similar art style to The Lost World. See the full poster below, including the new tagline:

While the poster reveals very little and is utilising the current Jurassic World colours, the logo is now seen to be cracked and corroded (much like The Lost World) and the poster shows some glowing amber ashes flying past – something we saw very recently on some of the key art used at the Las Vegas Expo.

With only one year to go until the US release date, we will begin to hear more on the sequel in the coming months. While I don’t expect we’ll see a teaser trailer soon, a plot synopsis would be very welcomed.

So what are your thoughts on Fallen Kingdom? Do let us know in the comments section below!

Hawaiian media shares footage of dinosaurs on Jurassic World 2 set; “big news” coming soon!

Today’s news is twofold, as the Jurassic World Sequel continues filming in Hawaii. First up, comes the numerous images from the Jurassic World 2 sets at the He’eia Kea Pier, some including practical dinosaurs! As we do with any image not released by the production, I want to give a fair ‘potential spoilers’ warning – though it’s worth noting the media was permitted by the production to take and share these images.

First up we have a Triceratops inside of a transport cage, via Mahealani Richardson on Instagram:

I just saw a dinosaur in a cage! It's a triceratops. #jurassicworld2

A post shared by Mahealani Richardson (@maheatv) on

Dinosaurs in transport cages? Interesting! Perhaps this has something to do with the “save the dinosaurs” plot lines that were previously hinted at?

We had first seen this Triceratops via another user on Instagram a few days prior, which we’ve embeded below. As you can see from the image, this is not an animatronic dinosaur, but rather a low detail foam model, used as a stand in. The dinosaur will eventually be replaced with CGI in post production, and likely serves as something for the actors to naturally work with, and lighting reference.

Next up, we have a few images of a Stegosaurus stand-in (again, we do not believe it to be a animatronic, but rather a prop that will be replaced with a CGI recreation). This image comes via Mackenzie Stasko of KITV, and was first brought to our attention by Reel News Hawaii:

Reel News Hawaii also shared this image that included both the Triceratops and Stegosaurus together in the same shot:

While the Triceratops seems smaller than its Jurassic Park counterpart, that Stegosaurs looks HUGE! You can catch a preview of tonight’s newscasts, which have more footage below via Mahealani Richardson once again:

Check back soon – if the newscast airs and includes new footage, we will be sure to post!

The second bit of news, and perhaps the most exciting comes via producer Frank Marshall who took to Twitter to promise “big” Jurassic World 2 news soon – as Thursday the 22nd marks the ‘1-year until release’ date (in the US), our money is on it dropping then. Some have suggested this means set images via Entertainment Weekly, mirroring the news release schedule from Jurassic World in 2014, while others have their money on a title and logo.

If we’re really lucky, perhaps we will get a mix of both?

Not that we had any question, but Frank also confirmed that we will once again return to Isla Nublar, the fictional island seen in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World (Isla Sorna, the second island with dinosaurs on it, appeared in The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3). We’re thrilled to go back to the home of the two parks, and hope we can once again return to iconic locations such as the visitors center, alongside all new locales.

While the big news hasn’t been confirmed as dropping tomorrow, we do recommend you keep your eyes on our site and on social media. Until then, sound off in the comments below, and let us know what you want from the upcoming news and if you’re happy with the returning dinosaurs!

Source: Reel News Hawaii, Mahealani Richardson, Mackenzie Stasko, Frank Marshall

Bryce Dallas Howard Teases Dino On Jurassic World 2 Set

Jurassic fans have been fortunate enough to have Jurassic World star Bryce Dallas Howard on social media this time around for the sequel. Bryce has been sharing snippets from the set everyday that she is filming and this has been giving fans an obscure view of the production. Not only are these little glimpses fun to see, but it may also give us an idea of the order of which the scenes were filmed when the sequel is released next summer.

Yesterday was no different as Bryce took to her Twitter and posted a 9 second video. While initially this seems to be another obscure post featuring a video of the ground, it is the sounds you hear during the video and what this could mean for the sequel that have fans very excited.

