The Prologue to Jurassic World Dominion Is Here – Watch Now!

Hold on to your butts – the first footage from Jurassic World Dominion has hit the internet!

This original 5 min prologue to Jurassic World Dominion, directed by Colin Trevorrow, rockets audiences back 65 million years into the past to experience the world before humans existed—and offers a glimpse of a world in which dinosaurs are living among us.

The story will continue in theaters this Summer.

Stay tuned for our gallery of pro-res HD screenshots, and our breakdown of the footage coming soon!

Jurassic World Dominion Prologue to Air on NBC Tuesday November 23rd

After many – too many – months of waiting, the ‘Jurassic World Dominion‘ prologue that premiered in front of IMAX screenings of Fast 9 will make its way to home audiences. This upcoming Tuesday November 23rd the preview of next summers Jurassic Park sequel will debut on NBC at roughly 8:56pm EST, after ‘The Voice‘.

“A preview of the Jurassic World saga revealing the origins of the dino DNA that started it all.”

For those unfamiliar, the prologue opens during the cretaceous period showing dinosaurs before extinction, later cutting to show some brief glimpses into Dominions present day action 65 million years later. While the prologue is not entirely new, this will be the first time it’s been officially been made available outside of IMAX which is something fans have been asking for globally.

This of course may come as a small disappointment to fans who’ve already seen the very preview months ago and would like to finally see Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Claire Dearing, Owen Grady and Ian Malcolm in a proper trailer – however it seems than will not come until February of 2022.

If you want to learn more about the upcoming prologue, be sure to check out our breakdown from over the Summer and stay tuned for more coverage once it releases!

Note: this article has been updated to reflect the final official airtime should be 8:56 PM, and not 9 PM as previously reported.


The first full trailer for SEASON FOUR of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous is here! The new season will feature guest stars Kirby Howell-Baptiste and Haley Joel Osment and run for 11 all-new episodes, exclusively on Netflix December 3. In case you missed it, watch below:

The trailer begins similarly to previous Camp Cretaceous trailers in that we see the campers seemingly escaping to freedom on a commandeered boat. It’s not long, however, before they are attacked by Jurassic World’s escaped Mosasaurus. Their boat is torn to pieces and they wash up on what, according to show-runner Scott Kreamer, is “an island previously unseen in the Jurassic canon.” The campers discover the sort of technology hinted at in the first teaser for season four: some sort of hyper-realistic portrayal of different biomes such as a desert and a possible snowy environment. The campers are also shown in a dense forest environment encountering a T. rex and too many drones to count.

Large vehicles and the anticipated ‘robot dog’ are seen moving across a snowy environment, but then breaking through the wall of the aforementioned projection technology. In a truly wild turn, the campers encounter a sabertooth tiger, of all things, in a dark desert environment. As things get hectic in this trailer, we see Kenji in peril in the desert, the Kentrosaurus in the snowy environment, the ‘robot dog’ sinking to its possible demise, Darius sprinting through the jungle, and the Kentrosaurus facing off with a T. rex. An “Escape Is Only The Beginning” tagline plays out over these chaotic moments.

The climax of the trailer features one thing fans have been waiting for: the return of the Spinosaurus. The campers come face to face with the beast in the new island’s desert environment as Brooklynn quips, “That’s new…”, before it roars and charges after them. The Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous title card flashes for a moment before a fun stinger scene at the end. The campers are seen hiding in a jungle environment with a mysterious facility in front of them. Sammy declares that “Something tells her they shouldn’t go in there,” to which Kenji responds, “…which means we’re obviously going in there.” Brooklynn gestures them all forward with a “Come on!”, and the trailer ends.

There is a lot to unpack and digest here: Brand new environments, sabertooth tigers, drones, robot dogs, and the fearsome Spinosaurus. Interestingly enough, show-runner Scott Kreamer has hinted that “…there’s a good chance that it might be the exact same Spinosaurus,” which raises even more questions. Kreamer revealed many insights about this new trailer and the upcoming season in a new interview & trailer breakdown with Entertainment Weekly, which you can read here.

Be sure to watch our trailer breakdown video where we analyse it shot-by-shot!

Images courtesy of Netflix and Entertainment Weekly.

What do you think about the trailer and the wild things to come in season four? Let us know in the comments below!

Jurassic World Evolution 2 Review

The Park is Open – again

It’s been over 3 years since the original Jurassic World Evolution released on consoles and PC, and the anticipated sequel delivers on the promise of Fallen Kingdom: we’re not on an island anymore (except when we are, but more on that later).

Jurassic World Evolution 2 offers some new updates to the established gameplay from the first title, but will also be immediately familiar to players of the first – perhaps too familiar at times. However, for those unfamiliar with Evolution, it is a park building and management game where you’re tasked with creating your very own Jurassic worlds.

The core gameplay loop in Jurassic World Evolution 2 is all about building park attractions with key operation and exhibition facilities, seeing to guest and animal comfort, all while making sure you remain profitable and don’t run out of money. As you may expect, things don’t always go to plan, and chaos will come into play – from natural disasters like tornadoes and blizzards, dinosaurs growing distressed by their health and needs, and occasionally, dinosaurs breaking free and eating your guests (which is a very quick way to run out of funds).

You can help avoid unhappy dinosaurs trying to escape by making sure you’ve crafted an enclosure meeting their environmental needs, such as making sure you’ve grown the correct prehistoric flora for herbivores to feed upon, have enough water, open space, and other factors such as making sure species cohabitating a particular enclosure actually like one another.

