Today is June 10th, the official domestic opening for Jurassic World Dominion! However, the film had Thursday afternoon/evening preview showings, and the sixth installment of the Jurassic franchise grossed an estimated $18 million! For comparisons, Jurassic World earned $18.5 million in 2015 and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom earned $15.3 million in 2018 for Thursday previews. Early tracking indicated the film was headed to a $165-205 million opening three day domestic opening, however tracking has since dropped and the expectation is now in the range of $125 million+. Please check back on Sunday for the official three day estimates.
Universal/Amblin’s Jurassic World Dominion earned $18M in previews, but that’s not just from 4PM showtimes yesterday, but also other stunt previews earlier this week
Please Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Jurassic World franchise composer Michael Giacchino has announced the ‘Jurassic World: Dominion’ soundtrack – complete with release details, formats, and a brand new track from the film!
The soundtrack to Jurassic World Dominion is on its way starting with this 1st track!
The full score album will be available digitally, on CD, Vinyl via Mondo, and in Dolby Atmos June 10th. One brand new track, “Da Plane and Da Cycle”, was released early today – you can listen to it via Apple Music, Spotify, and via YouTube below!
Giacchino has returned with his signature bombastic Jurassic musical style and pun-filled track titles. The album boasts 32 tracks – plenty of music for the massive film that Jurassic World: Dominion is shaping up to be. We are enjoying the score so far and can’t wait to hear more when Dominion releases next week!
What do you think of this new track from Jurassic World: Dominion and the album details we’ve learned today? Let us know in the comments, and follow Jurassic Outpost for all the latest as we head towards June 10th!
In a new interview with Collider, Jurassic World: Dominion star DeWanda Wise revealed more about the process of developing her new character Kayla Watts, and even confirmed an extended cut of Dominion!
Jurassic World: Dominion will introduce DeWanda Wise as Kayla Watts, a former Air Force pilot who becomes integral to the mission Claire, Owen, Maisie, and Drs. Sattler, Grant, and Malcolm find themselves on in the film. Wise spoke to developing her character’s backstory, saying:
“I gave Kayla a dialogue pass. I gave Kayla a full dialogue pass. She was already very clear on the page. I had a couple of touchstones that were nonnegotiable. Her background’s her background. She was always Air Force. I knew that there were certain moments in the script that I had to execute, so I knew that she had to have a certain physicality for you to believe that she could pull Chris Pratt out of the water because he is I don’t know how many times my actual size. So there were certain things that I wanted to ensure that were true, but also, we workshopped her. Truly like old school theater nerd, we both went to NYU and workshopped her for a couple of weeks to really refine and integrate her backstory.”
Wise also spoke to unseen past dinosaur missions that could have influenced her character, important costume design decisions, and perhaps even a future story we might see for her character:
“I won’t say because, you know, maybe there will be another thing. I’m vying for a prequel. Anyway, that’s not the point! Point is, I talked about it a lot funny enough. One of my co-conspirators with Kayla, which you can see very clearly in this film was [costume designer] Joanna Johnston in the construction of that character, so a lot of her adventures we built into the wardrobe.”
While she didn’t reveal any specifics, she did tease something to look out for in Dominion and perhaps beyond:
“She had this moment, and it’s probably gonna be in the extended cut, maybe, we’ll see, but she has this beautiful pair of brass knuckles and we have this entire backstory of this adventure that she had gone on in South Africa — [laughs] Girl, I love backstories! — where she procured these knuckles. Because a lot of Kayla has this kind of Indiana Jones, she’s been everywhere. Some of her travels are for work and she goes on them because she has to go on them, and some are just for her.”
Finally, Wise was asked about how the fall of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World influenced the person her character has become:
“She really makes a true hero’s call. There’s something that’s awakening inside of her when we meet her at the top of this movie and it’s because she’s in part very disillusioned, you know? She’s very disillusioned and disappointed at the folly of man. And she’s in this place when we first meet her that’s just like, ‘If you can’t beat them, join them,’ and she’s just made a living off the mistakes of the people who have come before her. So you kind of have this level of resignation, but there’s something that’s building in her that she’s come to the end of the line of herself where she’s just like, ‘There is something I can do though, actually.’ And that was really inspiring to me to be like, we can all be heroes in a way and that at any moment we can make those turning points for ourselves to stand up for something when we see something happening.”