As you will hear in the attached Twitter video below, Jurassic World sequel director J.A. Bayona is apparently getting the actors in the right mood for filming by playing dinosaur sounds on the set in Hawaii.

It is obvious those dinosaur sounds are of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and they sound very close to the sounds used in the original film ‘Jurassic Park’. Most notably around the 1:30 part of the clip below from the breakout scene.

In addition to the dinosaur roar, there are the sound of air blasts which is more even more intriguing and what makes this video really stand out. It could possibly be the sound of fog machines or even the hydraulics of an animatronic. All of this is assumption and can’t be verified at this time, but it is fun to speculate.

While this is just another small on set tease from Bryce, it is still enough to get fans excited. What do you think the air blasts were? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below and on our forums.

Source: Bryce Dallas Howard on Twitter

Ian Malcolm Dialog Borrowed From Novel in Jurassic World 2 – But Jeff Goldblum Added More!

The news just isn’t stopping as Jurassic World 2 writer and producer Colin Trevorrow continues to do press rounds for his new film, The Book of Henry. Honestly, there has been so much news hitting from different outlets over the past few days, I wasn’t sure what to write an article about, or what the highlight of the article should be – but when more news regarding Dr. Ian Malcolm hit, I knew I had my lede.

While speaking to MTV on their Happy Sad Confused Podcast, Colin Trevorrow wasn’t shy about sharing new details (thanks to Screenrant for the initial reporting!)

“You know, I did rely on [Michael] Crichton for a lot. I used a lot of Crichton dialogue. Maybe one of my highlights of this whole process is Goldblum. Jeff Goldblum called me – and I’m not going to do an impression – but he was like, ‘Look, I’ve added a couple of things, and I thought I’d perform it for you.’ [Laughs] Oh, great, okay. So, we sat on the phone for an hour as he ran these lines, and I talked about it. And, I mean, that’s – it was almost better than being there on set. It was great.”

Colin previously hinted at this much – during our past podcast interview with him, he told us that dialog from the first novel made it into JW2. In fact, he jubiliantly shared that he enjoyed borrowing Michael Crichton’s dialog, saying “It makes me feel like such a good writer (…) Look at me, that’s a hell of a sentence!”

Speaking with MTV, Colin also teased again that the film will be more suspenseful and character driven:

“It’s just deeper, more character-based, and it definitely leans into suspense, especially in the second half. It does have the big action in the middle. There’s a sequence in the middle that I’ve been watching – I mean, I watch dailies every day – but I’ve started to see stuff come together, and it’s just insane.”

Stepping away from the excellent MTV Podcast (which is worth a full listen!), Colin Trevorrow also spoke to ET Online to continue sharing tantalizing details from the new film:

“I was the on-set writer for the movie, so I was there every day making sure that J.A. [Bayona] had everything that he needed. It was just such a rich, positive collaboration and by far my favorite [production] experience in my life so far. J.A. and I are pretty deeply connected when it comes to this franchise and what it needs and the kind of risks that we want to take. We’re definitely making a bold, new movie. It’s not going to be the same old thing you’ve seen before. I love that partnership, and I can’t wait for people to see what we’ve done.”

That quote there adds even further context to the recent discovery the (normal) script rewrites, as he continued to work with JA Bayona on set to better the stories finer details on an as-needed-basis. The collaborative nature of the project should really let JA Bayonas voice shine on the upcoming Jurassic Park sequel, which Colin has previously described as “a Spanish horror film with dinosaurs in it.”

The news drops for the upcoming Jurassic sequel certainly sounds good, and there is no doubt that Colin Trevorrow is an expert with talking about films in an exciting way without giving a single thing away. While I do prefer to know as little as possible when it comes to film specifics, I am itching for some new official images, a title, logo, or even a basic premise for the plot – but until then, I’m sure other interviews will keep us occupied!

Stay tuned – more news is surely inbound, and with any luck, something more exciting will drop June 22nd. Until then, sound off in the comments below!