If your dinosaurs break free you’ll need to send in ranger teams to round up the ramping threats before they cause too much mayhem, so it’s important to have them placed close by. While this may be easy in the early stages of your park, it becomes more of a challenge as your park grows and is something that will greatly affect your ability to mitigate the collapse of your park – especially as some maps are quite restrictive in size (but fret not, others are quite large).

Likewise, you’ll want to make sure you’ve researched the best facilities to contain and care for your dinos – such as the new medical center for taking care of sick and injured dinosaurs. As sick dinosaurs can die or spread illness, you’ll want to make sure your mobile veterinary teams can access the species as quickly as possible.

Research is integral to keeping your park well managed and profitable, and will also provide you the means to train your scientists whomst are integral to the core game mechanics. Scientists are hired staff required to be assigned to all management tasks such as aforementioned research, expeditions for fossils and dinosaurs, DNA synthesis, and egg incubation. 

Each scientist has three skill categories with associated levels: logistics, genetics, and welfare. The various management tasks, such as sending out a team to look for fossils, have required skills in the category or categories, therefore making sure your various staff are properly leveraged for the tasks ahead is crucial. Likewise, each scientist has a specific perk. Some simply have a higher stamina rate, meaning you can assign them more tasks in a row without them needing a break from overworking, while others may allow for things such as 50% cheaper DNA synthesis or 30% faster egg incubation. You’ll have to make hard choices to make sure you’re saving as much money and time as possible while having enough skill points for the tasks your park requires, and this staff system brings a lot of strategy into the game.

As I mentioned before, the staff can get overworked and require rest. If you’re not careful, the scientists may become disgruntled, causing setbacks in your park such as sabotage. These new functionalities make the gameplay more dynamic as you expand your park, requiring more strategy in your choices as opposed to only arbitrary wait times while tasks complete.

The way you edit the environment is far more dynamic than the first game. For example, herbivores no longer have feeders and rather require the proper plant life to support their diets. While some may feed off of ground fiber and nuts, others will feed off tall leaves. With limited space in each paddock for what you can grow, you need to be mindful about the species you place together so their dietary and general comfort needs (which include things like open space, the amount of rocks, and more) can sync up.

Then, of course, there are the park guests – the people you want to keep happy to fund your dino-park escapades. Their comfort in the park boils down to amenities such as food, shopping, and restrooms, the placement of emergency bunkers, transportation, and of course attractions. Your star attractions are the dinosaurs, and you want to make sure you have the other desired amenities in close proximity to them. Viewing galleries are a primary way for guests to see dinosaurs, and the placement of the galleries is key to make sure the guests actually have sight-lines on the various species. Guests also don’t like to travel too much by foot, so researching and placing structures such as hotels and monorail stations around your focal dino-hubs really helps maximize the success of your park.

Each level features different environmental locations with different sizes and shapes, sometimes including narrow choke points where building and movement will be restricted. Making smart use of that space to fit all the needed structures, pathways, and dinosaur paddocks is crucial. If you’re not careful, you can easily build yourself into a corner where the needed facilities cannot fit. This will affect profit, guest comfort, and your ability to properly care for the dinosaurs – this can become even worse if disaster strikes.

Another great feature is the ability to pause time and assess a situation while assigning tasks within the park or choosing building placements. When a park is large, a lot can happen at once, and this feature allows you to manage many occurrences simultaneously before resuming the action and letting your choices play out. Likewise, you can speed up time by 2 and 3 times, allowing for tasks to complete in a blink of an eye. Be careful though – if things start going wrong, every second counts.

While many of these elements existed in the first Jurassic World Evolution, there are many small quality of life adjustments across the board which make the gameplay more dynamic, and in theory, more fun.

Unlike the first game, Evolution 2 offers 4 different modes of play: Campaign, Chaos Theory, Challenge Mode, and Sandbox.

Campaign mode picks up after the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, with dinosaurs now free in the mainland across various wilds in the US and elsewhere. The story picks up with Owen Grady and Claire Dearing now employed by the United States Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) working to help humans and dinosaurs successfully co-exist. The United States Government is concerned by the potential threat dinosaurs pose, and have set up many departments to help keep a close eye on the dinos. These include the DFW and another key player: the newly formed Dangerous Species Division (DSD) of the CIA. While the DFW and DSD cooperate together, there is some tension and distrust between the government agencies, particularly as the CIA isn’t the most forthcoming about their activities with dinosaurs outside of those the DFW directly assist with.

The single player mode marks the largest departure from Jurassic World Evolution and frankly even Evolution 2’s core gameplay mechanics. Rather than building parks, worrying about guest comfort, and profits, you’re simply tasked with tracking down nuisance dinosaurs and containing, observing, and relocating them – just as normal, non-prehistoric nuisance animals are often dealt with.

As such, the levels are divided into distinct playspaces within each map: the “buildable area” for creating and maintaining the DFW’s facilities and the “wild area”. The wild area consists of large expanses of wilderness where you cannot build but can take direct control of ranger teams to drive and fly across, tracking down dinosaurs, capturing them, and bringing them back to your containment facility that you build. Primarily you will build simple operation facilities such as paleo veterinary centers, paddocks, and observation platforms for the DFW to study the dinosaurs. Essentially, you want to make sure you have the right size paddock with the right terrain inside for the dinosaurs’ comfort, and once you’ve done that, you’ve got nothing else to worry about.

