Jurassic Outpost at PAX Australia 2024 – A Dino-Filled Weekend!

Last Friday, October 11th, we had the incredible opportunity to host a Jurassic Outpost Community Meet-Up at PAX Australia 2024 – the ultimate event for gamers and pop culture enthusiasts. For those unfamiliar, PAX is a massive gaming convention held annually, bringing together gamers, developers, and fans from around the world for a weekend full of games, panels, and unforgettable experiences.

Our Jurassic Outpost Meet-Up was a dino-lover’s dream come true! We decked out the space with Dino inflatables, handed out limited edition Jurassic Outpost stickers, and played iconic Jurassic music to set the scene. But the real highlight? Meeting all of you, our fellow Jurassic fans, who came together to celebrate the franchise we love.

Throughout the event, we gave fans the chance to voice their thoughts on the current state of the Jurassic franchise—what they love, what they hope for, and what they’d like to see improve. The passion and insights shared by the community were amazing! We also had some incredible cosplayers join in, snapping photos with our Dino inflatables, making it a fantastic time for everyone involved.

After the meet-up, our very own host Jayden (aka NJayrassic) took part in a 3v3 gaming trivia panel for charity, hosted by GenerOzity. Jayden nailed all of the Jurassic questions (no surprise there!) and even showed off his impressive Velociraptor sounds, adding an extra dose of fun to the event.

We want to extend a massive thank you to PAX Australia for letting us host the Jurassic Outpost Community Meet-Up, and to all of the fans who came out to support us. The love and dedication from this community means everything, and we can’t wait to do more events like this in the future!

For The Fans, By The Fans 🦖🦕

An Interview with Bob Shreve, Show Producer for Jurassic Park at Universal’s Islands of Adventure

“Aye, aye, aye, why didn’t I build in Orlando?”

-John Hammond

Islands of Adventure Concept Art (Behind the Gates)

During the pre-production of Jurassic Park, Steven Spielberg already had teams conceptualizing and planning Jurassic Park The Ride, at Universal Studios Hollywood, before the first film was in production. Upon opening in 1996, the attraction was met with high praise and acclaim for its thrilling experience and immersive storytelling.

But Universal parks weren’t finished with Jurassic just yet. During this same time, on the other side of the country, Universal was hard at work expanding their operation in Orlando. And not just a little expansion like a singular new ride or show, no. They were in the process of creating a whole new theme park that would allow guests to enter their favorite literary worlds. Universal’s team was developing a park where guests would be able to skip around with Whos in Suess Landing, explore ancient ruins in Lost Continent, make a splash with their favorite cartoon characters in Toon Lagoon, save the world in MARVEL Superhero Island. It would also be decided that the final land, “rounding” out the park, would be where guests could come face to face with the greatest animals that ever walked the planet in a fully realized Jurassic Park.

Promotional Artwork of Jurassic Park at Islands of Adventure (Universal Destinations & Experiences)

At this new Jurassic Park, guests would be able to come face to face with dinosaurs like never before and be immersed in the world of Jurassic. There was the Discovery Center where raptor eggs would be seen hatching throughout the day, and Triceratops Encounter (later renamed to Triceratops Discovery Trail) where guests could experience one of the majestic three-horned creatures up close. In Camp Jurassic guests can traverse various pathways, explore caverns, or sail through the air like pterosaurs at Pteranodon Flyers. Of course, in the center of it all, would be the main attraction- the Jurassic Park River Adventure (Orlando’s version of Jurassic Park The Ride.)

With all of these pieces integral to “selling” this world, it became apparent that Universal would need a team to help maintain a cohesive vision for what they were attempting to create. Enter Bob Shreve.

Image of Bob Shreve from promotional material of Islands of Adventure

Shreve was brought on to be Show Producer for the entirety of the Jurassic area at Islands of Adventure (or IOA.) With a Masters in theatrical design and years of experience working and designing for theatres and other theme parks, like Walt Disney World, Shreve moved to Universal to take on this titanic project.

We reached out to Shreve to reflect on his work at Islands of Adventure, the process of bringing Jurassic Park to life, and changing the theme park world forever.

JO: To start off, if you could take us back to the beginning of Jurassic being a part of Island’s of Adventure that’d be wonderful. At one time Jurassic Park The Ride was expected to be near where Men in Black now is, but then it was opted for a full land. What did that happen? What was the key moment when Universal said “YES, all in on Jurassic,” and what did that mean for Islands of Adventure?

BOB: I came to the project in 1995 after the IOA project was fully in development and well into the design development phase.  As I understand it, once Universal made the decision to develop IOA, JP became a cornerstone for the project, and the idea to develop it like the Hollywood attraction was tabled in lieu of a full-fledged land.  All of that occurred before I joined the team.

JO: How did you get the Show Producer title for the Jurassic area at IOA specifically? Was it something about the brand that pulled you or was it assigned? Where does that journey begin?