Source: Screenrant, MTV, ET Online

It Appears the Entire Ending of Jurassic World 2 Has Been Rewritten – but It’s Not a Bad Thing!

Rewrites – an incredibly common and healthy thing in film, yet it often triggers a panic response from fans on the internet. Ok, sure, when you hear stories of a troubled production coupled with script doctors and reshoots, the response is fair, but normally it is indicative of the continued fine tuning of a film. Considering we have heard no such horror stories regarding Jurassic World 2, I am not worried about the implications of the article that follows.

So, why write the article, or preface it like above before jumping to the subject? I think the concept of rewrites is a valid, fun discussion point about the upcoming Jurassic Park sequel, but I want to make it clear this article isn’t kneejerk reaction to the topic at hand. I know others will have that reaction – especially from those who read the title and nothing else (ever read the comments on our articles and Facebook? It’s way too common). No, I simply want to enjoy this peek behind the curtain of the filmmaking process, make record of it, and ponder things we can never really know.

Full credit goes to TheJHNFiles.com for first pointing this out!

Earlier today, Twitter account The Awkward Yeti posted a picture provided by Bryce Dallas Howard, where she posed with a plush brain and her copy of the Jurassic World 2 script. At first glance, there’s nothing to be gleaned from the image, which was just shared in good fun – the page visible is either entirely blank, or has been photoshopped clean. I didn’t think much of it, other than ‘oh cool, I would kill to have a copy of that script book’ – but then John pointed out the meaning of yellow pages within, sourcing the following quote from Jurassic World cinematographer John Schwartzman

“Every time a scene gets rewritten… you get what’s called a Coloured Page… your first rewrite are yellow pages. Then there are blue pages… pink pages. Jurassic World is one colour… it is white… we shot Colin’s script and we didn’t change a thing…”

The quote is from a interview from our friends at JurassicCast – and while it refers to Jurassic World, and not the upcoming sequel, it is key to deciphering the image posted above. As you can see, most pages within the script are white, however there are roughly 3 distinct yellow portions – most noticeably what appears to be the entire final 1/5th of the booklet.

So yes, it appears that some time after the ‘final draft’ of the script was turned in, a very large portion was rewritten – including the entire ending. Now, judging from the John Schwartzman quote above, it looks like these changes were all made at once – the script is decidedly yellow and white, which seems to indicate a decisive unified update to the story coming in all at once, rather than constant changes over a longer period of time.

This isn’t entirely surprising – Colin Trevorrow (via Comingsoon) recently stated that he was there for JA Bayona during the process of filming as a writer:

“‘Jurassic’ ended up taking up more time and attention than I expected just because I care about it so much, I surprised myself by how much I wanted to be there for J.A. [Bayona], just as a writer. I remember directing a ‘Jurassic Park’ movie and how much I would have loved to have a writer to think about the dailies and wonder what alterations we could make that would make it that much more effective. I was there with him every day to try and provide something for him that I didn’t have myself.”

While JA Bayona has been signed on since last year around this time, when the real grit of the writing process kicked off, his input towards the screenplay remains relatively unknown. What we do know is that Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connolly wrote the story with JA in mind, and aimed to make a scarier film closer to the sensibilities of Jurassic Park. Perhaps once JA Bayona and Colin Trevorrow sat down and discussed the final draft, the rewrites seen above were inspired, fine tuning the story into the best version it can be under JA Bayonas direction.

Odds are, we won’t know – not unless they discuss the changes and rewrites in interviews. What I would love to know personally, is if the ending changed in a way that effects the entire story – or if they simply tightened up the closing act, but stayed relatively true to the initial vision.

Filmmaking is a collaborative effort – the stories told and art created are guided by numerous talented individuals – and rewrites are a natural part of that process. We’ve heard nothing suggesting the studio has interferred with the story JA Bayona wants to tell, so it seems likely these were prompted to make the story the best it can be. Again, as the script isn’t a multicolored collage of pages, it seems fair to interpret the vision being a consistent effort.