As such, you wont utilize most of the game’s core gameplay features and building options in the single player which, quite frankly, is a bizarre choice in a park building and management game. In fact, the the entire single player feels like a short, snappy narrative driven tutorial for a larger game that Frontier forgot to include. The story ends abruptly, only running a few hours, with a narrative that feels like it’s just setting up the first act. While the campaign of the first Jurassic World Evolution admittedly could drag, it was much larger and felt more content complete. The sequel’s main story can be beat faster than it takes to achieve a 5-star rating on some of the challenge mode locations.

It truly feels like rather than adjust the story to account for the fact that Jurassic World Dominion was delayed, they kept the initial set up and cut the rest of campaign that would intersect too closely with the upcoming film. The story makes mention of a third party and unknown location (seemingly alluding to BioSyn), and it seems like things are just getting ready to explore that thread when the credits role unceremoniously.

If you’re a player more interested in the narrative single player campaign be warned: campaign feels more like a small expansion to the first game rather than a standalone sequel experience. While the new environments are gorgeous, you won’t spend much time in them within the context of campaign. Some levels, such as Pennsylvania’s beautiful Appalachians, aren’t even featured in the various sandbox and challenge modes.

Chaos Theory mode feels like a secondary campaign, only smaller in story scope. It does offer some expanded narrative “what if” situations which are introduced with absolutely stunning intro cut-scenes narrated by Jeff Goldblum, reprising his role of Ian Malcolm (though he sometimes sounds less like Malcolm and goes into his weird and whimsical Goldblum voice). Each level is its own standalone story with simple premises attributed to the five films: build and open Jurassic Park successfully for the first film, Build and open Jurassic Park San Diego successfully for The Lost World, Create Jurassic World and successfully remain open with the Indominus Rex for the fourth movie. However, all of those quickly become repetitive gameplay with less narrative threads as your task is simply to achieve a 5-star rating with certain arbitrary chore-like challenges thrown at you along the way. This mode is hit and miss, particularly as it limits player freedom and can quickly become a little too chaotic if you make one wrong move. Personally, I found the San Diego level to be more engaging than the other two which just felt like they dragged on too long. I’m pretty sure I spent more time on Jurassic World’s Chaos Theory level than I did the main campaign – most of my star dinosaurs dying of old age before I cleared the level.

The issue in Chaos Theory mode is that it mostly assumes you understand the intricacies of park building and management. While it does introduce you to some basics, they’re not enough to realize the long road you have ahead to reach 5-stars. The mode may have felt like less of a chore had the main campaign done more introductory legwork work to introduce the player to the expanded core park management mechanics, but as it stands, the average player may find the experience overwhelming. Spending hours on a simple ‘what if’ scenario shouldn’t be a trial by fire to learn the games core mechanics – because if you make too many mistakes, you may be forced to start from scratch.

Jurassic Park 3 and Fallen Kingdom’s Chaos Theory modes shake up the formula, and while the other three levels may last too long, these two feel too short. Fallen Kingdom’s plot essentially boils down to returning to Nublar sans a volcanic threat, scanning a few dinosaurs, and then using the removal tool to destroy the pre-built park. It’s weird – and not fun.

Jurassic Park 3 stands out, as it seems to be an actual lore expansion set between the events of Jurassic Park 3 and Jurassic World rather than a “what if”, returning to Isla Sorna to capture dinosaurs and relocate them to Isla Nublar for Jurassic World. This level plays more like the single player where you capture wild dinosaurs and create basic paddocks for their comfort only. As such, it is short, but it is also a fun break with some curious lore implications.

Challenge mode is where the game really shines and seems to find better balance between pacing, mission structure, and player expression. It features entire suite of gameplay mechanics all with the goal of reaching a 5-star rating in various locations, while contending different challenge modifiers (for example, a level where dinosaurs are more prone to sickness). While this may sound similar to the Chaos Theory mode, you have more freedom and less arbitrary requirements, allowing you to build and respond to the various challenges in the way you personally wish. Likewise, this mode offers the full suite of ways to obtain dinosaurs for your park, including finding them within the map, sending expeditions to find fossils, and occasionally expeditions to capture wild dinosaurs transporting them directly to your park. It’s a shame the game’s more narrative-driven campaigns don’t embrace this wider sandbox of gameplay, as it offers a sense of freedom and diversity critically lacking in the campaign and Chaos Theory.

That said, much like the first Jurassic World Evolution, the game still lacks a sense of personal freedom to entirely craft a park as you wish with the many facilities and attractions you would come to expect from the films. While the Gyrosphere tour returns, as does a Jurassic Park and World themed vehicle tour, no new rides or dinosaur themed attractions are present – such as the river tour, Pachy arena, or T. rex kingdom. While some of these additions may seem arbitrary, the idea of this game very much revolves around building your own park – and when each park has the same limited suite of options, it quickly becomes repetitive.

This is an issue the first game suffered from, and by result, it often times felt boring when compared to other park management titles. While this game has some new additions, and thus can be more engaging, many of the changes feel more like lateral moves. This is especially because most of the buildings, features, and dinosaurs are straight out of the first game. In fact, some species featured in the first didn’t even make the cut for the sequel.

A fun albeit small addition is the ability to customize some buildings, choosing from a few presets like Jurassic Park or Jurassic World styled walls, entrances, and decorative displays – while also being allowed to customize portions of the colors and lights. While this doesn’t effect gameplay, it does give the player more forms of expression. Although most of it is hard to notice while properly playing the game in its birds eye view.

Some of the buildings you would expect to have alternative models and skins from various eras – such as the aviary or paddock fencing – sadly do not. And while you can choose skins for your vehicles, including the pre-order and deluxe addition bonuses, in sandbox mode you cannot freely choose any skin. If you want Jurassic World-themed ranger teams, you have to choose that building style for the ranger station, and vice versa for Jurassic Park, only allowing for the bonus skins to be freely swapped in. Curiously, the DFW vehicles from campaign seem to be absent.