BOB: In 1995 I was working for Imagineering, living in FL, handling SQS for EPCOT along with Patrick Brennan.  I was contacted by Robin Reardon, who I had worked with on projects at WDI.  Randy Prinz had brought onto the IOA Project as the Executive Producer and she reached out to me as she felt I would make a good producer.  Initially, I was offered SUESS LANDING but, once Lisa Girolami agreed to join the team, they felt she was a better fit for SUESS and transferred me to JP.  All of this occurred before I moved to LA to join the team in person.

JO: The Jurassic land, until the inclusion of Harry Potter, felt like the centerpiece. The majestic Discovery Center stands in the center focal point when you enter, demanding your attention. IOA’s original “castle” as it were. Was that intentional?

BOB: Yes, it was very intentional.  It was felt that the JP brand was the most iconic as it related to the public at large and would be the central gate driver for ticket sales.  By placing it at the center point on the far side of the lagoon, it would drive guest utilization through all the other islands in the park.

JO: How closely did you work with other departments like marketing, promotions, etc. I mean, Island of Adventure was promoted in a Jurassic Park video game, there were exclusive toys, and then everything in park that had to fit the world’s aesthetic. Was collaboration “Universal,” as they say, between you all?

BOB: There was very little integration with marketing at that time at Universal, which, frankly, was one of the downfalls of the project.  Most of the brand development was simply lifted from the film efforts.  It should be remembered that Universal changed ownership during the development of the project and it had a ripple effect on the development process.

JO: A lot of the production and planning was happening while Crichton released The Lost World, and then The Lost World: Jurassic Park was subsequently filmed, marketed, and released. Were there any changes in the plans for the land/ride/attractions from when it started to when it ended that we’re because of the sequel?

BOB: No, by the time LOST WORLD came out, we were well into construction so no changes were tolerated.

JO: There are several attractions hinted at and teased still throughout the land that unfortunately have not come to be (as of yet.) Helicoptour-tours, Jeep Safari, and several more. Can you recall any rides, attractions, shows, or experiences that we’re on the table but shelved?

BOB: Both Helicoptours and Jeep Safari were developed at a conceptual level, however, further development was placed on hold to allow focus on completion of the IOA project.  It was anticipated that, should IOA be successful, these would be some of the first expansion projects undertaken.  Sadly, due to underperformance in attendance for the park, this did not happen.

JO: Also, the AMAZING scale model at the entrance of River Adventure (which shows several of these canceled attractions,) it’s to see anything like it! Was there a thought that prompted showcasing it so prominently?

BOB: Frankly, we needed something to fill the queue for guest engagement and we were on a tight budget.  Dan Torres, the Production Designer for RIVER ADVENTURE, came up with the idea to simply use the model that was constructed during the design of the IOA project.  Each of the lands was modeled in great detail as this was before you could use CGI.  Each land and attraction was constructed so it could be removed from the master model for study.  Since it was already built and paid for, it was a great idea to use it as a queue prop, especially because we felt it was something John Hammond would do to promote his new Park.

JO: On a similar note, were there any dinosaurs or moments from the opening day attractions that were cut?

BOB: Not that I recall.  We took great pride in delivering all of the things we were asked to provide.

JO: Was there talk of building the same River Adventure as Hollywood, or when/why were choices made to change moments in Orlando’s?

BOB: Yes, the project team was initially told to deliver the Hollywood version of the ride intact as a “cookie-cutter” attraction.  However, Hollywood was having significant issues with their jeep drop effect so our team was asked to come up with an alternative, so we developed the raptor cage drop. 

JO: How did you develop the story for the areas of the land and which characters were “involved?” Many many elements of the island reference or are lifted straight from Crichton’s novel. Some of them really “deep cuts.” What elements from the novel, film, and expanded material were most useful and important to you to include? What material did Amblin and Universal say was most important to include?

BOB: I was not involved in the initial development of the attraction (concept phase), so I do not feel I can properly answer this question. It would be better to direct this question to Dale Mason, Phil Hettema or Gary Goddard.

Interior Nursery of the Discovery Center at Islands of Adventure

JO: How important was it for there to be educational aspects of the area? At its core Jurassic is sci-fi that is grounded in real science. Paleontology, geology, genetics, animal behavior and zoological sciences, and more. Perhaps more than any other offering at IOA or Universal, Jurassic at IOA originally had a sense of adventure and discovery meets learning and inspiration (especially with attractions such as all of the original Discovery Center, and Triceratops Encounter.)

BOB: We felt it was very important to have an educational aspect to JP as it reflected John Hammond’s and InGen’s mission and goals.  We were very aware that pretty much every 9-year old would know a lot about dinosaurs when they arrived at the park, so we needed to feed that curiosity and expand on it.  We engaged Eisterhold Associates, a leading museum design company, to develop concepts for the Discovery Center and to make it as interactive as possible.