As some will no doubt cite, the ending of The Lost World was rewritten fairly last minute – a sequence was planned with Pteranodons, Velociraptors, and motorcycles – but it was all cut and swapped in favor of the Tyrannosaurus on mainland. That decision, perhaps controversial, certainly led to some iconic imagery (though in that case, I do much prefer the original concepts).

What are some of your favorite stories of rewrites making a better film? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for the latest news – Jurassic World 2 is on its final stretch, and now filming in Hawaii!

Source: TheJHNFiles, Twitter, Jurassicast, Comingsoon

Colin Trevorrow: Jurassic World 2 will be ‘richer, deeper, and better’; have more animatronics

As Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow continues to do press rounds for his new film, ‘The Book of Henry’ (which I have seen and quite enjoyed!) more questions regarding the upcoming Jurassic World sequel are being asked. Recently, Screenrant sat down with Trevorrow (who is a writer and producer on Jurassic World 2) and when they asked for the latest details, and Colin did not mince words when praising director J.A Bayona, and hyping the upcoming sequel.

“He is a different director but it’s interesting, we have so many similar instincts as far as suspense and family and fears of childhood and the perspective that we want to tell the story from that even though I wrote the film, it’s J.A.’s movie from start to finish. He’s just – the film looks beautiful and is exciting. We’re using more animatronics because I learned so much about how they can be utilized, so I built scenes that would allow us to use them – because they can’t run, these are the lessons. Belén Atienza has been great as well, and it’s just been something that we’ve all delved in and tried to make something deeper and richer and ideally better. I’m going to be the hype man for this movie, I think it’s going to be a better movie – sorry.”

More animatronics, and sticking true to the sensibilities of Jurassic Park with richer and deeper stories are the things longtime fans like ourselves want to hear, and despite some of my personal criticisms, I quite liked Jurassic World – so hearing he believes it will be better means great things to me. Colin went on to say that despite him writing the film, he constructed it to adhere to J.A Bayonas voice and vision:

“That was by far the most rewarding creative experience of my life, just making a movie for another director who I respect. And I built it for him, so it’s different than maybe even the movie I would have written for myself. [It’s] a Spanish horror/thriller with dinosaurs in it. And I loved doing it.”

Colin Trevorrow also talked to Comingsoon about JW2, discussing the challenges of working on Jurassic while also on Star Wars, and the rewarding nature of his involvement:

“That script had to be delivered for a February shoot, and we had to think of ‘Star Wars’ somewhat simultaneously… While we were in the early stages of story on ‘Star Wars,’ we shot ‘Jurassic’ at Pinewood. Now, we’re wrapping in about a month and everyone is going to Hawaii.‘Jurassic’ ended up taking up more time and attention than I expected just because I care about it so much, I surprised myself by how much I wanted to be there for J.A. [Bayona], just as a writer. I remember directing a ‘Jurassic Park’ movie and how much I would have loved to have a writer to think about the dailies and wonder what alterations we could make that would make it that much more effective. I was there with him every day to try and provide something for him that I didn’t have myself.”

Corroborating Colin’s comments about the wrap date, Bryce Dallas Howard took to Twitter today to announce that it was indeed the final day of shooting at Pinewood Studios, and all evidence points to Jurassic starting in Hawaii in just a few days.

Filming on Jurassic World 2 is expected to conclude around July 7th, where it will then move to post production. As the wrap date draws closer, fans have become more and more starved for official information. As it stands, there has only been one official still from the film, and there is yet to be a teaser poster, logo, or title announced. Will any of those hit before the end of this month, which marks the 1-year mark until the sequel releases?

While we wait for Jurassic World 2, I do suggest checking out Colin Trevorrow’s new film ‘The Book of Henry’. As I said earlier, I have seen it and genuinely enjoyed it – it’s a tough film to describe and sell, but it is loaded with real and likable characters all while beautifully dealing some heavy themes.

If that’s not enough to sell you, perhaps Colin Trevorrow asking readers of this site specifically to see the film might!

As always, stay tuned for the latest news, sound off in the comments below, and enjoy Jurassic June 2017!