The ability to genetically modify your dinosaur returns allows you to adjust things like their temperament, lifespan, and of course, how they look. Each species has a variety of skins – imagine them as basic color presets and patterns. You can apply a pattern to a skin to bring out more complexity, usually resulting more contrasting colors and striping. Sadly, like the first game, you cannot actually preview the skins to know what they create and there is no proper database for all the varieties of species designs in-game.

Some of the legacy dinosaur designs also appear as skins, and they also can result in model changes. These include the Tyrannosaurs with skins from all 3 Jurassic Park films, Parasaurolophus from the two sequels, Velociraptors from all three films, the Brachiosaurs from both Jurassic Park and JP3, Stegosaurs, Triceratops, and more. Some legacy species don’t have skin that directly calls out the film its from – such as Spinosaurus, Dilophosaurus or Pachycephalosaurs – yet they do have film accurate colors achievable by choosing the correct generic skin/pattern combos. Just good luck figuring that out on your first try.

While some dinosaurs are incredibly accurate and offer a fantastic look at their film counterparts, others are lacking or have issues. For instance, Jurassic Park 3 female raptors have great colors, yet sport the quills of the males. The Allosaurus retains its look from the first game, which predates Battle at Big Rock and does not reflect Fallen Kingdom either. This means it’s an entirely canon on-screen species with entirely fictional in-game design. The Pteranodons do not have their Lost World or JP3 skin/models, and sadly the Mamenchisaurus does not reflect its design from the The Lost World which was recently shown in better detail for the first time.

The aviaries are engaging and the flying reptiles can escape from them wreaking havoc on your park – however they don’t offer much in the terms of customization, theming, or shape. The species list is on the small side, but does include the Jurassic World Pteranodons and Dimorphodons. Sadly the Dimorphodons lack the fuzzy filaments called pycnofibres that they sport in the films.

The ability to build lagoons and breed marine reptiles also makes its debut, but these facilities have even fewer customizations and gameplay options.

Despite the various frustrating inaccuracies, when the game looks good, it looks fantastic. However, it’s not always firing on all cylinders in the art department or engine performance. While some levels look gorgeous, with the environments looking rich, realistic, and detailed, others have a decidedly dated and lower detailed look which effects visual readability. The same could be said for the dinosaurs. While some species are so detailed you can see each scale and bump in crisp detail up close, others look waxy with muddier textures. That said, as the game is often played at distance from the dinosaurs, the animation, lighting and environments are what really make or breaks the visual experience.

The game suffers from some noticeable draw distance pop-in, especially with shadows which just blip in and out of existence – which can be very distracting. Likewise, lighting effects turn off and on at various distances, and while that may not be obvious when hovering in one location, as you pan across your park it jumps out more and more. This is very obvious while in “capture mode” which turns off the hud and gives you more cinematic control over the camera.

I played the game on the Xbox Series X, one of the most powerful home consoles out there, and these issues were immediately obvious. While I didn’t play the game on the less powerful Xbox One or PS4, I imagine they’re even more notable. Which brings me to the other, more important point: performance.

When things really get going this game struggles, with huge frame hitches as you zoom in and out or pan over particularly complex areas. Again, I can only guess how it runs on the less powerful machines, but it feels like a certain layer of optimization and polish is missing – further illustrated by the numerous crashes I experienced while playing. Thankfully, autosave meant not much progress was lost, although I do recommend saving frequently.

The game also suffers from frequent bugs, and while most are minor and don’t impact the game some can lead to frustrating results. Sometimes dinosaurs can become stuck in place – they attempt to move, making flying or walking motions, but they go nowhere. This leads to them slowly dying from starvation and dehydration. At the very least, that can sometimes be fixed by tranquilizing the dinosaur and relocating them. However, it’s not always that easy in an aviary as you can’t exact direct control over the task. You have to let the AI do it by deploying a drone into the aviary, and guess what: the drone can become stuck. There is no easy fix for that – I found myself destroying aviary hatcheries and rebuilding them simply to allow for a new drone that hopefully doesn’t get stuck. Unfortunately this issue popped up frequently, enough to deter me from flying reptiles in the more difficult challenge modes if possible.

With so few changes from the first game, a shockingly short and simple campaign mode, and the various performance issues I can’t help but feel this game was rushed and surely could have benefited from a delay to release alongside Jurassic World Dominion – if not further out. I also have no doubt content was removed from the game due to the films delay – I suspect it will be released next June alongside the upcoming sequel – but this sadly contributes to what feels like an incomplete package.

Don’t get me wrong, the game can be fun, but much like the first it has the foundations of a decent park management simulation without the much needed finer level of control, freedom, and variety. The gameplay can be repetitive and oftentimes doesn’t feel rewarding. While the dinosaurs do have more behaviors this time, such as pack hunting, they’re essentially just pretty looking props to challenge you that you can’t really appreciate outside of sandbox mode – where you can turn off disasters, have unlimited cash, and can get up close taking your time without concern of park collapse. Even there, there’s not much to do with the dinos if you’re not interested in building environments and then using capture mode to grab cinematic footage of them. I just can’t help but feel there is some core gameplay element lacking here that would make it all more worth it.