JO: Was the island ever almost Isla Nublar or was it always going to be Isla Aventura? Do you feel like the inclusion of the Jurassic World property with VelociCoaster and Raptor Encounter affects the world originally created at IOA?

BOB: The working title for the project was Isla Nublar but marketing would never have agreed to let it be marketed as anything other than Jurassic Park – too much brand recognition.  As for the inclusion of Jurassic World, I think this is a natural evolution of the brand and is fitting. TRICERATOPS ENCOUNTER was always plagued with technology issues – it was far too complex to exist in a theme park environment – and its replacement with the coaster was a good idea to revitalize the area.

Maquette of the Triceratops from Triceratops Encounter (Behind the Gates)

JO: Do you know much about who produced the dinosaur maquettes / sculpts? Stan Winston School of Character Arts recently posted an article about their Stegosaurus and it showcases both the [The Lost World’s] AND [Jurassic Park The Ride/River Adventure’s] stegos (which have differences from one another.) Were the designs for the [new] dinosaurs in-house or did some of them come from partnering with Winston’s team? And did the sculpting and building of them change or evolve as the films were made?

BOB: The dinosaur maquettes were developed for the Hollywood attraction and, I believe, were developed by Winston Studios.  I have no explanation for the difference between the two stegosaurs.  We developed the maquette for the Triceratops.  All design for it was executed by Hall Train, who was recommended to us by Winston Studios when they decided they were too busy to take on the project.  Hall deserves a lot of credit for the development of the Triceratops, its functions looks, and manufacture.  He was amazing in his skillful talents and the ideas he brought to the attraction.

A section of the mural in the basement of the Discovery Center at Islands of Adventure, showcasing a plesiosaur, stalking tyrannosaurs, and a family of sauropods.

JO: Do you recall much about the story of the murals in the Discovery Center? Apparently, the originals were rumored to be missing or were missing when making IOA from their original usage in Hollywood?

BOB: I seem to recall an issue with the murals, but I do not remember exactly what it was.  They may have been missing and we had to recreate them for the IOA attraction, but I honestly do not remember.

JO: How much thought was put into foliage / “no grass” throughout the land?

BOB: A ton. Under the brilliance guidance of Mark Kuskowski, the landscape was a critical component of the design.  Due to budget concerns, he was challenged to deliver a believable “jungle” experience using prehistoric plants from day one.  Mark traveled extensively to find the perfect specimens for the attraction.  I think he succeeded brilliantly.

Fencing inside of Camp Jurassic. You can see that Universal “spared no expense” when it came to the lush foliage that fills the Jurassic area of Islands of Adventure.

JO: What, for you, was the most challenging aspect of bringing Jurassic to life? I mean, it’s probably challenging enough to bring dinosaurs back to life, but were there any surprise problems, hiccups, or changes along the way that wouldn’t have been expected when preparing to showcase creatures dead for 66 million years?

BOB: Several.  Mark Kuskowski found a five palm cluster we wanted to use as the icon landscape element as the entered the area.  It was placed in front of the Discovery Center adjacent to a central filtration pond that we engineered to clean and circulate all the water in the main lagoon.  To get it installed (it was huge) without destroying the surrounding area development, we had to plant it very early in the project.  It was the first tree planted on site and we had to take many precautions to protect it as the area grew up around it.  I think the pond did not work as well as intended and the landscape around it took off, obscuring the five palm cluster that we so laboriously planted.

Another issue was the Banyan tree for Camp Jurassic.  Mark searched long and hard for the perfect tree, which he found in South Florida.  We made arrangements to have it transported to Orlando, but the contractor hacked so many branches off the tree that, when it arrived, it was pathetic looking.  Mark was distressed and had it planted at the end of Scene 1 in the RIVER ADVENTURE just before the JP gates and found a new tree, which we carefully transported to Orlando and installed in Camp Jurassic.   Comically, it did not flourish as well as the original tree.

JO: For you, what was the moment it all came together? Was it riding River Adventure opening day? Getting sneezed on by one of the Triceratops? Seeing a baby raptor hatch? What moment gave you that classic “[We] did it…” Malcolm moment.

BOB: It all came together during the soft opening of the Park.  All our attractions, except Triceratops, were fully operational and the guest reactions were very gratifying.

JO: Similarly, what did you find to be the most impactful or important element of the land?

BOB: Without a doubt, it was, as intended, the architecture and landscaping.  We purposefully did not want the guests to engage with any dinosaurs as they walked the land.  This was to encourage them to enter the attractions to see the dinosaurs.  So the area development needed to convey the grandeur of the movies, which I feel it did magnificently.

Old “animal tracker” unit that was in front of the Discovery Center, before being removed for VelociCoaster. A reference to the motion sensor tracking system used in Crichton’s original novel.

JO: Are there any favorite “Easter Eggs” of yours in the land? Are there any that you believe people haven’t discovered yet or aren’t well known? There are literally SO many littered throughout the island.

BOB: We buried a lot of easter eggs in the queue for Triceratops – too many to recount and I am not sure they remain.