Source: Screenrant, Comingsoon

New screenshot of early Jurassic World Survivor build – will it be at e3? #JurassicJune

Jurassic Park fans are in dire need of a good videogame – and they aren’t shy about making it known. While movie tie-in games are often times weak, games allowed to find their own voice within the franchise can be groundbreaking and a ton of fun. The Jurassic franchise has had its fair share of games in the past, though most were nothing to write home about, especially the more recent entries. Nowhere to be seen is anything like ‘Alien: Isolation’, ‘The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay’, ‘Star Wars Battlefront’, ‘Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor’, ‘Knights of the Old Republic, or even ‘Jurassic Park Operation Genesis’.

JurassicWorldSurvivor2015Leak from Jurassic June on Vimeo.

This complete drought of new, well made videogames within the Jurassic world is made all the more frustrating by knowing the raw creative potential that exists. That potential, coupled with the record breaking success of the most recently released film makes the lack of any high budget games within the film universe entirely puzzling. Sure, there are the mobile Free-to-Play Pay-to-Win games by Ludia, but those are mainly mindless time killers, and nothing genuinely intriguing.

That’s why it hurt so much in May of 2015 when we learned that Cryptic Studios Seattle was working on a Jurassic World game – only to have it canceled due to the studios closure. Later that summer, game artists began to post some of their artwork and videos from the game, and we covered it. But then something interesting happened – Perfect World Entertainment, the games publisher, went after the artists. It appeared the game was not dead.

More recently, another artist posted a screenshot of a very early Pre-Alpha build of Jurassic World Survivor (then called Jurassic Park Survivor) – we believe this predates the builds of the game we have seen prior, and is when it was quite early and exploratory. What stands out the most, is this version of the game was a First Person Shooter – everything we have seen and heard about the game has indicated it will be third person, so again, this points to it being from very early in development. This version of the game was described as “Left 4 Dead like” and “was cancelled by Universal because of weapons in the game.”

The latter quote aligns with what we heard about other versions of the game, which would have minimal gun usage, and rely more on other tools – and that it would not be possible to kill dinosaurs, only injure and scare them. What we know about the game now is it will be third person, open world action MMO (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game) with a heavy emphasis on survival and exploration of Isla Nublar. The game was dude to hit Steam on PC first, followed by its Xbox One and Playstation 4 console releases back in 2015, but those plans may have shifted since.

What we do know is the game is very much not dead, or at least was still alive and kicking as recently as December 2016, which is when Universal applied for trademarks on the title. Prior to that, Perfect World Entertainment registered domains for the IP in late October 2016, so all signs point to the game existing, surviving, and waiting to be officially announced. Gaming expo e3 kicks off June 13th, with some panels starting sooner – our money is on if it is shown, it will be revealed at the PC Gaming Show this upcoming Monday, June 12th at 1pm EST.

However, it is worth noting that Perfect World and Cryptic Studios California (the developer we assumed took over when the Seattle branch closed) just announced a new Free to Play Magic the Gathering game. Sadly, this does seem to reduce the odds of Jurassic World Survivor making an appearance, but perhaps it’s just one of many new surprises Perfect World has up their sleeves.

Stay tuned for more news, and let us know what you want from a Jurassic World game – do you think Universal is on the right track to stop the property from becoming a shooter, or are they getting in the way of solid gaming entertainment? Sound off!

Trevorrow Believes Sequel Will Be Scarier Than Previous Installment

We have heard in the past year from new director J.A. Bayona that the Jurassic World sequel will have a scarier tone than the previous installment and writer/producer Colin Trevorrow expanded on that notion in an exclusive chat with CinemaBlend.

Asked why he believes Bayona’s vision will make the Jurassic World sequel scarier, Trevorrow had the following to say.

“J.A Bayona is very good at [creating scares]. There are things that he’ll just do with a shadow, or a rustling curtain on a wall. He’s so tapped into that kind of fear, especially the fear through the eyes of child. Which, you know, he and I are just simpatico. We may be the mirrors of each other. It is by far the most satisfying collaboration of my life.”