While this game isn’t bad – it’s also not great. I suspect it will find its real home with modders and content creators, but the average player likely won’t entirely get what they’re looking for. Likewise, park management fans may find the gameplay more shallow than they’re used to. This was easier to forgive with the first Jurassic World Evolution, but it’s doubly frustrating with the sequel, which seems more interested in re-skinning the first game than offering a proper evolution and improvement. While I do believe Jurassic-fans will find something they enjoy in this game, if you don’t mind waiting a little, I recommend waiting for it to go on sale. 

I can’t imagine it will take too long.

First Jurassic World CAMP CRETACEOUS Season 4 Teaser Reveals Release Date of December 3rd!

“You mean there are two islands with dinosaurs on them?!”

The first teaser for season four of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous has arrived, and it brings both answers and more speculation. It reveals the next season’s release date of December 3rd and hints: “A New Island Awaits…”

Watch below:

The fourteen second teaser visually approaches a dark island filled with dense jungle, but a visual glitch teases a stark, desert locale – which is definitely not Isla Sorna. In the music, the ‘raptor motif’ from the original Jurassic Park score makes an appearance and swells into an epic version of the signature Jurassic Park theme. The inclusion of the ‘raptor motif’ is interesting, as Isla Sorna is certainly known for its raptors.

The fast approaching December 3rd date is very exciting, but what could this teaser mean for season four’s story locations? Could the dense jungle we see be Isla Sorna, and the desert an external InGen facility or something else entirely? Will more than one island be visited by Darius, Yaz, Kenji, Brooklynn, Sammy, and Ben in season four? We’ll have to watch and find out!

Be sure to watch our analysis of this new short teaser trailer here:

What do you think about this teaser and the new locations that await? Let us know in the comments, and check out our video on the possible locations of Camp Cretaceous season four below!

Ariana Richards Teases a Possible Return to the World of Jurassic!

Jurassic Park‘s Lex Murphy, Ariana Richards, was recently interviewed by the Celebrity Catch Up podcast and offered some interesting thoughts on her career and Jurassic. Though Richards stepped away from the acting world many years ago to focus on her very successful art career, she didn’t rule out a return.

During the interview, host Genevieve took listeners through a retrospective of Richards’ film career. Richards portrayed Lex Murphy in Jurassic Park in 1993 and briefly in The Lost World: Jurassic Park in 1997. Things got interesting when they reached that portion of the retrospective. When asked if she would ever return to the Jurassic franchise or in Jurassic World: Dominion for adult scenes of Lex Murphy, Richards responded:

Now that is something I wouldn’t be able to comment on.”

That is certainly a very intriguing answer. She was subsequently asked if she’d ever consider a return to acting, and said she would “if the right project comes along.”

With Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and Jeff Goldblum confirmed to return for major roles in Jurassic World: Dominion next summer, could an even further Jurassic reunion be in store? And in light of producer Frank Marshall’s hints that Dominion won’t be the end but the “start of a new era,” could there be a return in mind for Lex in future Jurassic projects? We’ll have to wait and see.

Excitement is high for the return of Jurassic Park‘s ‘big three’, and the possibility of Richards’ return only heightens that anticipation. We’d love to see her return, and perhaps with her brother Tim! No matter what’s in store, we celebrate the amazing Ariana Richards and wish her continued success.

You can listen to the entire Ariana Richards episode of the Celebrity Catch Up podcast here. The interview is a great listen. If nothing else, it unearths a few great stories that fans will love about Jeff Goldblum, Steven Spielberg, and the T. rex animatronic from the production of Jurassic Park.

What do you think about this interview, and how do you feel about Lex returning for Jurassic World: Dominion or other future Jurassic projects? Let us know in the comments below!

Images courtesy of the Celebrity Catch Up podcast and The Jurassic Vault.

Exclusive Jurassic World CAPTIVZ Clash Edition Mega Egg Available for Pre-order Now!

Get ready to expand your collections with the all-new CAPTIVZ Clash Edition, first available exclusively here at Jurassic Outpost! We’ve partnered with Toy Monster International to offer 250 Mega Surprise Eggs for pre-sale directly through our store, which is the only place to acquire these collectible Jurassic World minfigs in the US for some months.

CAPTIVZ are ‘pop-n-lock’ dinosaur minifigures packaged within ‘Surprise Egg’ capsules (which retail at $5 MSRP) that include battle tokens and slime. They launched with a Fallen Kingdom lineup, and over the summer had a range dedicated to Camp Cretaceous. Each figure is roughly 3-inches long in size, and offer unparalleled accuracy, detail, and paint at their size and price.

The Mega Egg (MSRP $20) is larger deluxe item, including multiple standard egg capsules inside – and much more! Check out our unboxing of one of the Mega Surprise Eggs below!

MELBOURNE, Australia, Sept. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ToyMonster, the Australia-based toy manufacturer bringing the hottest collectibles to Jurassic World fans across the globe, announces the U.S. launch of the Jurassic World CAPTIVZ Clash Edition. The new line of Jurassic World dinosaur Pop N’ Lock collectible toys will hit shelves in November, just in time for dinosaur-loving holiday wishes to come true.

“We’ve been blown away by the massive fan response to our CAPTIVZ line,” said Claire Carroll, Global Head of Brand & Marketing at ToyMonster. “Now, we’re excited to roll-out the new Clash Edition for the holiday season. Jurassic World fans will go crazy for the epic detail and the most sought-after dinosaur figures!” 

Following the wildly successful launch of CAPTIVZ Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous over the summer, the CAPTIVZ Clash Edition range gives Jurassic World fans more of what they love. Each Jurassic World CAPTIVZ: Clash Edition Slime Egg includes one Pop N’ Lock dinosaur, slime, battle token and collector battle guide.