JO: If you could see the Jurassic land grow, change, or evolve further- what kind of offerings would you hope to see? More stories told through rides? Shows? More edu-tainment type offerings like the Discovery Center? What do you think should be focused on?

BOB: I think, in synergy with the film franchise, the area needs a lot of “thrill”.  I think the VelociCoaster attraction is the right direction for the area.

JO: What is your favorite dinosaur?

BOB: Hands down, it would be the Triceratops.

This Triceratops fossil replica served as the entrance for (the now closed) Triceratops Encounter attraction.

JO: If there are any other details, anecdotes, or thoughts you would like to share during your time as the Show Producer for Jurassic.

BOB: I consider myself fortunate to have been selected to be part of this project.  It is one of the highlights of my career and afforded me an opportunity to participate in theme parks at a level I had previously only dreamed of.

JO: What would you say to others who may be interested in a career in themed entertainment?

BOB: I would encourage a career in this industry.  It is engaging, challenging, and fun.  Developing the proper tools is a pre-requisite for participation in today’s industry and requires a mastery of computer graphics and pre-visualization tools as well as creative talent.

Shreve makes an appearance in this early promotional footage for the island that originally aired on USA Channel in the 90’s, which you can watch below:

With the park opening in 1999, these mighty creatures were no longer merely trapped in museums, books, or movies- they were brought to life right in front of us. With the world of Jurassic Park fully realized, fans of the franchise, dinosaur lovers, and thrill seekers alike finally had a place to live out their own prehistoric adventures.

While the initial opening of Universal’s Islands of Adventure was rocky, the park has since gained great acclaim and notoriety over its twenty-five years of operation, with multiple awards for attractions, restaurants, entertainment offerings, and more. The Jurassic area, specifically, is still considered one of the main pulls for guests visiting the resort. VelociCoaster is considered one of the best rollercoasters ever made, the Discovery Center was used in several Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary marketing videos last year, and River Adventure (even with it showing its age) still has boats filled with people screaming and laughing their way through surviving an encounter with the park’s dinosaurs.

An Exclusive Jurassic Park: Survival Update from IGN

The upcoming video game Jurassic Park: Survival is in active development, and this week IGN got an exclusive look at the game and unveiled some brand new concept art and in-game screenshots! Their exclusive reveal also included new information about the game plus some hints at the plot, characters, dinosaurs and a whole lot more.

A summary of the new information shared by IGN:

  • Jurassic Park: Survival will unfortunately not be released in 2024
  • Brand new locations will feature that weren’t seen in the original movie
  • Maya Joshi won’t be the only character in this game
  • There is a chance that non-movie dinosaurs will feature
  • Jurassic Park is Universal’s “most requested game”

With many a tease leading up to Summer Game Fest, Jurassic Park: Survival was expected to make an appearance – with most of us assuming a new trailer would play during the Xbox portion of the event. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be, but thanks to an IGN exclusive on the anniversary of Jurassic Park’s release, we have a new behind-the-scenes look at the game.

Included within the update was concept art that shows us new areas of the island that we might be able to explore. Also included were some new in-game screenshots – a first for this title. It’s important to mention that concept art doesn’t confirm it will appear in the game, but it’s a pretty good sign that it might.

The first piece of concept art shows us an InGen building marked A1, a sort-of bunker and the Communications tower on Isla Nublar. A Jurassic Park staff jeep is parked outside, the doors wide open. A beautiful rainy night captures the island we know so perfectly, this must be the night of the storm…

You might recognize this building as the one from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom! It’s the radio tower bunker that was first featured in that movie. The structure itself – built on Kualoa Ranch in Oahu – was part of the original Jurassic Park, but repurposed by Jurassic World staff to track the islands’ dinosaurs.

What we are now seeing is that same – or what we assume is the same – dilapidated radio tower, but back in its prime at Jurassic Park in 1993. This is pretty damn cool and for fans of Fallen Kingdom, an awesome way to connect the two movies.

Next up is an even cooler piece that will resonate with most fans: Maya Joshi rushing down the river in a yellow dinghy being pursued by two raptors.

A scene originally planned for the first movie and similar to moments in the first novel featuring Dr. Grant, Tim, and Lex navigating down the river while being pursued by a T. rex. The scene never made it to production but Jurassic Park: Survival represents the perfect opportunity to bring it to life. Just the thought of having to navigate a boat of some kind down this river while being pursued by the escaped dinosaurs of Jurassic Park is very exciting.

IGN also shared a few in-game screenshots from the Alpha stage of development.

We see the tropical jungle of Nublar and a stealthily approaching T. rex, three Velociraptors stalking in the night, seemingly as a pack, and then something different – the theatre. The rotating theatre from Jurassic Park in which multiple John Hammonds and Mr. DNA explain InGen’s miracle of dinosaur cloning.