“First of all I think the mainstream loves being scared, and I think the scares in the first movie were made to make children think like they were seeing something horrifying, that their parents shouldn’t be allowing them to see. We have that a little bit here. But there’s also that same big, fun adventure, sweeping, romantic kind of action in part of the movie. That people seemingly responded really well to. We’re not throwing it all way, but we’re definitely going to some new places.”

So what do you think about Trevorrows’s comments that he believes the Jurassic World sequel will be scarier than the previous installment? Let us know in the comments below and on our forums.

Source: CinemaBlend

We’ve got the scoop on the future Jurassic World toys from Mattel! (spoiler free) #JurassicJune

The year is 1993 – Kenner releases the Jurassic Park toy line which shaped many of our childhoods. From there on, Kenner (and eventually Hasbro when they entirely overtook Kenner and their products) made Jurassic Park toy lines. Whether it was a spin-off like ‘Chaos Effect’, ‘Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs’ or ‘Camo-X-Treme’ or a film line, the franchise was handled by the same company.

Most recently, Hasbro released the ‘Jurassic World’ toy line in 2015 – and to be blunt, the toys were not good. Velociraptors were missing their sickle claws, toys were poorly sculpted, poorly and cheaply painted, prone to breaking, and riddled with gaping screw holes. Not to mention, there was no sense of size consistency in the line, and it did not feature traditional human action figures. Fans were bummed.

Apparently, so was Universal Pictures – while Hasbro began to improve the quality with much better paint application on 2016’s ‘Dino Hybrid’ line, they lost the license that summer to Mattel. This is now uncharted territory – and truth be told, when I first heard the news I wasn’t excited. Mattel has no current lineups that prove they could do the classic Jurassic style of lineup (which is quite similar to current Star Wars offerings from Hasbro), and Hasbro had just put out some of the best Jurassic Park toys ever a few years back (see: Jurassic Park 2009/2011).

Art by James Flames, click for full

Let me just jump to the point: I was wrong to doubt Mattel. While the final quality of the toys remains to be seen, the lineup style is what fans have wanted and true to the legacy of Jurassic Park.

Recently, Mattel held a showcase for vendors, licencors, and more where they showed off their in-development and upcoming lines. As you can imagine, Jurassic World was there – and from what we have heard, it was easily the biggest highlight of any Mattel offering. We’re going to avoid going into too deep into specifics, as certain items will spoil future surprises, including things about the new film.

However, this is the lay of the land for the upcoming Jurassic World toys from Mattel (the images used below are from past Jurassic Park offerings, and used for demonstrative purposes only):

3 3/4″ Human Action Figures ($10)

Yes, human action figures are back – they will be roughly 3 3/4″ tall, and in scale with past Hasbro offerings. They will follow the Kenner styling of including a small or hatchling dinosaur, and some gear/weapons. However, from our understanding the gear skews more towards collectors than play factor (as in Dr. Ian Malcolm includes a film accurate flare – not a net launcher) – and the toys have articulation that will surely please.

Basic Dinosaur Figures ($10)

The bread and butter of the line – the dinosaurs are back! Roughly 6″ long, these are comparable to the basic non-electronic dinosaurs of the Kenner toy lines (or the Bash & Bites from Jurassic World). Much like classic Kenner, these dinosaurs are not dressed with permanent mortal wounds, and have simple articulation tied to a basic action feature. One of my favorite bits of news: size of the dinosaurs are considered when choosing what type of toy to make. There will be no miniature adult Tyrannosaurs – it will focus on smaller species like Velociraptor, and Gallimimus.

ROARIVORES (Electronic Dinosaur Figures) ($15)

Slightly larger than the basic dinosaur figures, these toys focus on electronic roars tied to a biting mechanism. They again do not have open wounds, and while they are not posed as neutrally as classic Kenner toys, they are less awkard than the Jurassic Park 3 offerings. Again, the size of the dinosaurs were considered when developing these toys – so at this time, there are no electronic Velociraptors, but rather species of a larger size will be focused on.