The new line features: 

– 30 all-time favorite species from across the Jurassic World franchise (double the quantity from the first season), chosen specifically based on fan feedback 

– New paint detail features battle wounds from epic Clash movie moments 

– Six rare dinosaurs with metallic finishes 

– Stretchy lava-like, red slime 

– Expanded battle play options

To battle, just unwrap, crack and ooze through lava-like slime to reveal the mystery Jurassic World dinosaur Pop N’ Lock figure, identify the species and then challenge friends to battle rounds based on aggression or intelligence powers, height or weight stats – the bigger your dinosaur army, the better chances of defeating your opponent – then tally up battle points to become the ultimate CAPTIVZ champion!

To kick-off the CAPTIVZ Clash Edition launch, ToyMonster has formed an exclusive partnership with Jurassic Outpost, a leading Jurassic World fan site founded and led by Jack De La Mare and Chris Pugh. With a nod to the dedicated Jurassic World fans, ToyMonster and Jurassic Outpost will host exclusive promotions including: 

Mega Egg Presale – On October 8th, Jurassic Outpost will launch the presale of the Jurassic World CAPTIVZ: Mega Egg, giving fans early access before it becomes widely available. Packed with mega surprises, the Mega Egg is nearly one foot tall and includes three Pop N’ Lock dinosaurs, two eggs, two stretchy lava slimes, one Jurassic World pull back car, three battle tokens, game playmat and die, backpack clip, 10 stickers and collector guide. Priced at $20, the Mega Egg presale will be available in limited quantity, while supplies last. 

Fans First Dino Stampede – Stomping into the holiday spirit, ToyMonster is gifting Jurassic World fans with FREE Jurassic World CAPTIVZ: Clash Edition Slime Eggs (U.S. residents only; while supplies last). For fans that just can’t wait for the retail launch in late-November, Jurassic Outpost will host the Fans First Dino Stampede, offering one (1) free Clash Edition Slime Egg per household, to the first 250 fans that register at Jurassic Outpost starting November 1st at 9am PST.  

“The detail and accuracy of the CAPTIVZ dinosaurs are unrivaled at their scale and price, and ToyMonster’s continued engagement with fans has led to many exciting additions and updates as each new wave hits shelves,” said Chris Pugh, Jurassic Outpost. “We’ve been a fan of the Jurassic World CAPTIVZ lineup since launch, and are incredibly excited to team up with ToyMonster to help even more fans discover these collectibles!”

Available at Walmart, 5 Below and Meijer, starting in late-November, the line is priced starting at MSRP $4.99 for a single egg. The full CAPTIVZ line will evolve over coming seasons to include never before seen dinosaur species and new innovation in the line, leading up to the highly anticipated theatrical release of Jurassic World: Dominion in June 2022.

About ToyMonster

ToyMonster is a Global toy manufacturer, headquartered in Melbourne Australia – where you’ll find a team of Monsters dedicated to producing innovative concepts designed to spark kids’ imaginations through play, put smiles on faces & ultimately disrupt the toy aisle with new ideas. ToyMonster was successful in securing a Global license in 2019 with NBC Universal to manufacture and distribute Jurassic World products; the start of a pipeline of new development yet to come. For more information, please visit

About Jurassic World

From Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment, Jurassic World immerses audiences of all ages in a new era of wonder and thrills where dinosaurs and humankind must learn to coexist. Jurassic World is more than a film franchise. At every turn, this $5 billion film series delivers a larger-than-life destination for exploration, discovery, and epic adventure. Dinosaurs live again and they live in Jurassic WorldJurassic World: Dominion debuts in theaters June 2022.

About Jurassic Outpost

Initially founded in 2007 by Jack De La Mare as a fan newsfeed titled, the site has continued to evolve into a unique platform over the years, becoming what is now Jurassic Outpost. Now hosting millions of unique viewers, Jack, Chris, and the ‘Outpost’ team celebrate everything Jurassic on their website, social channels, and ‘InGeneral Podcast’ while also creating their own original content – often in collaboration with Universal Pictures, including the ‘Beyond the Gates’ web-series for and Jurassic World’s YouTube channel. Visit the Outpost at: 


BD Wong Shares His Appreciation for JURASSIC PARK and Excitement for JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION!

BD Wong sporting a Jurassic World: Dominion jacket while making his directorial debut on the set of “Nora From Queens.”

Jurassic Park and Jurassic World icon BD Wong (Dr. Henry Wu himself) recently joined the Lights, Camera, Barstool podcast for an interview about his life, directing and acting, and of course, Jurassic.

The interview discussed what it’s like to be an actor and director in today’s world, the classic nature of Jurassic Park, and most excitingly BD’s thoughts and excitement for next summer’s Jurassic World: Dominion.

Before we move on: This interview contains mild spoilers for Jurassic World: Dominion. If you don’t wish to see them, we advise not reading further.

When asked if he had a different appreciation for Jurassic Park as a cornerstone of cinema after all this time, he responded:

“I would say I do have a growing appreciation, and there’s a kind of depth to that appreciation. I started out doing the first movie and I didn’t take it seriously at all. First of all, it didn’t feel like I was taken seriously as a character in that first movie; they didn’t explain what happened to that person. And the fact that they didn’t explain what happened to that person opened the door for him to return… So their negligence actually became something that was an opportunity for me. And now I’ve done three more of these Jurassic World films, the third one just having been completed.”