We knew as much but now we see it, in-game: We will be able to walk through the Visitors Center’s many buildings and attractions. This is a fantastic aspect of this game, and is something fans have wanted since the movie was released!

These updates didn’t make everyone happy – the anticipation for a new trailer was real, but this establishes something important. The game might not be as far along as we all thought, and that is okay. More time for the game to be the best it can be is a good thing.

But the game still looks promising, and is still promising to deliver all of the things that Jurassic fans have wanted for a long time, as IGN details in their article.

While there is a lot to unpack, the information they’ve shared is all positive and it’s hard not to remain excited. We wish they could have confirmed whether or not the game will be open world, but either way it sounds like survival will be the key, as the name implies. Here’s hoping Alien: Isolation is an inspiration for them.

Saber has a lot to live up to with how long for this type of Jurassic Park game to come to fruition, and they surely understand that. That being said, let’s not push and let’s not force them in any way to rush because this game deserves the time to develop correctly. Wherever they are in the development phase right now, the first trailer holds a lot of promises for what Survival is going to be. It makes sense that the development is still going to take a while. The game will not be out in 2024, that much we know. It’s more than likely now going to be late 2025 or sometime in 2026.

But we’ll have plenty of new Jurassic to consume between now and then!

This tease from IGN was awesome, and as much as it feels like a bit of a response to the lack of appearance at Game Fest, it’s exciting just to hear and see more about the game! It’s in development, it’s on track, and it’s looking great!

Sort of brings to mind the kind of updates we got for… Jurassic Park: Survival… back in the day…

How excited are you to play this video game and what did you think about this update? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned for more news!

Prop Collector Discovers Shot From A Deleted Moment In Jurassic Park

Today, a piece of film history has been unearthed. ‘Jurassic Park’ may be over 30 years old, but we are still discovering pieces of its past.

Mark Bushey, a prop collector who specializes in horror film artifacts, came across an amazing find from eBay.

“[It is an] S-Test — Publicity Stills for Jurassic Park, dated March 02, 1993. Unlike 35mm trailers, this is not a trailer and there is no audio track anywhere on the film and the images appear horizontal, rather than vertical like traditional trailers.”

While on the surface this strange find looks like it is merely stills from the film that we have all seen before, there is one image that stands out from the rest. I will say in advance to please NOT share the following images without giving credit to Mark Bushey. He has given us permission to use them for this article. And just to clarify, he does not have the scene itself, only the still image via the reel amongst the other still images:

The still image is from a scene/shot that was cut from ‘Jurassic Park,’ a fun moment during the arrival of the park’s guests on the island. Grant mistakes a Brachiosaurus leg for a tree trunk, which then suddenly moves. Following that we get the full reveal of the majestic animal, as shown in the final film. This brief moment was storyboarded and depicted in David Koepp’s script, but it was unknown if it was shot or had completed ILM VFX. Now, we now know both were true.

In my opinion, I can actually see why this shot was cut. While ILM’s Brachiosaurus looks amazing for its time, the dinosaur’s leg doesn’t quite match the trees as well as it was depicted in John Bell‘s storyboards (as seen above, thanks to Astrid Vega). It is possible that Spielberg later cut this moment since it’s not as effective as originally envisioned, but something he wouldn’t have known for sure until the final shot was realized.

Rick Carter’s Jurassic Park depicts an early version of the sequence with the storyboards and an older script.

Given that these stills were dated March of 1993, months before its June release, there is a wonder if a slightly longer cut of the film did exist at one point that included these completed moments. For years, some fans have touted seeing a longer cut (specifically in the UK by people like Jamie Arnold) during the beginning of its theatrical run. Stills of other cut scenes have been found over the years, but so far the only footage we have ever seen of one is in the film’s trailer: Ellie Sattler grabbing a leaf on their way to the Brachiosaurus. But this new Brachiosaur leg image is the first time we have seen a deleted moment that had completed VFX.

While Mark is ecstatic with his incredibly rare find, he is willing to consider parting with it for the right price. If interested, contact him through his Facebook page.

(Special thanks to Jiří Alpharaptor Schön for pointing out this amazing find!)

Will we ever see an extended cut of ‘Jurassic Park?’ Will other stills of deleted scenes, or footage, find their way online in the meantime? What do you think of this newly-discovered Brachiosaur leg shot? Let us know in the comments below, and stay tuned to Jurassic Outpost for the latest news about the past and future!

Jurassic to be Included in NEW Universal Orlando Shows Coming this Summer!

On Monday, April 29th, Universal Orlando officially announced a plethora of new attractions and entertainment offerings coming to the resort this summer, several of which will include Jurassic characters and scenes.

Three new shows, one new themed land, and an all-new tribute store are all set to open throughout this summer. On June 14th, 2024 there is the simultaneous opening of an all-new DreamWorks-inspired land, the CineSational: A Symphonic Spectacular (both on the Universal Orlando side,) and Hogwarts Always nighttime show (on the Islands of Adventure side.) Then, on July 3rd, Universal will debut its newest parade, the Universal MEGA MOVIE Parade.