You can read Peri Nemiroff’s full interview for Collider here, or watch in video form below:
All of this new information on the background of Kayla Watts is exciting and intriguing for Jurassic fans, not to mention what is seemingly confirmation of a forthcoming extended cut of Jurassic World: Dominion! What do you think of this news and the inspirations DeWanda Wise found for her character? Let us know in the comments below, and stay tuned to Jurassic Outpostfor the latest Jurassic news!
The following is a guest article contributed by Ruann Jovinski of ‘Jurassic Park 4.4’ first published in Portuguese and now translated to English. The review is largely spoiler-free, however small spoilers to follow:
Last Friday myself and a bunch of fans were invited by Universal Pictures to a very special event in São Paulo, Brazil – a visit to the Iron Studio’s owned Jurassic Park Burger restaurant, a screening of ‘Jurassic World Dominion’ (we even got JP tattoos for free, but that’s another story).
Before the movie started, we got to see the trailer for ‘Minions: The Rise of Gru’, which was then followed by a very short segment were two minions were confronted by their own version of Rexy.
From there is where the fun began.
Jurassic World Dominion opens with an exposition heavy “Now This” news montage that catches the audience up to speed on how dinosaurs are now free to roam the world and introduces the mega-corporation BioSyn. While one would expect it to be exciting and primarily set up BioSyn, it mostly serves as a Fallen Kingdom recap rather than a striking or needed introduction to the film. This segment feels odd, but thankfully the movie soon finds much sturdier footing: from there we are introduced to two different storylines that have much more in common than we are initially led to believe.
This movie brings back the classic Jurassic Park characters in a huge way, driven by Ellie Sattler. Likewise, the Jurassic World characters are trying to make their peace with the world they helped create as well as take care of Maisie Lockwood – the clone girl who they essentially illegally “adopted “after the events of Fallen Kingdom.
Dominion brings us to a whole new world with many different set pieces and concepts that have never before been seen in the Jurassic franchise. From the snowy mountains of Sierra Nevada to the populated streets of the island Malta and the dense BioSyn Valley in situated within the Dolomite Mountains of Italy. Dinosaurs are free in our world, trying to survive, and humans are adapting to this ever changing set of circumstances. We see illegal trafficking of dinosaurs in black markets, and what happens when dinosaurs wreak havoc in city streets. This is a whole new Jurassic World.
The movie is far from perfect – the plot is bloated, the pacing is horribly rushed, and many of the characters feel slightly out of key – but at least in my humble opinion it is much better than the two previous entries. ‘Dominion’ revisits Jurassic Park’s Techno-Thriller roots diving into the power of genetics like we have never seen before and some of the plots points are for sure something we could easily have seen in Crichton’s work.
I was thrilled and extremely happy to see Dr Alan Grant and Dr Ellie Sattler’s shenanigans throughout the film, interacting with another another, other characters, and of course dinosaurs. The chemistry between Sam Neill and Laura Dern is strong as ever. Jeff Goldblum as Dr Ian Malcolm is another great win – this movie really belongs to the classic Jurassic Park cast.
Outside of the classic characters, the newcomers are also great: standouts would be DeWanda Wise’s “Kayla Watts”, Mamoudou Athie’s “Ramsay”, Campbell Scott’s “Lewis Dodgson”, Isabella Sermon’s “Maisie”. Of course, BD Wong’s Dr. Henry Wu is also back and he’s better than ever. Yes, Dr Wu does get a meatier role and a stronger arch this time – something much overdue. Bryce Dallas Howard gets to flex her muscles as Claire both physically and emotionally as we are presented with a more sentimental and even haunted version of the character. Chris Pratt brings nothing new to Owen – he’s pretty much the same as the last two films, however played a little more seriously and doesn’t lean into out of place levity during serious scenes like in Fallen Kingdom.
As for the dinosaurs, Dominion brings some incredibly new additions to the franchise in the form of the territorial Therizinosaurus, the menacing Giganotosaurus, the tiny Moros and the vicious Atrociraptors. We also get to see some old friends like the venom spitting Dilophosaurus – which feel like a throwback to 80’s films more than Jurassic Park. The Pyroraptor is another standout, though sadly virtually every moment of its scene is in the trailer – this one was criminally underused and it’s insane Dr. Alan Grant never meets it. That would have been a full circle moment to his Velociraptors are birds speech in Jurassic Park.
