The Jurassic Park Motorpool are back with a brand new fan film! Army veteran and fan film producer Gregory Wong presents Jurassic World: Exodus, a fan film following the story of a Special Forces recovery team sent to Isla Nublar to extract a missing soldier and Seismologist.
The film is a collaboration of many fans from across the world and was filmed on location on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Turn the sound up:
The team behind Exodus are no strangers to the fan film world, having released Jurassic World: Asset Containment Unit back in 2015 just before Jurassic World hit theaters. Three years on and Greg has brought us a new fan film to indulge our cravings with.
While fan films are usually kept within the ‘zero budget’ category, that’s not to say the effort put in doesn’t pay off. Jurassic World: Exodus was filmed on location in Hawaii, using locations seen before in Lost and the Jurassic series. The beautiful jungles of Oahu, mixed with Motorpool Jeeps, a wealth of weaponary and legitimate US Army props, gear and uniforms, this military based fan film shows no signs of restraint when it comes to scale.
Many of the prop firearms and uniforms were donated by companies like Evike and JKarmy, but the film’s leading star – a full size Velociraptor animatronic head – was created by Marco Cavassa. The Visual Effects were a collaboration between Kerr Robinson and Joe losczack.
The cast and crew were mostly made up of U.S. veterans, including Marines Travis Haley, Sean Jennings and Robert Bryce, Army veterans Bryon Beisek and Greg Wong, Navy Corpsman Nic Cornett (who directed the film) and Air Force veterans Mike Jones and Shannon Corbeil.
The Jurassic Park Jeeps were provided by Oahu residents Sidney and Jacob, who I was lucky enough to meet last year, and they add a huge amount of nostalgia and credibility to any Jurassic project. There are literally hundreds of replica Jurassic Park Jeeps across the world, all part of the Motorpool.
The scale of the movie really is something to adore.
We had a lot of fun watching Jurassic World: Exodus and hope you do too! A huge congratulations is due to Greg, Nic, and the entire team for bringing this fan project together and delivering an exciting 25 minutes of Jurassic fun.
Be sure to check out the full movie here, and some behind the scenes from both fan films across Greg’s channel.