At the new DreamWorks Land, you’ll ‘let your imagination soar as your favorite characters from Shrek, Trolls and Kung Fu Panda come together in one colorful new land at Universal Studios Florida. Meet Shrek and splash in his swamp. Scream with laughter on the Trollercoaster. Learn kung fu with Po. Plus, ignite your sense of wonder with the new live show DreamWorks Imagination Celebration.’

For Hogwarts Always, guests will experience ‘a journey through iconic moments of a year at the beloved school of witchcraft and wizardry, all set against the majestic background of Hogwarts™ castle in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade™. On select nights.’

The CineSational: A Symphonic Spectacular lagoon show will feature 228 fountains that reach heights up to 131 feet, new 4K projection mapping, an original composition featuring newly arranged scores meticulously crafted to each scene, and more than 600 drones. The show will also highlight past, present, and future Universal attractions including “Jurassic World,” “Jaws,” “Shrek,” “Ghostbusters,” “Trolls,” “Back to the Future,” “Universal Monsters,” “Transformers,” “How to Train Your Dragon,” “E.T.,” “Fast and Furious,” “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” “Minions,” “The Mummy” and “King Kong, and “Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts” films.

Capping off the summer fun in July, the highly anticipated new parade show debuts. At the Universal MEGA MOVIE Paradeyour favorite characters will leap off the screen and onto the streets for a daytime parade. Feel the roar of the T.rex, enjoy the adventure of E.T., embrace your true colors with Trolls, and more. On select days.’ The parade is said to be Universal’s biggest daytime parade to date, combining 13 brand new floats, nearly 100 performers – including dancers, skaters, stilt walkers, performers and more – and special effects to create a jaw-dropping experience where guests can relive classic film moments in a whole new way.

While we don’t have official images of any of the floats or characters that will be present, we encourage everyone to check out videos online of past parades from Universal parks in Japan and Singapore.

In conjunction with the new parade will be this summer’s tribute store, themed to the various movies and characters that will be brought to life in the show. Will this mean that, for the third time, Jurassic will be present in a tribute store? Time will tell!

Tell us, are you excited about the new summer offerings coming to Universal Orlando? What scenes and moments from the Jurassic franchise do you hope to experience in the new parade and nighttime show?

See Jurassic Park’s Original T-Rex In A Video Uncovering Tim Lawrence’s Files!

Jurassic Time unveils a very special short documentary: ‘Jurassic Park’s Original T-Rex: The Tim Lawrence Files.’ Discover an unknown history behind the most famous dinosaur ever featured on film. Tim Lawrence was the first to design the Tyrannosaurus Rex for the classic movie. He worked on special creature effects for films like ‘Ghostbusters 2,’ ‘Harry and the Hendersons,’ & ‘Gremlins 2.’ Tim was a man of many talents, and great aspirations, until he sadly passed away in 2019.

During his career, Tim Lawrence was one of the first people employed for Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation of the Michael Crichton novel: ‘Jurassic Park.’ At this time, he helped create the very first incarnation of the film’s T-Rex. Despite this milestone, after the film went on hiatus during Spielberg’s production of ‘Hook,’ Tim was replaced by Stan Winston for unknown reasons. But the story of Tim Lawrence’s time on ‘Jurassic Park’ is still one that should be remembered. It’s an important piece of the film’s history; one that has never been told in any book or program.

Pre-production image featuring Tim Lawrence, in the grey ‘Les Misérables’ shirt, near Steven Spielberg among others.

Years before his death, Tim listed several auctions of his ‘Jurassic Park’ items on eBay. He provided several pictures and context for all of them, and most have never been seen before. Using these sources, and a few others, I (Derrick Davis) compiled them into a story that are all Tim’s words; with short connective phrases to string them together. Voice actor J. Malone respectively recorded them. While this section of the presentation isn’t Tim’s voice, they are his stories. May he live on in memory…

Mark Hallett designs and notes for the T-Rex.

The video includes an array of rare and never-before-seen images from the production of ‘Jurassic Park,’ including concept art by Mark Hallett, designs by Bob Gurr, and images of Tim’s models, and scans of photographs. As J. tells Tim’s story, it is accompanied with music by Bernard A. Kyer from the game ‘Jurassic Explorer.’

Bob Gurr T-Rex animatronic design.

Some may balk at the design being more fantasy-like in approach, but this was what Spielberg asked for. It is clear, through Tim’s words, that Spielberg wanted a more character-oriented approach to the dinosaur than accuracy. Opinions obviously changed over time, and perhaps that is why he was replaced by Stan Winston later on. Still, one wonders why Tim wasn’t simply given another chance at it? We’ll probably never know. ‘Jurassic Park’ had an extensive pre-production phase compared to many films, especially unique in that it began before the book was even published. Early scripts by Crichton himself were dated months before it was on store shelves!