Continuing on about his character in Jurassic World: Dominion:

“In the arc (of the Jurassic World films), the filmmakers have a real allegiance to the character, a real affection for him, and want that arc to be satisfying to the fans. And so I feel that effort being made on his behalf, and I appreciate that because I didn’t want to just do the same thing every single time. I feel like it evolves, and it evolves to a very satisfying place to me. He had this incredibly epic death in the book that just never really got delivered in the first movie. And so now we have this, no spoilers, but, this resolution and an ending that is really satisfying to me.”

When asked about the scale of Jurassic World: Dominion and if he could tease it at all, he said:

“I’m not allowed to give spoilers, but I will say – it is bigger. Like, they really wanted to go out with a bang, and they made the last one really big. I think it’s bigger and longer and more like a ‘film’ than just ‘another installment of‘… All the principles from Jurassic Park are in it. Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and Jeff Goldblum are in it, and they’re not just like ‘Oh, look, there they are.’ They’re playing leading parts in the movie. So there’s Bryce and Chris Pratt who are the Jurassic World couple, and then there are these three honorary, huge, iconic characters that are coming back, resolving their relationships and their relationships to the whole conundrum of dinosaurs existing… and so it’s kinda big! There’s a weight to it that I like thinking about.”

You can watch a clip of that moment in the interview below:

Wong also spoke to the unique nature of production during the pandemic, saying:

“It was the first movie that came back into production after the movies all shut down last year, and that was meaningful because it set up a lot of protocols that are still being used today and that were so important to getting the industry back on its feet… The side effect of that for us was that we were all quarantined in the same hotel, and there was this kind of ‘team spirit’ feeling that came as a result of that… We were all there, working on the same scene the night of the election… and so that was memorable.”

And continuing about the scale of the film:

“But it is big… Every single person who has gone in to the studio to re-record their lines – it’s called looping – gets to see, like three minutes of the film. Every single person has come back to the group text that we have saying, “Guys, this is incredible. Like, incredibly beautifully shot and, you know, really epic. And I can’t believe that it’s even more than the other two were before it.”

You can listen to the entire interview on Apple Podcasts here, and on Spotify here. BD Wong’s portion of the episode begins at around 1:02:00.

All in all, Wong seemed extremely grateful to be able to revisit a character decades later and to be a part of the Jurassic franchise as a whole. It is thrilling to hear his excitement and affection for Jurassic World: Dominion and the Jurassic franchise.

What do you think about what BD Wong shared in this interview and what it means for the next Jurassic World film? Let us know in the comments below!

The Jurassic World CAPTIVZ Collection Expands With All-New CLASH Edition!

Today at TTPM Toy Monster International has unveiled the all-new Jurassic World ‘Clash Edition’ of their CAPTIVZ surprise-egg mini-figures. The Clash lineup includes over 30 dinosaurs from the Jurassic Park trilogy, Jurassic World films, and Camp Cretaceous across two waves and multiple skus, due to hit store shelves this November.

CAPTIVZ are ‘pop-n-lock’ dinosaur minifigures packaged within ‘Surprise Egg’ capsules (which retail at $5 MSRP) that include battle tokens and slime. They launched with a Fallen Kingdom lineup, and over the summer had a range dedicated to Camp Cretaceous. Each figure is roughly 3-inches long in size, and offer unparalleled accuracy, detail, and paint at their size and price.

The Clash Edition lineup will also bring some new items to the range, including the ‘MEGA EGG Surprise’! As the name suggests, the Mega Egg is a fantastic surprise egg collectors gift set which features numerous Jurassic World items inside of it and will retail at $20 USD. We’ve partnered with Toy Monster International to offer 250 Mega Eggs first, exclusively through the Jurassic Outpost store starting October 4th. Stay tuned for more details about this set, & read the full press release below!

MELBOURNE, Australia, Sept. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ToyMonster, the Australia-based toy manufacturer bringing the hottest collectibles to Jurassic World fans across the globe, announces the U.S. launch of the Jurassic World CAPTIVZ Clash Edition. The new line of Jurassic World dinosaur Pop N’ Lock collectible toys will hit shelves in November, just in time for dinosaur-loving holiday wishes to come true.

“We’ve been blown away by the massive fan response to our CAPTIVZ line,” said Claire Carroll, Global Head of Brand & Marketing at ToyMonster. “Now, we’re excited to roll-out the new Clash Edition for the holiday season. Jurassic World fans will go crazy for the epic detail and the most sought-after dinosaur figures!” 

Following the wildly successful launch of CAPTIVZ Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous over the summer, the CAPTIVZ Clash Edition range gives Jurassic World fans more of what they love. Each Jurassic World CAPTIVZ: Clash Edition Slime Egg includes one Pop N’ Lock dinosaur, slime, battle token and collector battle guide.

The new line features: 

– 30 all-time favorite species from across the Jurassic World franchise (double the quantity from the first season), chosen specifically based on fan feedback 

– New paint detail features battle wounds from epic Clash movie moments 

– Six rare dinosaurs with metallic finishes 

– Stretchy lava-like, red slime 

– Expanded battle play options

To battle, just unwrap, crack and ooze through lava-like slime to reveal the mystery Jurassic World dinosaur Pop N’ Lock figure, identify the species and then challenge friends to battle rounds based on aggression or intelligence powers, height or weight stats – the bigger your dinosaur army, the better chances of defeating your opponent – then tally up battle points to become the ultimate CAPTIVZ champion!