As I said before the movie is not without it’s flaws, which comes in form of some very odd creative decisions, the lack of crucial dialogue to better explain some of the plot points (this movie often feels like a sequel to a movie we never got) and what I thought were the worst offenders – The animatronics. Yes, there are many (many!) animatronics in this movie and they all ended up looking very rubbery and stiff, looking more like Dark Crystal or Star Wars creatures than the living breathing animals Stan Winston Studio created. Perhaps this is in part the fault of the way they were filmed – but I really thought most (if not all) should have been touched up with CGI, especially the Microceratus.
The soundtrack is quite fun and has its moments, but I also feel Giacchino could have used more of the original themes – after all this movie is the “epic conclusion” of the entire saga and the return of the original characters, which comes with certain thematic expectations.
In general I can say I really enjoyed ‘Jurassic World Dominion’ and I had a great time and I just can’t wait to see it again. It has the flaws of the first two Jurassic World films, but BioSyn driven plot line and return of the classic characters really elevates the fun. It’s hard not to have certain expectations – this was meant to be the close of a series of stories that began in 1993 but ultimately just feels like another sequel. I wish the movie was longer as it needed to flesh out the story and characters, be less choppy, and build more believable stakes. Likewise some of the effects, both practical and CGI, needed more work – it’s unfortunate that some of the CG is weak considering how long they had to work on the film (Blue and Beta are a large offender here).
Ultimately this movie left me wanting more – both in good and bad ways – but most of all good. And thankfully, Dominion is not the end, but a brand new beginning. More will come, and the movie makes that clear.
Stay tuned, as more of our team sees the movie and are allowed to publish reviews new review articles will be added!
The latest bit of Jurassic World: Dominion marketing will air tonight on NBC at 8PM Pacific and 8PM Eastern time: “Jurassic World Night”!
NBCwill air the first Jurassic Worldfilm, and commercial breaks during the film will consist of seven Jurassic World: Dominion cast members & Colin Trevorrow speaking about the legacy of Jurassic Park and the franchise.
This sounds like a very cool way to continue to promote the upcoming sixth film in the Jurassic franchise and celebrate the series’ legacy.
Be sure and tune in to NBCtonight at 8PM PST / 8PM EST for “Jurassic WorldNight”, and be on the lookout for more Dominion marketing as we head towards June 10th!
Tickets for the sixth film in the franchise, Jurassic World Dominion, officially went on sale April 29th and today we have our first news of what the domestic opening weekend might look like for the film. Box Office Pro is reporting that early domestic tracking for the film is coming in the range of $165-$205 million. If this range holds true, it would be the second biggest opening weekend for the franchise just behind 2015’s Jurassic World.
Massive domestic opening weekend’s are not something new for the Jurassic franchise. While the early tracking for Jurassic World Dominion doesn’t seem to be indicating a record breaking number, three of the previous five installments have broke the opening weekend domestic record. In 1993 the original film Jurassic Park opened to a record $47.03 million besting the opening weekend of 1989’s Batman which had held the record with $40.49 million. The first sequel, 1997’s The Lost World: Jurassic Park opened to record $72.13 million topping the previous record holder, 1995’s Batman Forever which had opened to $52.78 million. 2015’s fourth installment, Jurassic World, shocked the world when it opened to a record $208.81 million overtaking 2012’s The Avengers which had opened to $207.44 million. 2001’s third installment, Jurassic Park III and 2018’s fifth installment, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, are the only two films in the series that have not broken the opening weekend record. While it seems unlikely that Dominion will break the opening weekend record, which is $357.12 million and held by 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, nothing can ever be completely written off as a possibility for the Jurassic franchise.
A factor in the early tracking that everyone should keep in mind is that both Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom either exceeded or met their early tracking projections. Jurassic World was initially tracking at around $100-130 million and ended basically doubling the low end of the projection. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom initially tracked around $130-150 million and came in at the higher end of that range ($148.02 million).
The previous five Jurassic films have combined for over $5 billion worldwide and the series is currently the only live-action film franchise to average over $1 billion per film. With the film projected to have a healthy opening domestic weekend and confirmation that the film will have a China release, the odds are high that Dominion will also join the exclusive billion dollar worldwide club.