Additional designs by Tim, nicknamed “Curious” & “Furious.”

Tim Lawrence was a talent that will not be forgotten, and I wanted his story about his time on ‘Jurassic Park’ to finally be out there for everyone to appreciate. He was an important piece of this classic film’s history that needed to finally get a spotlight. I hope it was all done in a tasteful manner for everyone. It was an emotional experience working on this. Hopefully that all shows through in the presentation.

What do you think of Tim’s T-Rex design, despite it being more of a movie monster? Do you wish it had at least been used in another film, like an adaptation of Conan Doyle’s ‘Lost World’ or a ‘King Kong’-type story? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and stay tuned to Jurassic Outpost for the latest (and the past)!

UPDATE: Download Tim’s original files here.

You Can Now WISHLIST Jurassic Park Survival!

The upcoming single-player adventure game from Saber Interactive is now available to add to your wishlist on the platform of your choice.

The studio behind the video game were recently sold from their parent company and many worried the game may suffer delays – or even a potential cancellation. Luckily the studio confirmed nothing had changed.

The game is still in active development and while no release date is set, we are expecting it to come out in 2025.

Today the official account of the game shared the update and the official website updated to include links to wishlist the game on Steam, Epic Games Store, PlayStation store and the Xbox store.

Which platform will you be playing the game on? Comment below!

New Global Filming Locations and Dates for Jurassic World 4 Revealed

According to a new listing from an industry source, Jurassic World 4 is getting set to film in the UK (as previously reported) and also Thailand and Malta! The production is said to begin June 17th of this year and continue through October 18th.

It seems Gareth Edwards’ Jurassic movie will return to locations familiar to him, with his last feature The Creator being filmed partially in Thailand, and familiar to the Jurassic franchise, with Malta being the site of a major set piece in Jurassic World: Dominion.

Watch our full breakdown of the new production news and read more below!

Thanks to Reel News Hawaii we received a production listing that reveals some exciting new information about the next Jurassic movie! The source is considered legitimate but unfortunately based on their own terms we cannot show the image of the listing (although it wouldn’t be too hard to find yourself) – but we can examine the details.

The details relating to the production companies involved all align and for obvious reasons we don’t need to dive into those specifics.

The previously rumored Hawaii and Los Angeles locations are not in this listing, but Thailand and Malta are! Thailand is certainly a new location for the franchise – the islands of Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna have always been represented by the islands of Hawaii. Jurassic Park 3 briefly considered New Zealand for filming, but as we know the movie ultimately did film on the islands of Oahu and Kauai, as well as extensive indoor studio work.

Thailand is an absolutely beautiful country – and a place director Gareth Edwards is familiar with. His latest feature The Creator filmed on location in Bangkok and other locations in Thailand, and Gareth seems to love a bit of globe-trotting – all of his movies have filmed in diverse and wonderful locations around the world. Plus, the coastlines of Thailand alone give off major Jurassic Park island vibes.

We don’t know what the story is and we don’t know when this movie will be set, so at this point we can’t say how they will be utilizing Thailand as a location. But what do you think? Do you believe Thailand will be standing in as the infamous islands’ coastlines?

Let’s talk about the other location – Malta. Fans of the franchise will recognize this location as the black market in Jurassic World: Dominion. A fairly large chunk of that movie filmed on location in Malta, the dinosaur black market was a major plot point in the movie, and it’s where we finally meet Barry again after he went missing for an entire movie.

The return of Malta could very much indicate that we will be seeing Dominion locations again, which might be telling us that this movie is indeed going to be a sequel, set in a world after Jurassic World: Dominion. However, it could be unrelated entirely. Malta is a diverse and beautiful location, one Gareth and his cinematographer surely have many plans for.

The last location on the listing is London, UK, which as previously reported likely indicates sounds stage and studio filming, but could mean more diverse locations for the film.

The final piece of news to discuss from this listing is the filming dates themselves. We have all been hearing JUNE as a “cameras start rolling date” but this production listing seems to have confirmed as such:

Jurassic World 4 will be filming from June 17th to October 18th, 2024.

Also, the title and information on the listing is worth discussing. The title is “JURASSIC WORLD 4” but it then goes on to say “aka JURASSIC CITY / JURASSIC PARK REBOOT.”

The “JURASSIC PARK REBOOT” is making us wonder what the movie might be. It’s not a remake, but the term brings to mind that maybe it won’t be tying itself to the previous movies as much as we thought, or perhaps maybe it’s not a direct sequel to what has come before…

Or maybe, that information on this listing doesn’t mean too much. We will have to see how it all plays out.

Thank you again to our friends at Reel News for sharing this with us! While we cannot 100% confirm this information, it is from a very legitimate source and the details appear to line up, including the numbers and emails connected to it. If you do find it, no, please do not go emailing and phoning those numbers!

And remember, things like film productions are always subject to change.