To kick-off the CAPTIVZ Clash Edition launch, ToyMonster has formed an exclusive partnership with Jurassic Outpost, a leading Jurassic World fan site founded and led by Jack De La Mare and Chris Pugh. With a nod to the dedicated Jurassic World fans, ToyMonster and Jurassic Outpost will host exclusive promotions including: 

Mega Egg Presale – On October 4, Jurassic Outpost will launch the presale of the Jurassic World CAPTIVZ: Mega Egg, giving fans early access before it becomes widely available. Packed with mega surprises, the Mega Egg is nearly one foot tall and includes three Pop N’ Lock dinosaurs, two eggs, two stretchy lava slimes, one Jurassic World pull back car, three battle tokens, game playmat and die, backpack clip, 10 stickers and collector guide. Priced at $20, the Mega Egg presale will be available in limited quantity, while supplies last. 

Fans First Dino Stampede – Stomping into the holiday spirit, ToyMonster is gifting Jurassic World fans with FREE Jurassic World CAPTIVZ: Clash Edition Slime Eggs (U.S. residents only; while supplies last). For fans that just can’t wait for the retail launch in late-November, Jurassic Outpost will host the Fans First Dino Stampede, offering one (1) free Clash Edition Slime Egg per household, to the first 250 fans that register at Jurassic Outpost starting November 1st at 9am PST.  

“The detail and accuracy of the CAPTIVZ dinosaurs are unrivaled at their scale and price, and ToyMonster’s continued engagement with fans has led to many exciting additions and updates as each new wave hits shelves,” said Chris Pugh, Jurassic Outpost. “We’ve been a fan of the Jurassic World CAPTIVZ lineup since launch, and are incredibly excited to team up with ToyMonster to help even more fans discover these collectibles!”

Available at Walmart, 5 Below and Meijer, starting in late-November, the line is priced starting at MSRP $4.99 for a single egg. The full CAPTIVZ line will evolve over coming seasons to include never before seen dinosaur species and new innovation in the line, leading up to the highly anticipated theatrical release of Jurassic World: Dominion in June 2022.

About ToyMonster

ToyMonster is a Global toy manufacturer, headquartered in Melbourne Australia – where you’ll find a team of Monsters dedicated to producing innovative concepts designed to spark kids’ imaginations through play, put smiles on faces & ultimately disrupt the toy aisle with new ideas. ToyMonster was successful in securing a Global license in 2019 with NBC Universal to manufacture and distribute Jurassic World products; the start of a pipeline of new development yet to come. For more information, please visit

About Jurassic World

From Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment, Jurassic World immerses audiences of all ages in a new era of wonder and thrills where dinosaurs and humankind must learn to coexist. Jurassic World is more than a film franchise. At every turn, this $5 billion film series delivers a larger-than-life destination for exploration, discovery, and epic adventure. Dinosaurs live again and they live in Jurassic World. Jurassic World: Dominion debuts in theaters June 2022.

About Jurassic Outpost

Initially founded in 2007 by Jack De La Mare as a fan newsfeed titled, the site has continued to evolve into a unique platform over the years, becoming what is now Jurassic Outpost. Now hosting millions of unique viewers, Jack, Chris, and the ‘Outpost’ team celebrate everything Jurassic on their website, social channels, and ‘InGeneral Podcast’ while also creating their own original content – often in collaboration with Universal Pictures, including the ‘Beyond the Gates’ web-series for and Jurassic World’s YouTube channel. Visit the Outpost at: 

What dinosaur are you most excited for from the Clash Edition range? Be sure to let us know, and stay tuned for all the latest Jurassic news!

‘Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous’ Season 4 Coming This December

The third season of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous made its debut on Netflix in May of this year, continuing the story of six campers stranded on the ill-fated Isla Nublar. The season opens 6 months after the campers were left behind after the fall of Jurassic World, eventually aligning with Fallen Kingdom’s opening moments. After numerous trials and tribulations for the gregarious gang, the season closed with the kids finally sailing away from Isla Nublar…

But the number one question has been what comes next – and when?

We’ve known a 4th season is coming: Jurassic World Director Colin Trevorrow has said his favorite moments from the show will take place in it — not to mention last we saw of the campers they were unaware of something else lurking in the lower cabins of the yacht they’re now adrift upon. For our speculation on what the season will entail, I strongly suggest checking out the video below where we outline the evidence pointing to the return of Isla Sorna:

As for the release date of Camp Cretaceous Season 4, we’ve been long reporting that it would be a longer wait than normal to better align with the ‘Jurassic World Dominion’ debut. Since early this year we had been hearing Season 4 would release this December, with the fifth season dropping after Dominion in July of 2022 – and newly revealed tie-in books for the fourth season support this.

Season 4 tie-in novels Camp Cretaceous, Volume Four: The Deluxe Junior Novelization and Rescue Mission! (Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous)have been revealed by the publisher and made available for Pre-Order, each sporting a January 4th release date.

Given the January 4th, 2022 release date for the books, we suspect the season will release December 24th or 17th, 2021. For some added context, every season of Camp Cretaceous has landed on Netflix on a Friday, and each season had multiple tie-in books that would release roughly 4 – 10 days later. If Season 4 adheres to the same schedule, December 24th is the most probable date.

We go into more detail about all of this in our YouTube video, including what the ‘Rescue Mission’ title may mean – so check it out!

When you take past marketing schedules for Camp Cretaceous into consideration, this means the first trailer will most likely hit in October. However, given the longer time between seasons we’re still hopeful to see something this month – perhaps on September 18th, the one year anniversary of the Camp Cretaceous premiere!

Are you looking forward to the fourth season of Camp Cretaceous, and what do you hope to see happen? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to Jurassic Outpost for the latest news!