What are your thoughts on the early tracking numbers for the domestic box office opening weekend? Do you think it is low, high or right on track to your expectations? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below
One month before the film’s release, the viral marketing campaign for Jurassic World: Dominion has begun: Dino Tracker!
Courtesy of the DPW(Department of Prehistoric Wildlife), dinosaur and Jurassic fans alike can peruse sightings of prehistoric creatures across the globe via
Find info about the dinosaurs of Jurassic World: Dominion, their locations and behavior, what to do when you encounter one, and many more hidden gems of information now – all via the Dino Tracker Field Guide!
The Field Guide contains detailed information on Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Allosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Atrociraptor, Baryonyx, Carnotaurus, Compsognathus, Dilophosaurus, Dimorphodon, Dimetrodon, Gallimimus, Giganotosaurus, Mosasaurus, Nasutoceratops, Parasaurolophus, Pteranodon, Pyroraptor, Quetzalcoatlus, Sinoceratops, Stygimoloch, and Therizinosaurus.
Watch the full DinoTracker reveal video via IGN below, and be sure to share your dinosaur sightings on!
Report your sightings on social media using:#DinoTracker
Dinosaurs live amongst us now. We encourage you to observe and document these glorious creatures from afar and ask that you read our dinosaur field guide for "dos and don'ts” in case of an encounter. For your safety, and theirs visit:
Rick Carter was the production designer of ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World: Jurassic Park’, among many other classic films from the ‘Back To The Future’ sequels to ‘Avatar’. Now, immerse yourself in Rick’s visually-stunning mind with ESMoA’s new art exhibit: ‘TIME’.
“TIME, a project by artist and production designer Rick Carter, is an immersive collage that contemplates the concept of time. The exhibition features paintings, drawings, and collages by Carter along with photographs, movie memorabilia, and additional works by eight other artists who were invited to participate.”
Rick Carter further explains:
“Over the past five decades as an artist and film production designer, I am frequently immersed in the realizations of visual concepts. […] This experience at ESMoA provides the opportunity to explore with younger LA-based artists the legacy of my artistic career as both a painter and visual collaborator with movie directors.”
Last weekend I attended a special advance preview of the exhibit, and it was quite extraordinary to see it in person! After being a fan of his production design in films for so many years, it was unique and exhilarating to be in a representation of his vast mind. Below is a gallery that features just a taste of what this exhibit is like.
For fans of ‘Jurassic Park’, there are various interpretations by other artists that are beautiful and engaging. Such highlights include art by Jacori “Aiseborn” Perry that feature a raptor running towards the gates of ‘Jurassic Park’ and a Triceratops hatchling!
There is also a myriad of work by Rick Carter himself, of course; straight from his own production files. This includes a special area at one end of the exhibit where a portion of the wall features several key items that have never been seen before. Unique collages of Jurassic Park’s Visitor Center and pencil sketches done on napkins create an early look into what would eventually be realized on the screen. A glass case at the center of this section displays a miniature Velociraptor model created by Stan Winston’s team. This detailed creation is clearly a cherished item in Rick’s collection that everyone can appreciate.
Left Side, Top to Bottom: Rick Carter’s actual crew badge, a collage concept for the Visitor Center, and a series of sketches done with pen on napkins depicting early layouts of the Visitor Center (and Hammond perhaps?). Center: Stan Winston Studios Raptor model from Rick’s collection. Right Side, Top to Bottom: Another Visitor Center collage concept, café mural collage concept, and DNA collage concept.
One of the coolest things for a ‘Jurassic Park’ fan to see is the mural Rick created that is actually featured in the film’s cafe; most iconically during Richard Attenborough’s portrayal of John Hammond as he tells his ‘Petticoat Lane’ story to Laura Dern’s Ellie Sattler. It was inspired by Pablo Picasso’s Guernica!
Another neat treat is an illustration of a Tyrannosaurus Rex made in 1990 (the first year of pre-production for ‘Jurassic Park’). It is credited to both Rick Carter and his daughter Amee Carter.