SUPER STRIKE DINOS  (Deluxe Dinosaur Figures) ($20)

Slightly larger than the electronic figures, these hearken back to the classic non electronic Kenner dinosaurs of the medium size. An example that was described to use was a Stegosaurus with a tail swinging action that was very Kenner in looks. However, it was apparently closer in size to the JP 2013 Dino Showdows Pachyrhinosaurs.

Large Dinosaur Figures (prices vary)

Yes, they have a Tyrannosaurus Rex (two in fact!) and we have heard both steal the show. We’re going to avoid describing them anymore, as they’re worth waiting for the official reveal to be surprised! But it’s worth noting that there are more than Tyrannosaurs in the large scale, and some figures use a “Real feel” latex/rubber, have action features, and electronic roars.

Vehicles (prices vary)

Not much to say other than they’re film accurate, look awesome, and are scaled to the human figures. Everything in this line is sized correctly, much like the classic Kenner toys. The classic Jurassic Park Jeep has a few details super fans are sure to LOVE!

Matchbox (prices vary)

Gone are the fictional vehicles – they’re being replaced with small film accurate vehicles from all five films! Some include small dinosaurs, and the entire lineup was described as similar to the Micro Machines (but bigger) sold alongside The Lost World. This includes some very cool playsets based upon movie moments!

Games (prices vary)

There will be games – including something tied to pivotal plot elements of Jurassic World 2!

Various ‘smart’/electronic toys (prices vary)

Drones, remote control vehicles, and more! While a lot of these won’t be cheap, they do offer great modern play functionality.

Some key notes: Mattel’s first Jurassic World lineup will be called something similar to ‘Jurassic World: The Classic Collection’. This lineup is scheduled to hit stores late this year or early next year, and is mainly based upon the first Jurassic Park. While they boast film accuracy for all their items, it does seem to also borrow from Kenner by featuring dinosaurs never seen in the films.

Sometime early spring (mid April) in 2018 the Jurassic World 2 toys will begin to arrive in stores. Much like the classic Jurassic line, it boasts film accuracy and a multitude of figures and offerings. From there, the line should continue to populate shelves with new waves featuring figures from the latest sequel, or past films. There are apparently quite a few more classes/skus of toys from Mattel than those listed above, so there are plenty of surprises in store!

It’s worth noting that some of the basic dinosaur figures were described as slightly exaggerated looking, with proportions and poses that were more cartoony than realistic. Our hope is that between now and release, those items will be refined and perfected to better match their film counterparts (and proper realistic anatomical poses). Otherwise, we’re thrilled by what the line is slated to offer, and cannot wait to see photo’s from it – there are quite a few more surprises Mattel has up their sleeves, so stay tuned!

As always, sound off in the comments and let us know what dinosaurs, characters, and vehicles you want toys for. Happy #JurassicJune, everyone!

Universal clarifies: No plans yet for a Jurassic World 2 teaser trailer

Sorry all, it seems we all got a little too caught up in the excitement when Daniella Pineda tweeeted that a teaser was coming soon. It sounded too good to be true, and it appears that was the case. We contacted Universal, asking if they could comment on or corroborate the reports of a teaser trailer being around the corner, and they were direct with their answer:

“No plans yet for a teaser trailer. Not sure what is being shown at the London wrap party, but it’s not official marketing materials.”

The first Jurassic World did not see a trailer released until November 2014, and it seems likely the latest installment will stick close to the distribution pattern. However, next month is #JurassicJune, and the 22nd marks the one year until the Jurassic World sequel hits theaters mark – news hitting around this time seems to be a given, even if it is not footage. Perhaps a final title and logo?

Image not official

June also marks e3 (13th-15th), and fans are hopeful that it may mark the announcement of the long rumored Jurassic World Survivor. A video game is long overdue in the Jurassic Park universe, and the potential is nearly endless – with any luck, June will deliver the goods.

Until then, enjoy the fun teases Daniella posted about Jurassic World 2, and stay tuned for the latest news!