What do you think of these new filming locations and dates and how do you think they will be utilized? Will we see a return of the dinosaur black market, of the Jurassic Park islands, or are we about to get something entirely new?

Let us know your thoughts down below, and stay tuned to Jurassic Outpost for the latest.

Jurassic Park X Smiggle – A Collection 65 Million Years in the Making

School and leisure essentials company Smiggle has announced a collaboration with Universal Pictures and Jurassic Park! Jurassic Park’s 30th anniversary will continue to be celebrated with really awesome backpacks, lunchboxes, cups, and other gear covered in fun and retro Jurassic colors and imagery. Check out more images and read more about the collaboration line below!

Celebrate the most thrilling of Smiggle collections this Easter – the Jurassic Park x Smiggle Collection is now available in Smiggle stores and online!

Welcome to the prehistoric playground of Jurassic Park x Smiggle, where imaginations run wild! This limited-edition range – including backpacks, lunchboxes, drink bottles, gadgets, travel accessories and more – is sure to bring some dinosaur-sized excitement to Smiggle fans everywhere.

Grab your visitor pass and embark on an amazing journey with this limited-edition collection made for all explorers and show some roarsome Jurassic Park style every day!

All your favourite dinosaurs are coming out to play to help you explore the natural world with this prehistoric collection inspired by the original Jurassic Park film.

The appeal of dinosaurs never grows old and kids (and grown ups) will love the new found inspiration in this collection of accessories and gifts for all ages.

All your favorite Smiggle products have been expertly crafted in Jurassic Park style, with those extra special touches, super materials and special finishes that you expect from the design crew at Smiggle.

As always, there is so much more to choose from in store and online. Smiggle is the perfect place to fill your home with fun and excitement!

The Jurassic Park x Smiggle Collection is now available at Smiggle stores nationally or online at smiggle.com with prices ranging from $9.95 to $49.95.

But wait there’s (even) more… Smiggle’s product range is enormous.

Everything you need for school, holidays or FUN can be found at Smiggle.

Smiggle’s products are designed to inspire and develop creativity with original, fun and affordable stationery, accessories, gadgets and more.


Smiggle is the ultimate destination for your school, birthday and leisure essentials. From backpacks and drink bottles, to gift packs and key-rings, Smiggle is the original creator of all things colourful, fun, unique and on trend.

Smiggle was established in 2003 in Melbourne Australia, originally opening 20 concept stores around the country. By 2007, Smiggle had joined the Just Group – owned by Premier Investments Limited, the ASX listed retail conglomerate.

Fast-forward to 2016 and Smiggle stores had rapidly expanded across Australia and could also be found in the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia.

Today, Smiggle retails from hundreds of standalone stores and wholesale “shop-in-shop” concepts, across multiple countries.


Experience one of the biggest films in motion picture history with director Steven Spielberg’s ultimate thrill ride, Jurassic Park – celebrating 30 years in 2023! Featuring Academy Award®- winning visual effects and groundbreaking filmmaking, this epic film is sheer movie-making magic that was 65 million years in the making. Jurassic Park takes you to an amazing theme park on a remote island where dinosaurs once again roam the Earth, and five people must battle to survive among the prehistoric predators. Starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough, discover the breath-taking adventure you will want to experience again and again.

What do you think about this amazing Jurassic Park collaboration, and will you be picking up any of these items? Be sure to check out the entire Smiggle x Jurassic Park collection here.

Scarlett Johansson Offered Lead Role in Next Jurassic World Film

The Black Widow could be making her way into the ranks of Jurassic leading ladies! According to Hollywood insider Jeff Sneider, Scarlett Johansson has been offered the lead role in the next Jurassic World movie.

Johansson is known for many films, such as Lost in Translation, Lucy, The Prestige, Isle of Dogs, and The Island, more recently her work with Wes Anderson in Asteroid City, and of course her starring role as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow – spy, assassin, and hero in multiple installments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Needless to say, she has more than the chops for such a role as Jurassic, and this could be a great choice for a David Koepp character.

Jeff Sneider shared in his TheInSneider newsletter on March 13th:

Tonight, one of my best sources has told me that Scarlett Johansson has been offered the lead role in the new Jurassic World movie that Gareth Edwards is directing for Universal.

There’s no word on whether she has accepted yet, but her hiring would make a ton of sense, as she’s a proven movie star whom the studio has been high on ever since she powered 2014’s Lucy to a global haul of $469 million.

I’m told that Johansson met with Edwards and producer Frank Marshall at least once. A representative for the actress did not immediately respond to a request for comment, nor did Universal.

Production is slated to start this summer, and Johansson will have wrapped her feature directorial debut Eleanor the Invisible by then, so she should be available for the high-intensity shoot.

Sneider goes into more detail and discussion in his full newsletter and The Hot Mic podcast, so please be sure to check both of those out!

What do you think about this potential casting for Gareth Edwards’ upcoming Jurassic film? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to Jurassic Outpost for the latest!