However, ‘Jurassic Park’ is just one of many films that Rick Carter was part of that the exhibit showcases. Other artifacts and artistic depictions include ‘Avatar’, ‘The Polar Express’, the ‘Back To The Future’ sequels, ‘Cast Away’, ‘What Lies Beneath’, ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, ‘Forrest Gump’, and a lot more. There are also more abstract and personal pieces not related to any film, including many stunning renderings of human faces.
Walking around this massive room, with art reaching all the way to its tall ceiling, you can’t help but be wonderfully overwhelmed with Rick’s vision and the representations of his entire career (so far). One of the most arresting visuals Rick himself produced for this exhibit are the faces of the four leading directors he has worked with through the years: Steven Spielberg (‘Jurassic Park’), Robert Zemeckis (‘Back To The Future’ trilogy), James Cameron (‘Avatar’), & J.J. Abrams (‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’). They almost appear to be looking down at the entire exhibit, seeing their entire worlds that Rick helped create with them.
One of the coolest features of this exhibit is the ability to have your own self-guided tour of sorts using ESMoA’s “Grid” feature! Using correlating numbers that are painted on the floor near the items they represent on the walls, you can look up each number on the Grid then select it to view a small cropped version of the artwork along with information about the specific artist and other details. There are even some fascinating sketchbooks that Rick created that you can digitally thumb through! These features are additionally informative if you somehow aren’t able to visit this exhibit in person, presenting a version of everyone’s work to be appreciated by virtually everyone. Or, as John Hammond would say, “Everyone in the world has the right to enjoy these illustrations.”
ESMoA’s “Grid” Feature
Access to Rick Carter’s personal sketchbooks.
Additional artists that illustrated Rick’s mind and career are: Alex Garcia, Luke Hayes, Muraji Khalil, Dalila Paola Méndez, Helena Park, Jacori “Aiseborn” Perry, Ivan “Mr Mustart” Petrovsky, and Carlos “Kopyeson” Talavera. The creation of the exhibit itself was also a massive undertaking, as evidenced in a cool time lapse video that begins with its inception then leads up to the preview event. The exhibit was curated by Dr. Bernhard Zuenkeler.
Rick Carter & Select Illustrators: Bernhard Zünkeler, Carlos “Kopyeson” Talavera, Jacori “Aiseborn” Perry, Rick Carter, Ivan “Mr Mustart” Petrovsky, Muraji Khalil, Helena Park. Sitting on the ‘Forrest Gump’ bench.
While attending the preview event, I saw all of the talented artists and ran into some ‘Jurassic’ veterans, including: Rick Carter (of course), David Lowery (Storyboard Artist), John Bell (Art Director), & Seamus Blackley (creator of the ‘Lost World’ PC game ‘Trespasser’… and a little thing called the XBOX). Seeing this exhibit with so many of the creative leads that were involved with the extraordinary films represented will certainly be a night I will never forget!
Derrick Davis pictured above with Rick Carter and then Rick Carter & David Lowery
While ESMoA is applauded for having an online version of the exhibit accessible to everyone, I must stress just how much more incredible it is to see it all in-person! They really did “spare no expense“! This amazing freeexhibit is open from May 5th to September 17th 2022 in El Segundo, CA, USA. Be sure to plan your trip in advance for the exact location and available hours and days it is open. Also check out their various upcoming programs that include opportunities to see Rick Carter in person!
For another Rick Carter-related experience that is connected to ‘Jurassic Park’, watch Jurassic Time’s illustrated audio drama of ‘Rick Carter’s Jurassic Park’; an adaptation of Rick’s script for the film, featuring thousands of production images from the film and interviews with Rick!
Note: Some images were obtained directly from ESMoA. Special thanks to Rick Carter & Eugenia Torre. ‘Rick Carter & Select Illustrators’ and ‘Installation Shots’ are credited to Mark Knight.
Do you plan to make a trip to this exhibit? And besides the ‘Jurassic’ films, what are Rick Carter’s other films that he worked on that you also love? Share your comments below, and as always stay tuned to Jurassic Outpost for the latest!
Good news for Universal Pictures as Jeff Sneider of The Ankler is reporting that China has accepted Jurassic World Dominion to release theatrical in their country. No official release date though has been set.
China has accepted the third Jurassic World movie, though without any commitment yet of an actual release date. With a movie this size, Universal Pictures would love a simultaneous Dominion open all over the world, but it isn’t entirely up to them, as the Chinese government dictates when movies debut.
In February, box office analystJeff Bock said “getting any blockbuster into China right now feels like a big deal.”
This is indeed a very big deal for the final installment of the Jurassic World trilogy. In 2015, $228.7 million of Jurassic World‘s $1.67 billion worldwide total came from China. In 2018, $261.2 million of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom‘s worldwide total also came from China. Outside of it’s domestic release, China has proven to be the second biggest source of global box office for the latest trilogy.
Having a release in China was no slam dunk for Dominion as other studios have seen their films not been accepted for release there.
As tensions between the U.S. and the P.R.C. ratchet up, China has, of late, blanket rejected Hollywood blockbusters — including Marvel movies Spider-Man: No Way Home, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, and Eternals — in favor of local product like homegrown mega-hit The Battle at Lake Changjin.
The previous five Jurassic films have combined for over $5 billion worldwide and currently is the only live-action film franchise to average over $1 billion per film. So having an outlet of box office income from China is very key to Dominion reaching the $1 billion club and keeping the series at the impressive average.
What are your thoughts on Jurassic World Dominion getting a theatrical release in China? Does this mean a $1 billion+ worldwide gross is a lock? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Jurassic World: Dominion – The Legacy Featurette has been released by Universal Pictures! This brand new video contains interviews with the returning Jurassic Park cast members, the core cast of Jurassic World, and even Colin Trevorrow, all sharing the impact that the Jurassic franchise has had on cinema as a whole and how it all continues in Jurassic World: Dominion. Watch the full featurette below!
“It expands to new territories, and crashes through barriers… painfully, maybe even dangerously…”
The featurette begins with Sam Neill (Dr. Alan Grant), Laura Dern (Dr. Ellie Sattler), and Jeff Goldblum (Dr. Ian Malcolm) sharing pieces of their experiences making Jurassic Park alongside incredible behind-the-scenes footage from the set of that film. Dern speaks of the “energy on set that it was the first time you’d ever seen anything like this,” and Goldblum speaks to how he was “excited for everything that it could be.” The legacy of these actors, their characters, and the incredible film that is Jurassic Park is clear here, and the featurette begins to demonstrate their connection to Jurassic World: Dominion as it transitions to the characters of the Jurassic World films.
“Well, there it is.”
Continuing with the core Jurassic World cast, Chris Pratt (Owen Grady) and Bryce Dallas Howard (Claire Dearing) share the impact that Jurassic Park and seeing real dinosaurs on-screen had on them as well as cinema as a whole. “Suddenly that which had never seemed real before was totally real, and I realized at that moment that cinema forever had changed,” Howard says. Director Colin Trevorrow joins to share that “Jurassic World: Dominion is the culmination of the franchise. It concludes the story that Steven Spielberg started telling in 1993.” Pratt and Howard go on to share how great and surreal it was to work with the legacy cast member of Jurassic Park, and Laura Dern shares that Dominion was a “fantastic idea to bring these two worlds together.” Trevorrow and Howard go on to explain that with all of the characters returning, it is truly the intersection and convergence of the entire storyline and franchise.
“Life, uh… finds a way.”
There are also some very interesting new visuals and moments of dialogue in this featurette. Dr. Henry Wu (BD Wong) appears briefly to say “We need to fix a terrible mistake,” which could have massive implications for the storyline and the Jurassic franchise. We see fiery, action-packed moments featuring the entire cast, as well as new shots of the legacy and modern casts mixing together in interesting ways: a tense moment between Owen Grady and Dr. Malcolm, and Maisie, Dr. Grant, and Dr. Sattler running in lab coats through what looks like Biosyn’s headquarters. The featurette culminates in wild shots of the chaos to come in Malta, Owen and Kayla meeting the Pyroraptor, and the entire cast facing off with the massive Giganotosaurus, seen for the first time in glorious, full animatronic form!
Needless to say, this new Jurassic World: Dominion featurette is fantastic, and showcases multiple new moments and pieces of information that demonstrate the deep connection this film will have to the original: Jurassic Park. It also showcases how definitive the franchise has been for generations of people, and how fortunate we are to be witnessing the continuation of incredible stories 30 years in the making. Be sure and take this featurette in, share your thoughts with us below, and join us in the exciting run up to the sixth Jurassic film, in theaters June 10th!